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9 years ago
Aug 25, 2016, 3:06:42 PM

Faction name: HI'VE

Gameplay basics:

  • Home is where your MotherAttack increases by 25% nearby Mothership(colony ship) and capital of an Empire.
  • SacrificeSacrifice 1000 dust to your Mother to gain an 50 aproval to all Empire for 10 turns.
  • Wild huntAfter declare war you got -50 disaproval, gain 5% more to all elements, your ships are moving faster by 25% and dealing more damage by 10%.
  • AncIent memory (AI) - You got 5 extra aproval when colonize planet with cyber flora or find the Templeof the Holy Helix or Extended Consciousness.
  • Organic steel - health of all units encreased by 10%.

Background Story:

The first Hive was a small colony of Steel Ants that always serve only for the Mother. But everything changed after the finding of small ant HI. 

HI found an AncIent: the common ai of endless that evolving to an powerful mindcontroller. But AncIent got no bad minds to any of races and he gave a Wisdom to HI.
HI found his people and his Mother foolish to only eat, hunt and reproduct, so he decided to steal the minor queen VE and start a new era of his kind.

The young HI rules and the gift of AncIent evolving more. But the Mother find out that people are not so loyal anymore and start to be nervous, so she decided to kill the newone. But after sending the best of her forces to kill HI and VE. But everything gone wrong. The story dont tell the details but after bloodbath in HI colony the Mothers soldiers killed her.After that all of Steel Ants unite under the HI flags. 

HI return to the AncIent for an advice but didnt found him. So HI decided to remember the codex of Hunt, but always rules by the gift of AncIent. 

P.S. Im sorry for bad english xD. Steel Ants architecture is like termite hive. 200 word limit (( 3hr story.

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9 years ago
Aug 25, 2016, 3:13:17 PM

Cool idea for a hive-based pacifist-ish faction. You really squeezed this in right before the end (50 minutes left). Well done and good luck!  

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9 years ago
Aug 25, 2016, 3:21:02 PM

BTW i was trying to make them like peacefull Predators wih own codex of hunt but ive found this faction contest yesterday xD

Updated 9 years ago.
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