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Shotgun Diplomacy

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7 years ago
Nov 9, 2017, 6:04:28 PM

Description: While most our people have remained contempt, if not pleased with our peaceful response to actions that others would consider more militaristic responses. However, we unfortunately cannot please everyone.

Recently, a small activist movement known as the 'Sanctum Vanguard' has gained much political and social clout among the populace among our newer, more isolated colonies. Insisting that the only way to repel the aggressive actions of others is to strike back with greater force ourselves, they insist that we should be building our fleets and armies more aggressively than usual, and dedicating more resources and initialting pre-emptive strikes against our neighbours. 

Of course, this has led to divison among our people. Many see it as an affront to our culture, as it would only fan the flames of war that would consume the galaxy, while others see it as a reasonable response to the less-than friendly responses from those who would seek to gain from warfare themselves.

It comes to you to decide what we should do. Shall we follow the ways that have paved the way to what we are today, or should we perhaps take upon the virtues of this 'Sanctum Vanguard', and show that even we are capable of defending ourselves in times of great conflict.

Condition: Other empires that are Hostile to you OR Recent War

Choice 1: Embrace the Activists

"Even if we are to spread the message of peace to the others in the galaxy, we must be ready to defend ourselves from those who reject our teachings. Let us show our people that we are capable of projecting force, even if it is to protect the peace."

Produce a Hunter Class ship of (x) combat strength


Increased Militarist Appeal

"Sanctum Vanguard" Fighter Craft unlocked

Choice 2: Stand firm

"We gain no benefit from sparking the flames of war among others. Boasting our ability to prevent conflict can only lead to more conflict, and we are better off focusing on bettering ourselves than bettering our neighbours."

Maintain (X)% approval in (Y) system for 4 turns


Increased Pacifist Appeal

+FDIS on Unfallen Pop

Choice 3 (Optional): Utilize foreign might (Requires Friendly Status with Cravers/United Empire/Vodyani empire)

"While we may seem to be gentle giants to others, we are not alone in this dark and dangerous galaxy. Through the strength of outsiders, we can not only appease those who demand a stronger presence, but also appease those who would rather the people of Koyasil remain as the peacemakers, instead of the aggressor."

Be Allied with another Empire


Increased Pacifist Appeal

Increased Militarist Appeal

System Improvement - Combined Garrisons - Increases Manpower per Foreign pop in system, Generates influence per system

Note: Im not really that great at the game, and i have very seldom played the Unfallen, but ive always enjoyed event writing, in fact ive been writing events in another Space 4x game (Stellaris) for quite some time now, so apologies if my writing is a little off for a population quest, otherwise thanks for reading over, and im open to constructive criticism.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Nov 10, 2017, 1:47:04 PM

We've put a strict character limit on the description of the quest, which you're blowing right out the water at about 1250 characters in your description. The limit in question is 400 characters. Check out the rules!

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7 years ago
Nov 22, 2017, 2:10:37 PM

Don't forget to update your description! ;)

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7 years ago
Nov 28, 2017, 4:00:28 PM

Last chance!

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