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Speech of Unfallen Senator

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8 years ago
Oct 5, 2016, 6:59:03 PM

From speech of Unfallen Senator:

- I, Truff Stick, appointed by Supreme Council to perform an important mission. Today it's time to admit our sins, as long past and near future. Our culture is based on pacifism and after my story nothing change, we will also adhere to codes of rules, writing by our ancestors.

Ancient, which we call the slavers, were a race of sentient trees on planet, path to which we have erased many centuries ago. Their life was not sinless, but nature they are always guarded. Maybe it was their fatal mistake. Unknown how started that plague, but in the end there was a conflict of ancient and aggressive grass-weed, endowed with minimal consciousness. Where perished thousand invaders revived million. No one could get rid of them, so they have named Unfallen. War is not correct name, because grass did not know how to fight, but grass became the winner. The war ended, Unfallen won, but divided into primitive and controlled. Primitive remained vicious race-weed, tending to expand and destroy, but controlled, had to know emotion, sorrow and regret for their actions. This mark we carry to this day. In effort to conquer new worlds, we were allowed to build ships and leave planet, but we did not want to repeat what had happened. All of controlled evacuated from planet, and weeds within us strictly monitored until they become one with us. Smoke with pacifistic effect is their merit. Since then nothing is known about our first ancestors. We are not sure that the old sin we have not overtaken us in the future, so decided to start expedition to find this planet and resolve unfinished conflict.

I leave post of senator and expect appointment to ship-seeker, which will be sent to planet searches.

End of story:

- Expedition results:

1) There was no living grass, as well as live trees, were only creators who accidentally created us in fear of indestructible trees. Creators abused nature, result was mutation of tree bark into alloy that does not obey them. Over time, forest ousted creators from their homes, even decomposition had no power over natural wonder. The only way to fight was grass. Primary form was prohibited in their community. They changed it and called "Edens apple". In their culture it meant endowing curse of death or committing sin. But with sin has come life, grass gave us mind and calming effect. By the time we wake creators were gone and we had to invent a story of creation. We invented our fears, our enemies and dream. Ancient dream to leave our cradle and reach for the sky.

2) Main result of search was that "apple". In plant we have found key to return our gift of immortality. To save expedition we had to use created "ambrosia" on ship, making it impenetrable. Soon, we noticed that aging effect was gone. With these abilities, we will finish all known conflicts and become Unfallen guardians of peace in our world.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 17, 2016, 12:29:10 PM

The note seems to be integral part of your story. If that is the case, you will need to shorten it, as the total sums up to 630ish words, far above the contest's limit.

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8 years ago
Oct 18, 2016, 10:05:24 AM
Frogsquadron wrote:

The note seems to be integral part of your story. If that is the case, you will need to shorten it, as the total sums up to 630ish words, far above the contest's limit.

Ok, cut to 499 words, let it be part of story:)

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