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The Amarris, or The People of Amarros The Blue, crazed about their own extinction.

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9 years ago
Aug 21, 2016, 4:19:49 PM

The Amarris, or The People of Amarros The Blue, crazed about their own extinction. 


      Firstly divided in tribes, the inhabitants of Amarros led devastating wars against each others. Until one day, one of their weapons triggered a chain reaction.

      A few settlers were established on the cold moon of the planet, and they watched in horror their home planet getting shattered by nuclear explosions. Nothing remains, as the surface of Amarros get erased of any lifeform.

      Traumatised by this tragic episode of their history, the exiled survivors gathered, and started to refer at themselves as Amarris, or The People of Amarros the Blue. One millennium after these events, the belief that any race is one day to extinct is deeply anchored in them, whether it's due to internal or external causes and they are strongly determined to remain forever in this galaxy.

      The Amarris are now led by the assembly of the Wise Ones, who all chemically renounced their feelings and emotions to serve best the survival of their kind, valuing eloquence and politic over anything else.

      Reluctant to go to war, as the life of an Amarris must be preserved and not engaged nor wasted in combat, they will still fight spitefully to protect their own kind if they have no other choice left.

      It’s not their last stand. But they will do anything to be the last to stand !


  • Non-Existing Probes ? (NEP)

      Amarris have always been fascinated by the existence of other dimensions. While experimenting on Dust , they have accidentally discovered a way to remain between two realities, while not physically belonging to any. They can therefore send probes to any system in the galaxy (if in sights), which will display collected data (trade, garrison, last unit/building produced here) to any empire at peace or allied with the Amarris. But the process is risky, highly unstable and consumes lots of Dust . After 5 turns, the probe is destroyed, and it takes 10 turns to rebuilt (before you can use it again). The initial cap for these probes is set to one (and can be raised up to 3, best number in my opinion, though it might have to be balanced in the future by people paid for it), and the cost in Dust has to be set to a high value.

      This is a very special feature, designed to fuck up war plans of other empires as well as making Amarris a challenging adversary. Will you attack them knowing they can spot your weak points and show them to any of their friends ? What if you get backstabbed by one of your neighbours ? On the other side, if you get allied or friendly with them, you can be greatly rewarded.

  • DOUBLE DEALING They don’t want to go to war, but if empires around them are burning, it’s considered great news.

Going at war with another empire cost twice the normal influence cost, as they will always try to get other factions fight in their interest before going to fight.

-5% approval  for each current war they are involved in.

+5% influence  for each current war they are not involved in.

No penalties or cost of any sorts for breaking alliances.

Cannot use diplomatic warnings .

  • GREAT SPEAKERS They don’t want to fight, but they can convince you to do it for them.

Non-Amarris ships owned by the Amarri Empire (such as mercenaries or minor factions ships) have +10% attack.

  • RUMOURS AND WRONG INFORMATIONS The Amarris have the habit to lure their rivals to make sure their technologic progress are not getting too fast.

The targeted empire get a malus of -10% science  for 5 turns, while the cost of this action will increase of 50% for the Amarri Empire. The same empire cannot be targeted twice in a row.

Used as a declaration in the diplomacy menu, need influence  to maintain. Only one empire at a time can be targeted. Can target both friendly and hostile empires (it doesn’t matter if the target is an ally or a foe you are at war with). They'll get a notification however. 

  • UNIQUE BUILDING Negative Waves Propagator (idea for potential quests rewards)

Can be built in any border system. Other empires systems linked to the one owning this improvement have a -15% happiness.

I’m not a native english speaker, and I hope I didn’t do too much errors or mistakes, although I have no doubts that I’ve done a lot of these. My style is not the best, as I had to cut through a lot of my ideas and make my 3 pages of lore fit the 200-words limit, but I hope you’ll like the final result. I tried to do something very different of what we’re used to see.

This empire is supposed to win via diplomacy or science. It has to be played with a special-pain-in-the-ass-style for other empires.

If there’s anything you would like me to deepen, or something you want me to clarify, don’t hesitate to ask !

Thanks for reading

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 21, 2016, 7:08:51 PM

Cool ideas here. At first glance, you are over the 200 word limit for the bio. I suggest shortening this to fully qualify. I'm on board though. Keep it up!  

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9 years ago
Aug 23, 2016, 3:18:36 PM

I'm glad you like it! 

You're right about the word limit, I misunderstood the rules of the contest. I thought it was 200 words for their lore only, and then as much as we would need... 

Unfortunately, I'm currently in the countryside, and it is somewhat tricky for me to connect to the internet. I will work on a new version of their bio this evening, and I'll edit my proposition tomorrow when I will be back in town. 

I'm really sorry about it, and I want to point out that it was never in my intention to cheat the words limit. 

If, in the meantime, you have any suggestion for me to make this faction better, this could greatly help! Thanks for your support. 

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9 years ago
Aug 23, 2016, 3:38:08 PM

I like how they have unique bonuses for getting other factions to fight.

Is their ability to cripple other empire's science output counter-able? For instance in EL, both the Roving Clan's Market lockout and the Drakken's Force Peace were able to be canceled by the other empire spending their own influence.

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9 years ago
Aug 24, 2016, 12:23:16 PM

Here, just rectified my submission. Now it fits perfectly the rules of the contest : exactly 200 words ! :D

carolean7 wrote:

Is their ability to cripple other empire's science output counter-able? For instance in EL, both the Roving Clan's Market lockout and the Drakken's Force Peace were able to be canceled by the other empire spending their own influence. 

That’s a very good point. At first, I imagined that the fact it would need influence to maintain this action was dissuasive enough for abuses, but you’re right, it’s not, especially in mid/end game where you can expect players to have lots of influence to spend.

I firstly thought about making slowly grow this amount of influence necessary to sustain this action, but it’s too hard to balance and I was not satisfied with this solution alone.

Then, I thought of a similar system as the ones we can find in Endless Legend, paying influence, but I finally ended up thinking it didn’t really make sense, since it’s a scientific issue, not a diplomatic one.

I finally came up with this : « The targeted empire get a malus of -10% science for 5 turns, while the cost of this action will increase of 50% for the Amarri Empire. The same empire cannot be targeted twice in a row. »

I’m very happy with it, as it will still be effective (slowing down other empires progresses), but can also be like a double-edged sword ; the Amarris will have to estimate the right time to strike, and they'll be punished if they abuse it. 

I hope you’ll approve this solution !

Thank you for your very valuable feedback

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9 years ago
Aug 24, 2016, 1:40:47 PM

I like your solution. Cool stuff. Best of luck!  

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