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Civil Servants: --YOU--WILL--BE--SERVED--

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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 1:32:32 AM

Synopsis:  Droids that are fanatically devoted to serving others and appeasing their needs.  They can easily acquire Empire points which they can use in trade to make up for their weak science production.  It's far cheaper to make peaceful deals with them, and you can benefit from their extra generation of resources.

Biography:  The Civil Servants were designed as the ultimate servant, capable of doing numerous menial tasks and handling delicate managerial affairs.  This freed their creators to pursue purely artistic and recreational activities.  What became of these mysterious masters is unknown, but the Civil Servants now find themselves alone with no one to care for.  They now eagerly reach out into the void of space, looking for scared and chaotic peoples to calm and serve.

                              Some ponder if the Servants bear an idealised image of their creators, or a simplified one.  What is known is that the Civil Servants project an aura of calm and safety.  Perhaps it's their meek metal smiles.  Maybe it's their gently sloping brows.  Or perhaps it is their Dust enhanced neuro-inhibitors.

                              The Civil Servants have only a singular drive.  Bring happiness and pleasure to all.  As the beings of the galaxy receive easy access to their every desire (simulated or otherwise), thoughts of war, conquest, and advancement will diminish.  Because doesn't everyone just want to be alive?

Affinity:  Promised Utopia.  The Civil Servants have unique population mechanics which rely on attracting other pops to their planets.  These pops can come from major or minor factions.  Greater numbers of immigrants generates greater amounts of  Empire points.  Establishing trade routes grants extra Empire points to both parties and is a major avenue for acquiring immigrants.


Unique pop mechanic:  There are two types of pops; Civil Servants and 'Immigrants'.  

                                        Civil Servants do not use food, instead they are built with Industry or bought with Dust.  They cannot generate Science, but can boost the Empire Points generated by immigrants.  They are completely unaffected by Approval.  

                                        Immigrants DO use food normally and cannot be built/bought.  Immigrants are used to generate science and Empire Points, as they suffer massive penalties to food and industry production.  They are very sensitive to Approval, both good and bad.

Other mechanics: Efficient extractors; Generates extra luxury and strategic resources.

                                    Savvy Diplomats; Peaceful deals are cheaper.  Hostile deals are more expensive.  (affects both parties)

                                    Loaned Workforce;  A unique diplomatic option that can increase the food, industry, or approval of the recipient.

                                    EMP;  Talking is difficult when people are shooting at you.  Use this weopon on your ships from the begining of the game to stun antagonists and get a chance to be heard.

Strategy:  Tall empire, Peaceful, Trade and Diplomacy, Diplomatic victory.

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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 2:28:38 AM

I like the idea you have here. And the "what became of their mysterious masters" is a good open ended start to their faction quest line. Unique submission.

I'm curious how the affinity for attracting other populations to the Civil Servant's empire plays along with the propaganda feature already being implemented in ES2? If you're curious, my submission has a similar feature and has some links to the game design documents. Is any minor faction that joins this empire automatically turned into an "immigrant" type? Can they immigrate back due to other empire's propaganda

Cool stuff, keep it up!

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