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The Annemareyn

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8 years ago
Aug 22, 2016, 9:53:20 PM

The Annemareyn

"Life is joy, celebrate with us!"

Life's ultimate goal is to enjoy oneself to the fullest and the Annemareyn are often the first to find and try new things. Their people disdain war, preferring an existence solely devoted to self-gratification, for both themselves and anyone that would visit their worlds, all are welcomed with open arms.

Annemareyn are humanoids that lack any and all body hair with skin colors ranging from yellow tints (temperate regions) to reddish (equatorial zones) and any variation in between. Clothes are worn for comfort and ease of movement while jewelry and other types of body ornamentation are sparsely used.  


For the Annemareyn, the journey to the stars had been a slow one; their technological advancement had been trapped in an early space age for nearly a millennia, which itself was the result of technology. 

Always creating, imagining, their world a work of art in it's own right, through every era the drive to find something new spurred them on, but then disaster struck.

Virtual Reality. 

Real to all of one's senses and the perfect way to create and experience new things again and again, the only limit being the creators imagination. For the Annemareyn, the sky was the limit, quite literally, none wished to leave for the stars despite the technology being within their grasp, what good was risking one's life for real if it could be done from the virtual safety of home? 

By chance however, a stellar cloud bearing small amounts of dust clashed with Layaral's atmosphere, infusing some of the Annemareyn... this was new, exciting, magnificent! Word of this scarce substance quickly spread among the populace and a new goal quickly become apparent.

The stars called, dust called, and the Annemareyn would find it.



A boreal planet of great beaty, praised by the Annemareyn themselves as the grandest of worlds in the cosmos, something few would dare to contest; though some might question how natural all it's splendor truly is.

Faction Affinity

Migration Treaty 

The Annemareyn can offer a migration treaty to any empire they are not at war with [max. 3 treaties at any give time], per treaty, they gain the following:

Neutral: +1 Approval, +1 Dust, +1 Science

Peace: +2.2 Approval, +2.2 Dust, +2.2 Science

Allied: +3.3 Approval, +3.3 Dust, +3.3 Science

The empire offered a treaty gains the following bonuses:

Neutral: +3.3 Approval

Peace: +6.6 Approval

Allied: +10 Approval

Breaking a treaty occurs a -10 approval penalty for the empire doing so and a -5 approval penalty for the other empire due to failing to maintain relations.

Technologies exclusive to the Annemareyn can improve the bonuses they gain, while providing comparatively minor bonuses to the other empire.


Focus would lie on finding allies and establishing migration treaties to advance the empire, the more allies, the better. Treaties can be broken and regained on the whims of the player and could allow pitting players against one another by favoring one or the other, or alternating between players so neither gains a clear advantage. While they possess weaker ships (see traits), going to war with a potentially highly useful ally is something to keep in mind, the reverse is also true of course, with an enemy player gaining these benefits. Alternatively, hostile players could pressure the (militarily (depending on tech level)) weaker Annemareyn into not signing a migration treaty with certain players under threat of war. 

Faction Traits

Paradise Worlds

Masters of small-scale terraforming, Annemareyn worlds are things of beauty and unparalleled splendor, resulting in increased approval from those living upon them. [Planet bonus, + 5 approval, doubled on homeworld, only applies to planets settled by Annemareyn]

Tourism Appeal

Members of all species flock to visit the paradise worlds and enjoy what the Annemareyn offer, an increase in dust income as well as a minor bonus to science is gained due to learning from the various visiting species. [Pop bonus, +1 dust, 0.5 science.]

Pleasure Seekers

Always seeking to enhance their experience of life and what it offers, Annemareyn ships are faster then those of other races. [+2 movement]

Harmless Jesters

The Annemareyn are a hedonistic species seeking only pleasure and joy in life, as such, they cannot declare war.

Grand Design

Aesthetics are far to important to neglect, resulting in ships designs that, although exquisite in appearance, lack in wartime usefulness. [-15% ship tonnage]

Thrill of Discovery

Cumulative +1 approval bonus for X turns for each new discovery (triggered events), bonus caps at +5 approval total, encourages active exploration despite possible danger.

Political Ideology

Pacifist, Diplomats

Victory Type

Diplomatic, Economic or Science. 

Migration Treaty techs can branch, either favoring increased dust income from xeno-tourism or science income by promoting cultural exchange.

So here's my (rather late, damn you work..) idea, numbers are all examples and in no way balanced whatsoever.

Also, longtime lurker, hello forumites! :)


Updated 8 years ago.
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