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To members and the Amplicrew - We have serious concerns

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9 years ago
Aug 26, 2016, 8:51:31 AM

The next part of the contest will probably feature an e-mail submission system so we get your submissions and then publish them at the same time. However, due to the platform's limitation, it will still have a "posted first" kind of issue insofar as some will always appear before others in a list, even if posted by the same user in quick succession. We might be able to skirt this limitation depending on the number of submissions we receive, but until we get there, let's focus on what we have ahead of us.

Some of you made great points regarding the number of entries, so where we'd usually have three finalists this time we'll open up to a bunch more, which will reduce the slant of the top submissions (even if not quite overcoming it).

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9 years ago
Aug 26, 2016, 9:10:07 AM
Frogsquadron wrote:

The next part of the contest will probably feature an e-mail submission system so we get your submissions and then publish them at the same time. However, due to the platform's limitation, it will still have a "posted first" kind of issue insofar as some will always appear before others in a list, even if posted by the same user in quick succession. We might be able to skirt this limitation depending on the number of submissions we receive, but until we get there, let's focus on what we have ahead of us.

Some of you made great points regarding the number of entries, so where we'd usually have three finalists this time we'll open up to a bunch more, which will reduce the slant of the top submissions (even if not quite overcoming it).

Thank you for taking into account what we proposed : we are perfectly aware of the current limitations of the new platform (hence the ALPHA on G2G logo) and the solutions we proposed were, as I said on the rule thread, certainly "too optimistic".

I hope that you weren't too exhausted or stressed because of this thread (which arrived just before your return from Gamescom) and that everybody in the Amplicrew is aware of our strong support (this thread was, I think, its best demonstration : I proves we care a lot ).

Have a good day !

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9 years ago
Aug 26, 2016, 10:42:24 AM
Frogsquadron wrote:

 However, due to the platform's limitation, it will still have a "posted first" kind of issue insofar as some will always appear before others in a list, even if posted by the same user in quick succession.

Still an improvement in my eyes. Thank you.

Frogsquadron wrote:

Some of you made great points regarding the number of entries, so where we'd usually have three finalists this time we'll open up to a bunch more, which will reduce the slant of the top submissions (even if not quite overcoming it).

The issue I see with this is that it will split the vote among too many choices and thus leave too many people unsatisfied. I'd recommend using Instant-Runoff Voting in tandem, where voters number their choices from most preferred to least. If their first choice earns the least amount of votes, it is eliminated and their vote goes to their next choice. The process repeats until their are two choices.

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9 years ago
Aug 26, 2016, 1:45:20 PM

That's the plan we have for the long term, but our current voting system cannot be modified at the moment. We had long discussions back in the day on our preferred and fairest ways of selecting winners, and that's pretty much what we'd landed on.

We're still far from being able to implement it yet, unfortunately.

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9 years ago
Aug 26, 2016, 3:35:06 PM

Thank you Amplitude for having accepted to change some elements to this contest : I'm very happy to see so much people participating to the "voting time" !

Although, there is one tiny egocentric problem : I was 13th  on the list... But I must accept my fate : this is the Olympic spirit !

Good luck to everyone and thank you so much for participating to this thread until the end !  

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9 years ago
Aug 26, 2016, 3:38:42 PM
Hinin wrote:

Thank you Amplitude for having accepted to change some elements to this contest : I'm very happy to see so much people participating to the "voting time" !

Although, there is one tiny egocentric problem : I was 13th  on the list... But I must accept my fate : this is the Olympic spirit !

Good luck to everyone and thank you so much for participating to this thread until the end !  

Alright mate, good luck on the next competition (If there ever is a new one) to you too. 

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9 years ago
Aug 26, 2016, 6:25:29 PM

I have been absentee on here for a while as my time and schedule have not allowed me to be as active as I might like but I saw this post and wanted to drop a line. This community remains singular in it's logic, I've been a part of many other game forums and the fact that everyone has maintained a primarily professional attitude here is as always impressive. Frogsquadron did an excellent job of explaining Amplitude's side of this situation and everyone seems to have responded in kind. The fact that this issue was presented as it was and responded to as it was is what makes this platform so extremely successful. On that note I just want to say thank you to everyone involved who has kept their cool and handled this so well. This community remains an example to me of what a community can look like when the developers and the consumers maintain a strong relationship.


Keep setting the bar higher for communication, Much <3 all

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9 years ago
Aug 28, 2016, 4:14:58 AM

I agree with what has been said above and in the other pages, I tried my best to look through all pages and read the submissions which names got my attention but it is a bit sad that there are some really good ideas burried down at the last pages. 

