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The Symbionts

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9 years ago
Aug 24, 2016, 5:47:09 AM

NAME -- Sakesh/RT6-Y2


Some things are just not what they seem to be. That's exactly the case with the symbiotic civilisation from planet Sakesh. On the first glance population of this planet consists of short, muscular ape-like creatures, but the true hero is a symbiotic viruce, filling their bodies and brains, enhancing the capabilities of once barbaric civilisation. Most of the viruses evolve to crush immune systems and endure medication, but RT6-Y2 strain has evolved to give his host almost supernatural forces, ensuring there won't be any treatment.


  • Cellular symbiosis Sakesh can colonize planets, already colonized by their allies. That action starts to transform population into modified hosts, enhancing system owner's  and , by creating a planetary buff, stacking with infected popultaion,  and gives Sakesh an ability to read their hosts' memories and thoughts, giving a boost to .
  • High infectiousness - Once all the population in the system is transformed into hosts, all the trade routes in the system gain a chance to infect their destinations, spreading RT6-Y2. If viruse gets into a system of non-ally, it starts to expand stealthy and non-profitable, improving political relations with the infected civilisation through manipulationg public consciousness, and gaining the vision around the system, but without Cellular symbiosis bonus.
  • Evolutionary pacifism - Evolved in the times of the Endless, ST6-Y2 soon was the only virus to not be wiped out by their supreme medicine. Two main abilities made strain unique and helped it to survive - high immune tolerance and a calming effect on the mind of the host, later evolved into full personality symbiosis. Though evolved, that traits still exist, making viruse's hosts unlikely to attack or enrage. That creates a big attacking debuff.
  • Side effects Once got through High infectiousness from non-ally to enemy planets, viruse creates a planetary Infected debuff, decreasing  and , stacking with the amount of population infected.
  • Mindfield influence - Sakesh fleets, hosting in systems, and neighbourhood enhances the High infectiousness, Side effects and Celullar symbiousis effects.

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9 years ago
Aug 25, 2016, 2:32:30 PM

Cool idea. I like how the traits all build off each other. Lots of good synergy. I definitely would be worried playing against these guys. Good luck!  
You got my vote!

Updated 9 years ago.
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