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The Blessed (your friendly hive neighbour)

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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 6:33:49 AM

Concept: your friendly hive neighbour

Strong at: diplomacy, production

Weak at: heroes, warfare

Normal at: science, exploration

Faction building: The (Honey)Comb - a very cheap (1-2 turns turnwise) building that boosts Dust production a bit. When The Combs are located on every planet in the system, Dust production in the system is raised drastically.

Faction unit: (The Dog-Bee) - diplomatic ship

History: The Blessed is the race of peaceful bee-like hive insects that become sentient when Dust came to their home planet. Their Hive mind became sentient, and every individual became sentient, and in this very moment their connection became not only telepathic-like but also empathic, they learned to feel and understand each other perfectly. When they reach open space they realized that every living being is basically the same, everyone can feel and think and thus may became a part of a Hive. 

Core feature: Their psychic powers are getting stronger when they gather Dust. More Dust = more empathy = better diplomacy. The Dust is their religion: Dust blessed them to bring peace and unity to the galaxy so peace and unity is their merit (Hive logic!).  They get dust on ANY peaceful act of diplomacy in the galaxy, more important deal = more Dust. 

Look: Bee-like bipedal insects. Diplomats and rulers became bipedal to be more similar to other sentient races. Workers and warriors mostly walk on all six legs because they don`t need to communicate with other races.

Idea: IMO, the main idea of the Endless franchise is a Dust changing species and then species changing the world. That`s what I wanted to say. 

P.S. Sorry for bad English.

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 11:46:14 AM

Nice concept, bro. How do they look: antropomorph or bee-like? Or something in the middle?

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 1:13:25 PM
Meztihn wrote:

Nice concept, bro. How do they look: antropomorph or bee-like? Or something in the middle?

Thanks! I added the "Look" to the main post and my idea of this race also.

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