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9 years ago
Aug 29, 2016, 12:14:11 AM

I think we can all agree that changing the G2G website and allowing early voting were the two biggest blunders to happen before the most important contest for ES2.  Moving forward, I hope some of these suggestions made by many of us will be put into effect for the next contest forums:

- Hidden Vote Totals

- Separating Entry and Voting times

- Remove ability to bump posts

- Randomize list

Another suggestion I'd like to add, if votes are hidden during the contest, maybe release who voted for what after the contest, for transparency.  It would be interesting to see who the devs voted for, and also check for any voter fraud.  I'm sure it could be possible for someone to create 1000s of new accounts for a vote boost.

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8 years ago
Sep 3, 2016, 6:58:30 PM

Interesting, from the rules it states: "For impartiality reasons and to avoid fraud, the number of votes for each round and will be kept secret until completion of the voting process. "  So at least a voter count will be released.

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9 years ago
Aug 24, 2016, 1:09:53 AM

I think I have to say that I couldn't agree more.

No warning before the contest starting bothered me a lot, no separation of creation deadlines and voting stage, the advantage of being early and rushing in with a submission and most of all; sitting on the front page, at the top of the page most of the time. Will account for unfairness in the submissions because some people just don't have the time to go through the initial sea of threads.

Now me? I spent hours thinking before I even started with my own creation, before I sat down and started to write, to feel out my race I was creating. Even then, I went back and edited it multiple times before I was happy with it! As of now, I am trying to get some drawing done in my spare time but Ive got the start of a HNC coming up at the end of the month to semi get prepared for.

I have seen people bumping themselves in shameful ways, I seen someone using a dot, to bump themselves. Some people like myself replied to other folk or I made a reasonable change to their main post and you wanted people to go and look at it again.

On another note, I appreciate EndlessCrashes exposing the system through the imagery... of clouds, in other words, colourful bumping. I myself have been watching The Unfallen's stats each day while sorting the forum through filters and I was sitting here thinking "Gosh, its near the top nearly every day and has 5 to 6 times more views than anybody else and has 3 times the score of everyone else and has THE MOST comments.

The second highest scoring and SECOND MOST commented (mostly clouds) is EndlessCrashes Weatherkin. Which has half as many comments and about half as many vote points currently. Its... mathmatical...

Talross lays out issues very nicely as well in this thread and I sort of agree with his speculations for sorting through the 170+ submissions but I don't really know what they could do right now.

But I know one thing, narrowing it down to 3 right now is unfair, it would be simply unfair to take the 3 highest voted ones right now and disregard the rest because of the way the voting system in this phase turned out.

I am going to link back here in my own thread to support this as well.

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9 years ago
Aug 23, 2016, 1:05:23 PM

For me, some major improvements could be done :

- The end of the simultaneity of submissions and votes => The ancient system was by far more fair to everyone and gave time to work on our propositions :

- The separation of the submissions between certain categories determined by the Amplicrew (each proposition would be associated with a brief subtitle explaining the major feature of the faction) => It is an idea of Blackbird1696 that I find very appealing, and that could improve the visibility of the list ;

- The end of the ranking by popularity, views, number of comments etc => It encourages shady tactics in order to get visibility ;

- A randomization of the submissions presented on the pages => Each one of us should be able to be clearly visible during the contest ;

- The suppression of the number of g2g points and views associated to each thread => Until the end of the contest, there is no need for the members to know who is winning, and it is a major factor causing bandwagon effects.

Thank you for reading.

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 23, 2016, 1:21:41 PM

Dear Amplitude Studios,

                                         Let me start off by saying I am a massive fan of your work and I can't wait to see what you guys do in the future. I also appreciate the fact that you started this Games2Gether scheme, something that most other game developers don't even consider, and that you take the time to listen and cooperate with your fans to make such great games. However, due to recent events I must come forth to express my disdain with the way the Endless Space 2 Major Faction Contest was held. Allow me to start by telling you my experience with the contest and then I will express how I think this can be solved.

I had initially heard about the contest via steam and decided that I would take part. At this point I did not have a Games2Gether account and was not familiar with the way contests were done. Once I had read the guidelines, I began my entry on a word document and it took me around 6 days to complete. I then created a Games2Gether account and submitted my entry on the 20th August 2016. At first I was not aware about the G2G up-voting system but after reading some threads I soon realized that the people who had submitted their entries first would have the highest G2G score and therefore enter the last voting stage for just showing up first. I believe that this makes it unfair for those that had worked very hard on their entries but will receive no recognition simply because they submitted late.

