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The Supervisors

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9 years ago
Aug 25, 2016, 1:42:03 AM

Being denied their next step in evolution, the supervisors were given the task of overlooking other species evolution in a controlled environment, while trying to stop them from destroying themselves. Based on Arthur C. Clarke’s “Childhood End” species, the Supervisors are a very old species that came to an evolutionary deadend. Not being able to evolve their bodies and minds further, they must now use their knowledge of the universe to aid other species in their evolution and ensure that every gifted species has their chance to achieve what they never will.

  • Galaxy Supervisors (affinity): Can’t colonize other systems, only Supervise them (Can have population in other faction’s systems (not in war) and build structures and ships on Supervised Planets). Supervised systems get a free internal trade route.*
  • Shared Structures (trait):  Structures created on supervised planets benefit the owner too, but with reduced benefits.
  • Sharing is caring (trait): Trade routes give all FIDSI. (Maybe only on internal trade routes)
  • Aligned interests (Technology): Trade routes income increase based on both systems approval.
  • Pacifists (trait): Can’t declare war.
  • Friendly (trait):  Easier to make peace/ alliances.

*: The maximum amount of population varies, but may not be over 3 in each supervised planet, and does not count towards the planet's maximum for the owner faction.

The way I see this working is having a lot of supervised systems, which will also have trade routes between them, and trying to max out the approval rate for everyone. That way, the supervisors get the most out of every system while being an interesting ally choice. Since the Supervisors will give bonuses to other factions, it will always be a good idea to have them on your side and breaking an alliance / peace treaty with them is always a bad move, since you'll end up losing those bonuses.

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9 years ago
Aug 25, 2016, 2:43:07 PM

Cool idea. I love submissions like this that set up clear motivations for them wanting to establish a galaxy-wide empire. I'm not sure how their restriction to not be able to colonize systems would work in-game because I remember seeing a dev post that code-wise it isn't possible for empires to share systems. If it was possible, I like how you use it to counter their inability to make war. I've seen lots of other factions that have this trait but don't counter it, which feels like a real miss-step in gameplay. I give my thoughts on it in a later post in my submission. Anyway, great stuff, good luck!  
You got my vote!

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 26, 2016, 10:14:05 PM
carolean7 wrote:

Cool idea. I love submissions like this that set up clear motivations for them wanting to establish a galaxy-wide empire. I'm not sure how their restriction to not be able to colonize systems would work in-game because I remember seeing a dev post that code-wise it isn't possible for empires to share systems. If it was possible, I like how you use it to counter their inability to make war. I've seen lots of other factions that have this trait but don't counter it, which feels like a real miss-step in gameplay. I give my thoughts on it in a later post in my submission. Anyway, great stuff, good luck!  
You got my vote!

Thanks for the input :)

About being able or not to share them, I guess this mechanic could be overcome by using something like the infiltrations in Endless Legends, in which the player would be able to see everything and perform some actions. The difference would be that, instead of a hero, you would put population, that would increase accordingly, and the actions available would include building things. Might work, I think :D

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