Name: Vargus

Primary Victory Types: Pacifist/Diplomatic

Game-play: Manipulation/Scientific

Physical Traits: Weak, light reflective bodies.

Description: Armed conflict is a necessary element of expansion, and the Vargus know this better than most. However, their frail, shimmering bodies cannot withstand such acts of aggression, so to avoid direct confrontation, they have mastered the art of manipulation. Vargus society prize intelligence and wit, and shun physical acts of aggression. They would rather to acquire new territories through trade or manipulation, than open conflict, but will not shy away if their territory is threatened. They are lead by the 'Dominus', the secretive head of The Agency, which pulls the strings from within the shadows. Through the use of Battle Thralls, alliances, deep pockets and superior technology, the Vargus aim to spread their peaceful culture to all ends of the galaxy, whether the other factions like it or not.

Affinity: Suggestive Thought: The Vargus have minor psychic abilities, which enable them to manipulate others into acting against their own self interest. +20% to all diplomatic relations and trade deals, +10% to agents, uniquely able to turn minor factions into Battle Thralls, no need to fight if your Thralls do it for you.

Population Bonus: 

Deep pockets: +10% dust income on all systems

Unity: +20% population happiness when not at war

Poor Shipwrights: -30% ship hp, +15% cost to ship production/upgrades

Near sighted: -20% damage at long ranges.