To address the points I have made above, I believe the following changes should be made to the way in which contests are held:

  1. Announce a contest and deadline for entries but disable up-voting.
  2. Once the deadline is reached enable up-voting and set another deadline for the end of up-voting (no new entries can be entered during this time) and randomize the posts on the front page at regular intervals 
  3. send the top 3 up-voted entries to the final voting stage

I believe that by simply adding a dedicated up-voting time it would make the contest much more fair for those that enter their entries late. I am also aware that this may have been the older system used when it came to holding contests. If so I believe that it would be most beneficial to the community if you reverted back to the older system.

Thank you for your time,

                                          Aqil Ghani

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9 years ago
Aug 23, 2016, 1:26:36 PM

I said it in the main thread and I'll say it again here, a simple 1 person 1 vote system after a top 10 is chosen by the Amplicrew is simple and effective and fair. The main drawback of course is that the team must do the legwork of reading submissions but an advantage is that they can weed out factions that do not fit the theme or are not feasible.

160+ threads to vote on, I've checked a few, made one and voted on one, not super effective and the idea of being fair drains my energy. I even chose a few based on wanting to see what was doing well which once more is exemplary of an issue with this method. I have seen the problems this creates before and while an option is chosen and complaints die down in time, it can be good for future polls to get this issue dealt with sooner rather than put up with such complaints every time.

That said I look forward to the game and hundred more hours lost :)

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9 years ago
Aug 23, 2016, 2:53:56 PM

I stand with those concerned about the unfair aspects of the new voting procedures!  I certainly agree with all statements made above my post here, and would certainly prefer this contest is reconstructed with a combination of the suggested solutions proposed.  I would like to add additional concerns as well.

- It seems there is a vote early / vote often mentality being promoted, but this isnt helping out when there has been a slant from day one.  With entries still coming in, this has created a largely unbalanced upvote score for earlier entries, including mine. 

-Perhaps the devs could read each post and organize them into a summary post, like here are the Religious type faction ideas, here are the Multi-Race faction ideas, here are the Elemental faction ideas, so people could browse over the list and zero in on exactly what type they were looking for.  Each faction listed could have a short sentence the devs write in to summarize the linked entry.  That way a vague faction entry name would have a better description, and voted could better zero in on what faction type they are looking to upvote.

-It is amazing to see so many people adding Faction ideas.  An idea for something in the future, should they redo the contest voting rules for this contest (hopefully) or future contests, is to give all the entries a chance to make their custom faction in ES2 by asking for a waaaaay more detailed faction editor.   The one for ES1 was ok, but ultimately you were just slapping what ideas you could make work over the template of another faction.  People have put a lot of thought into their ideas, one of note is The Legion by Sovereign, someone who has been making up a faction for 3 years now.  Arguably, they deserve a player made faction more than any of us.  With a better faction editor, they could implement all their cool ideas.  We could encourage the devs to allow far more detailed faction construction: from editing unique faction affinities to adjusting the tech tree, editing certain faction specific tech ideas, maybe a simple ship editor that could use parts from already made ships to make your own design (think the creature/ship editor from the game Spore), maybe a hero editor, the ability to upload a custom picture into the game for your custom faction, and finally a way to save your custom faction into a file format to share with people on the website here.  That may seem like a lot of work, but it would certainly be an attractive feature that players would love, and give the game long term replay value.  

-And I'd like to express how I have unfairly gained popularity during this submission/voting process!  Yes, I have taken advantage of the very system I dislike, to prove it is possible.  How did I get voted to second place?  I exploited the new system, mostly to demonstrate how it can be unfairly used to get votes.  I posted in the first few days to get exposure for early votes, I bumped my post to get to the top, I campaigned on the G2G forums and in Steam to get people to check out my post.  I chatted with high score G2G members, some who didnt know the faction contest was up and otherwise might not have voted.  I basically put up a digital web to catch anyone who was interested in the contest, and reminded them to check out my post.  And even after all that effort in creating my own slant, the first post still has almost 3x the views and votes as others. This is not something that should be allowed for the first round of entries, and something the forum settings should not enable.

Was this fair?  No!  Especially during the submission portion of the contest.  This system is not fair, and I have proved it.

If this disqualifies me, that is fine.  I would rather sacrifice my position to promote a better method of separate submitting and voting.  I just hope Amplitude will correct these problems and set up a more fair contest system.

