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"Hèïd, The living reef"

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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 1:09:14 AM

Name : Hèïd. The living reef.


Hèïds, as old as the world who saw them birth, these descendants of great coral reef, have absorbed over millennia of dust. They have evolved well in using their symbiose with other marine organisms, to take different forms depending on their needs. These being are charged with dust energy function in surper-organism, they are capable of acting individually but are also connected with the rest of them by waves of energy they release. It also allow them to communicate with other species and fed their technologies. Now they 're ready for the next step of theirs evolution.

Faction traits:

This faction life through dust , so it is very important for the player to be very careful in its income dust . Therefore forged diplomatic ties, trade route and avoid any actions leading to the loss of dust is important for them.

Dust flow: 

Construct 1 Dust propeller on two node to create a Dust flow between them :

-Maintains x dust.

-Fleet move 50% faster on the dust flow.

-Ennemy Fleet move 50% slower on the dust flow. 

-Bonus to trade route.


''Overload'' it's a capacity activable by the player to overload the Hèïds with dust giving to them bonus for a time. 

-On system: Activate the orverload to boost growth and production for 5 turn on system, that cost x dust each turn as maintains.

-Before battle : spend dust to boost damage, resistance, life and shield on fleet, after the figth the fleet need to rest to evacuate the energy exceeding, fleet can't move for 2 turn. 

-Invasion or siege : spend dust to boost troops for 3 turn on system, at the end of the effect the capacity is unvailable for 5 turn. 

Slow growth: 

Growth is slowed for this species.

Shared knowlegde:  

+x science per Pop. on empire.

Dust shortage: 

If the dust income is negative, the production is reduce of 25%(can be edit) on empire and fleets move 50% slower, until income return to positif.

Communication Interior: 

By reverse empathy Hèïds share theirs feeelings to the interlocutor, according to political ideology of the faction, it will influence the opions of others factions

Pacific: Others factions are more likely to make cold war, peace or alliance with the player. Player cannot declare war. +x approval per alliance or diplomatic action on empire.

Militarist: Others factions are more likely to declare war, break alliance and trade with the player.  -x approval per faction in war with the player on empire.

Scientist: Others factions are more likely to share theirs technology. +x science per trade route on empire.

Religious: Others fations are more likely to make offrand to the player.  +x influence per trade route on empire.

Ecologist: Others factions are more likely to want to trade at low cost theirs ressources based on plantes. +x food per trade route on empire.

Industrialist: Others factions are more likely to want to trade at low cost theirs ressources based on minerals. +x production per trade route on empire.


+2 Pop. Max on ocean planete.

+2 Pop. Max on Atoll planete.

+1 Pop. Max on terran planete.

+1 Pop. Max on troptical planete.


The Hèïds have no defined forms, but in general pieces of coral highlighted connected by plants or other items necessary for their needs (Imagine a mega coral spider specialize for construction). Several of theirs constructions are Hèïds themselves like space ship.

PS: Sorry to not put exact value on certain bonus , because I do not know how it will make the faction balanced.

All comments wellcome. Enjoy.

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 4:35:00 AM

Cool idea. Very unique. I like the Dust Flows trait, as I don't remember seeing anything like this yet. With all the bonuses to dust/economy, and being able to use dust to make their military stronger, this feels not very in tuned with the "diplomatic pacifists" theme of the contest. You have a great start though. I'm following.

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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 7:38:32 AM

Yes you're right , the "Overload" traits make them too aggressive, i change to give a more defensive and utility aspects. The player now must choose the critical moment to activate it.

i also change the "Communication interior" traits to penalize the player if he choose the aggressive way. 

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 9:46:31 AM

This idea is pretty interesting. However this,

Dust shortage: 

''By loosing their source of life, the hèïds freezes such a statues.''

If the dust income is negative, every 2 turn a pop. become unvailable until income return to positif.

will actually make the dust shortage worse. If they lose population from dust shortaes every two turns (or if the pop just freezes as you said it does) they lose the ability to effectively generate dust. Since the dust is being drained due to either improvements or ships, and not population, it will make it more and more difficult to get dust without demolishing said improvements or fleets. I recommend coming up with and alternative way to effectively inhibit them. Perhaps apply major percentage loses towards FIDSI?

Just a thought.

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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 10:50:31 AM

Thanks, you make me realize that the population  generates its own energy, so the negative income shall have no effect on them. 

And like you said, it would be worse to paralize them to death.  i change to slow down the production and fleet move slower.

thank again.

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