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Efficient scientists

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8 years ago
Dec 15, 2016, 10:11:28 AM

Efficient scientists

Win a scientific victory without never having more than one science building in any system.


To clarify: the idea is not having more than one science building, but you can scrap one science building to build a better one, every time you want ans in every system.

Also, I consider that buildings like "Denarque university" or "Microwave pipes" that give bonus to all FIDSI, including science, and improvements that can be build only once per empire, shouldn't count in this achievement. This way, you can build Denarque + M. pipes + unique improvement + a science improvement in your best science system, and still get the achievement, as long as you don't have never more than one improvement in the rest of your systems.

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8 years ago
Dec 15, 2016, 12:02:54 PM

Can't edit, but to make more specific clarifications, for the reasons in first post:

- "Cerebral reality" shouldn't count as scientific improvement (its mix science / dust)

- The infinite improvement "Planet cracker" that transforms industry to science shouldn't count a scientific improvement, because its nothing you build. This way you can have even all systems with one scientific improvement and the "Planet cracker" working (of course at the price of nothing being produced).

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