Thank you for your time, AmpliCrew.  I hope we have proposed fair constructive criticism and offered reasonable solutions to this issue.

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 23, 2016, 4:56:35 PM

I second this. Looking back, I've read, analyzed, and commented on over 100 of the 170+ submissions. This has taken me roughly 30 hours total. I find it great fun, but not everyone has the time do this. Therefore most are relegated to just read the top few submissions on the first page. But because this is default sorted by most recently commented, this heavily encourages unsportsmanlike tactics to stay at the top of the list. Thus, the highest voted submissions aren't correlated with being the best submissions, but rather just the ones that are steadily kept at the top of the list by the authors and/or their friends. The other dominant sorting method is by Most Popular, but this heavily promotes the early submitters who gathered the early votes to make the top of the list, until people only reading the top few entries on the page ensure that "the rich get richer".

My faction has been hovering near the top 3 for a while, and I find this frustrating; so I can only imagine what others feel like who submitted their ideas "on time" but too late to gather sufficient votes, or who aren't having their ideas actively discussed and bumping them to the top of the page.

Devs, do what you gotta do. We are thankful that you even have contests like this. It is amazing, and you inspire much passion in your fans. Please don't stop. Our criticisms come not from anger, but from love. So feel the love.  

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 23, 2016, 5:08:54 PM

Firstly, let me start by saying that I adore Amplitude. I was a fan of neither 4X nor rogue-likes before the Endless games. I picked up the EL early release during a Steam sale. I expected it to be another game that I played for ten minutes before shelving, but I fell in love with it. Despite not caring for sci-fi when I picked up ES, I found myself hooked on it as well (and I am greatly looking forward to ES2). Though I can't bring myself to enjoy most rogue-likes, DotE was another game that completely exceeded my expectations. Despite my doubt, one by one, these games blew me out of the water. Not only the games, but customer service and maintenance. When I first got DotE the multiplayer was a bummer, but I didn't really expect anything different. There were a few problems, but I honestly expected that they would never get fixed. I thought that the game obviously wasn't made for multiplayer; what company would even care? Less than a month later, I got on and checked, on a whim, and things were different. It was fixed and rebalanced and it worked even better than I could have hoped for. I was in awe. Again. With the gaming market the way it is, I can't help but to be doubtful and skeptical, but Amplitude is always there, like a beacon of light in the darkness. And so, to me, Amplitude is synonymous with hope, quality, and high standards. 

In return, I have sung its praises and shoved the Endless games into the faces of my friends as though they were first generation Pokemon cards. In many cases I've bought them for friends who couldn't afford the games themselves, with and without DLC, on sale and full price. 

I could go on, but in short, I think very highly of Amplitude. I wouldn't be here right now if I didn't. 

Another thing that always impressed me was the G2G voting. I think it really made the community feel valued. Then, there are the contests wherein the community submits content. The concept of that is beyond awesome. Prizes aside, it's exciting! This is especially so for the current contest. Perhaps nothing is as thrilling as the idea of being able to design a faction for a game like ES2. 

I've only seen two of these contests: the random event contest and this one, designing a faction. Therefore, my perspective is limited to these. In both cases, the submissions and voting were done very differently. Both methods seemed sloppy, but instead of learning from the past and improving on it, it seems as though it's only gotten worse. Where is the quality and care I've come to expect from Amplitude? The first time was unfortunate, but that was only an event chain. Now, we're talking about an entire faction; that's a large, exciting part of the game! 

In concept, the current contest is amazing. In practice, with the current system, it's a tragic nightmare. I want to be hyped. I want to be motivated. I want to take my time and pour my heart into a faction. I personally love character and world building; even if I didn't win, I'd have fun with it. However, the current system discourages me. Why bother taking my time? Why bother trying? I can appreciate the word limit, as it's a suitable challenge, but to allow voting alongside submissions only encourages people to rush, which is counter to quality and effort. Even I just tossed out a sloppy draft, and I haven't had the heart to go back and clean it up. 

