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The Synaesthetic Dodimaag

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9 years ago
Aug 25, 2016, 10:58:00 AM

Name: Dodimaag

Bio: Though debate raged among evolutionary biologists for centuries, no definitive answer was given for why a second head was originally a useful adaptation for the ancestral Dodimaag. To the modern, spacefaring civilisation, two heads are indispensible. Though each head is home to an indivudial personality, they are connected by a thick highway of neurons, which enable huge amounts of (primarily) sensory information to be shared between both brains. What once conferred a survival advantage, helped to grow a civilisation in which sensory experience and the pursuit of novelty are the primary path. Dodimaag are the ultimate hedonists, and a novel form of synaesthesia is everday to them. Playing with different morsels of food in separate mouths and analysing the sensory experience, composing immensely complex musical harmonies, interpreting light an colour into fantastic compositions - with the capacity (and disagreement) of two personalities, the creative output of the Dodimaag is not fully comprehensible to other species but is still highly sought after. Dodimaag chefs, artists, musicians and directors are known to be the best. Wherever they travel (and they love to travel, seeking new sensations), the culture of hedonism and experience spread, and diplomacy follows.


Hedonists: The Dodi are after experience, and will travel for it. Tourism to other factions can generate happiness for those who accept Dodi travellers, while the subsequent spread of culture causes beneficial diplomatic actions to become cheaper in influence for both factions. 

Cultural Dominance: As the other factions get used to the exceptional entertainment shows and culinary excesses of the Dodimaag, their elite run the risk of becoming decadent, slow to motivate and ultimately pacifist. Warlike actions (particularly against the Dodimaag) become politically costly, and create greater unhappiness in the populace.

Synaesthesia: Luxury resources are worth a lot for Dodi happiness internally, as they experiment with all possible sensory inputs. Additional access to luxury resources can also add bonuses to the previous two Affinities.

Variety is the Spice: Though most comfortable on temperate worlds, the Dodi nonetheless enjoy (and experiment with) the extreme environments of other biomes. Having a system full of varied planetary types improves Dodi Science, Happiness and Productivity.

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9 years ago
Aug 25, 2016, 1:36:35 PM

Cool idea! Alas time is almost up. But was fun to read! Two heads > one head!  
You got my vote!

Updated 9 years ago.
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