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The Unfallen

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8 years ago
Oct 12, 2016, 3:03:34 AM

The Unfallen


The huge jungle planet  Giantus Prime shifted its orbit and the great senate of Yadish had voted.  It was the way of politics for the Unfallen.  Plates shifted and volcanoes spewed life onto the planets population.  Giantus Prime proudly displayed its scars to the universe.  The living planet had felt the Endless current that wisped through its system like an invisible smoke and the senate had dutifully responded.  Final votes from the outer colonies were added to the consciousness.  

Roots of the Unfallen vibrated deep into the planets core.  Giantus Prime settled into its new orbit and Krag knew what must be done.  Already the elders were uprooting  themselves from the earth.  The planet heaved and groaned as great sentient beings ripped themselves apart, violently crashing into each other, fusing themselves into abominable living hulks.  If the unfallen had ears it would have been deafening.  As the dust settled Krag watched as living hulks took to the skies.  The once proud elders had become enormous ships that now erupted into orbit, there solar sails already harvesting  the suns power.   Krag launched himself into space taking command of Leviathan.  The battleship groaned as Krag created the symbiotic interface that would serve as the living conduit for Giantus Prime.  It had been Eons since the last fusing of planet and senate.  His mission was simple yet dangerous.  He had been tasked to take the Leviathan through the endless current into the mythical system of the ancestors.  The binary star system simply known as Quar was the fabled home of the first sentient organisms that had become the Endless.  Krag looked down at his great bulk.  Fused gems and stones glittered as he moved.  He wore the sacred garments of his home world.  Krag must unite the sacred crystals and gems of Giantus Prime with the Mother.  His thoughts settled into rhythm with the elders that made up Leviathan's hull.  He knew that the ancestors he sought would be displeased, hostile even spiteful, against the tribe that had chose to leave the garden of the endless all those eons ago.

The Ghorans had awaken from their slumber.  They had placed themselves in eternal sleep after the Unfallen polluted the Endless stream.    They were a proud race, their roots amongst the most noble of all sentient races.  They have no senate, there is only the voice of the Primus.  Their worlds had become tainted due to the arrival of the Unfallen many eons ago.  It was at this time that Primus initiated the great sleep that would last a thousand cycles.  Empires rose and fell as the eons past.  Now the great undertaking  was complete.  Whilst in slumber all of their society embraced its scientific origins, and the collective was now ready to once again take physical form.  Whilst in the great sleep they had unlocked the pre cursor artifact that had been buried within the core of a long dead planet.  They called it the "Collider"  and it would destroy Giantus Primes sun.  The surviving Guardians disconnected from the home system would also slowly die, for the Unfallen could not survive without Giantus Prime. It was an audacious plan, one that would condemn there race in all the senate's of the Endless but at last the Endless would be once again untainted.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 12, 2016, 6:47:24 AM

Somewhat important tidbit, other major races are a no-go. Check the rules thread.

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8 years ago
Oct 14, 2016, 3:38:18 PM

You're over by 49 words. Interesting story. I do like the concept of a living planet and how the Unfallen interacted with it. You paint the Unfallen, and correct me if I'm wrong, as an invasive species that threaten the native ecology of Giantus Primus. Because of that, this new race went into deep sleep. Nonetheless, your different view of the Unfallen is very much welcomed. 

I was wondering if you could elaborate on the relationship with Yadish and Giantus Prime?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 15, 2016, 1:35:01 AM

Thanks for the comments

The relationship with The senate of Yadesh and the planet Giantus Prime:

First off the Unfallen are not indigenous to this galaxy, they were one of the first sentient beings to colonise the Endless.  Tribal by nature this tribe chose to leave the garden many eons ago.  The living planet of Giantus prime made a natural home for the unfallen, many of them believed the planet had summoned them from the home of their ancestors.  The Senate of Yadesh is the oldest known senate in the universe and is the conduit between planet and spicies (the Unfallen).  It is a symbiotic relationship.  The planet is connected to the endless stream and responds to its chords.  The unfallen in turn respond to the planets tremors.  Thought about continuing this story if enough interest.

Hope you are al enjoying this game as much as I am.

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