A few issues:

  • Voting Slant: The voting is slanted and unfair. With voting running in time with submissions, older submissions have a higher potential for view count and a longer voting period. People who voted in the beginning may not come back to vote on newer entries; to assume that newer voters would just as well ignore older entries is the difference between unlikely and impossible.  
    Rush: The aforementioned slant puts value on posting sooner, which in turn results in rushing. Lends itself to a larger number of entries, a lower quality entry overall, and potentially discourages contestants that would rather take their time. 
    • Proposed Solution: Keep the submission and voting phases separate. 
  • Overwhelming amount of entries. Sorting through 170+ entries is a lot of work. 
    • Speculation 1 - Less Entries and Quality over Quantity: While I can understand and appreciate a low word-limit, the opposite may encourage fewer, higher quality entries. By raising the minimum requirements for entries, you encourage contestant to put more work and thought into their entries. Small summaries could be required at the beginning for voters who don't want to read the finer details. While it's not guaranteed to work, it might be worth the attempt. (This, of course, can be used in tandem with other possible solutions.)
    • Speculation 2 - Break it Down A: Instead of cropping 170+ down to only 3 to be voted on in two phases, consider more phases and bigger numbers. For example: The top 25 out of 170+, to the top 10 out of those 25, to the top 3 out of those 10, to the top 1 out of those 3. Or even 20/170+ --> 3/20 --> 1/3. Almost no one is going to sort through 170+ entries, but 3 feels like far too few (especially if you consider at least one of the top three may have used ill means to get there). By giving some middle ground between the large and small scale, I think the contest would feel more balanced.
    • Speculation 3 - Break it Down B: Divide voting into phases wherein X% of the whole is voted on day by day, sort of liked a grouped arena style. (ex. Day 1, the first 20 entries are voted on. Day 2, the second group of 20 are voted on. Day 3, ... After each group of 20 is voted on, the top Y# from each is then grouped and voted on. After that, the final 3 are voted on. Winner.) This method would take longer than Speculation 2, and may not be efficient. 
  • Post Title (cannot edit): A minor problem, but still an unfortunate one. 

I wish I could offer better support, because I hate to present nothing but criticism. I know it's not easy trying to find the ideal balance handling these contests. 

And like the others have said, we're not fussing to cause trouble, whine, nor to villainize Amplitude. We're posting because we care. 

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 23, 2016, 5:40:23 PM

I agree with previous messages. Probably main problem is lack of time to read and vote, because ones who started earlier and took some effort for bumping have more chances than ones who started later. Give us at least week between deadline of faction submission and deadline of upvoting to read carefully and choose best. Idea to randomise first page is not bad, but don't do it too often, because it's a problem if you rigorously try to read all submissions and suddenly everything gets messy, maybe change every 12 hours is enough.

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9 years ago
Aug 23, 2016, 6:22:35 PM

I agree with the concerns that have been brought forth.

I participated in the last few contests (both on the old site and on the new site) - I will use the most recent contest as the example.

The last contest was the "Quest Creation Contest" - it only had 14 submissions. It was easy for users to read through them, make comments, and vote on them. There was less of a rush to get your submission in, so users had time to not only write quality quests, but those reading them had the time to fully digest and vote as they seem fit.

However, this is a MAJOR contest, and the rules needed to be different.

First off, it came as a surprise. There was no warning, and no announcement that the contest would be ANY different than the other ones. Although I was fortunate to win one of the contests (and yet another thank you to those that voted), it would have been nice to have been informed that something like this was upcoming.

I did not enter this current contest (to give someone else the opportunity to win is only fair and the right thing to do) - but it would have been nice to know "Hey, you can enter these MINOR contests, but if you win you wont be eligible for this super secret MAJOR contest coming up." It's a VERY minor gripe, but one nonetheless.

With a contest such as this one, there should have been more prep going in. Amplitude, you should have known that there was going to be a HUGE influx of people wanting to submit, ESPECIALLY since there is a travel prize involved. One could easily surmise that there would be tons of people making accounts (some of who may not even be fans/supporters) just to try to get in on the action.

Within a day, there were already pages of submissions. Within a week, there were too many to read in one sitting.

As others have pointed out, this creates a bottleneck. If you're not on the first two pages, there is a high probability that your submission is going to be largely ignored. It's a sad fact, but a true one, as some of the later submissions are truly great. 

Perhaps some kind of restriction needed to be in place for eligibility? For example, active accounts need to have the first "survivor" badge (survived 1 week) before being eligible?

Or, as others have suggested, randomize the entries and/or prevent voting until the submission date has ended.

All that being said - You guys here at Amplitude are one of my favorite small publishers. Just the fact that you even HAVE these kind of contests adds so much to the character and quality of your company. Please don't stop giving us little guys the chance to have our ideas heard and realized! Thanks again for everything. Hopefully taking into consideration these kind of comments will make your future contests stronger!

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9 years ago
Aug 23, 2016, 6:29:32 PM

Thanks to everyone who have contributed to this thread so far. It is certainly relieving to know that we are not the only ones who feel this way.

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