The biography of my proposition is followed by gameplay ideas, and then by a further description of their society, as it was impossible for me to fit it in to my 200 word summary. This is considered an appendix to my entry, as I hope my biography is enough in itself to put across the idea of my faction.



 The Sirens are a race of genetically modified humans descended from a small team of scientists that excavated a long abandoned Endless colony preserved beneath a deep sea on the moon of their home planet, Electra IV.  The team was composed of five women: Sadis, Sofia, Persephone, Tereza, and Electra. Defying the prohibitions of their Emperor, they boarded a small research vessel - propelled only by solar sails powered by the reflective light of the moon - which was designed to escape the atmosphere of their home planet, dive beneath the surface of the sea, and penetrate the crystal surface of the underwater dome which encapsulated the colony, in one smooth, mathematically precise motion. 


 By reverse engineering Endless artifacts, they developed an almost godlike mastery of the human genome. Through a painful process of trial and error, they set in motion a millennia-long program of genetic engineering which, beginning from modified clones carried in their wombs, created a race of cyborg, androgynous humanoids, their skins turned pink and hard, and whose ideals of non-violent coexistence carry them through a life seeking the one thing they can still feel: pleasure.




 The Sirens have an affinity with the [Approval] parameter. High [Approval] confers significantly greater economic benefits, and low approval can lead to economic and military. Economically they are very adaptive, but are much more capable at specializing in a single economic strength than maintaining an economy that is strong in every aspect. They are very sensitive to actions which influence [Approval], and as such each change must be planned out. Heroes provide approval bonuses linked to their specialization, and in turn their abilities are enhanced by local approval ratings. They can create teleporters on moons once the technology has been researched. 


 The Sirens cannot take planets from other races, or declare war on another faction, and their first strategic goal is to coerce or seduce each faction in to accepting a peace settlement. They do this by taking military control of unclaimed space from the beginning of the game, curtailing the expansion of nearby factions until peace is accepted. When overpowered, Siren fleets are able to bring their enemy's strength down to their level via a form of hypnosis, and as a result attacking them is always a great risk. Peaceful relations with the Sirens can bring significant benefits, but is liable to benefit one side much more than the other. Nevertheless, the Sirens seek peace unconditionally, as they are unable to maintain a large military force and a growing economy simultaneously.



Every siren has a unique set of physical characteristics, which change significantly with age. Some of these are linked to the five families, descended from the five researchers who founded their society, which provides a minimal form of personal identity, and interactions between members of the families follows a ritualistic pattern, though there is no formal social separation between them. 


 The political and strategic affairs of the Sirens are conducted in secret. Commands travel through word-of-mouth, so that the origin and destination of a single message is never revealed. This is considered the only respectful way for society to be organized; no Siren would want to accept a recognized position above their peers, as this would obtrude upon their individual right to seek gratification. As a result, Siren society is a complex flux of social relations, where the boundaries between personal and political affairs is non-existent. This system is ultimately very unequal, and results in a winner-takes-all society, and its fabric is often disturbed in bad times by the influence of narcotics and bio-mechanical hedonic stimulants.