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Malleable trippy fungi

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9 years ago
Aug 25, 2016, 2:37:24 AM

A religious faction who value individuals. Also tentatively.



Originally an anomaly discovered by the Endless, this fungus species produced a distinct taste that few can afford turning away. The only side effect of inhibited physical capacity was mostly neglected in favour of enhanced senses and state of mind. Or sometimes a trippy experience. However, initial attempts to make it available outside the planet were not successful. Thus began a series of studies on the planet's ecology systems. Quite a fascinating result it was, the smell was actually a living part of the fungi themselves. These were tiny "probes" sent out to realize their surrounding via those who have eyes and stuff. Moreover, special mechanisms made sure loss of "probes" stay the minimum. The migration of the entire fungus colony was deemed inefficient. After all, they had already had the “omni-purpose” Dust. 

For all that, no research pointed that the fungus colony was a sentient being who was ever so eager to learn. They learned of their intrusive and parasitic nature and despise that. Lucky for them, leftover dust-tempered alloy bulks were bio-compatible and were littered all over the planet. Metal is obvious not living things, a perfect body. Those who like trippy trips are still welcome though!



- Full population at start

- Civilian modules built here does not cost population

- Ground invasion here is not likely to end well

- Massive output with leach



- Cannot colonize, instead create an anomaly on the planet. The anomaly gives an approval (or food you Harmony nerds) bonus and a filled population slot (extra slot, leach, can't be moved but can die). Also never uses food and never grows, otherwise same as any other population.

- Any diplomatic engagements give the other parties temporary approval bonus and allow the settlement of the anomaly on colonized planets (still need open border).

- If the approval bonus (not food but whatever) reaches a certain level, the system is lost to the fungi. Lower numbers for neutral systems.



- Higher approval cap.

- Food is made into approval which grows new population.

--Eternally grateful to those who appreciate their probes, pray everyday lol.

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 25, 2016, 2:45:04 PM

Cool idea. I like how this faction is very centered around approval, lots of fun synergy in the traits. Good stuff, and good luck!  

You got my vote!

Updated 9 years ago.
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