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First Blossom on a Dry Land

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7 years ago
Nov 13, 2017, 12:57:55 PM

Name of the quest: First Blossom on a Dry Land.

condition: have an Unfallen pop on a Sterile planet, exept toxic.

description: The Unfallen have only ever known their homeworld of Koyasil, a Beautiful and Abundant planet with all the goods a man can only dream on. they live in a perfect balance of Give and Take, but this law is not valid on this planet. A seed need to take life from the ground in order to become a tree, and when it a tree he can give life to others. but how can a seed grow in a dead land with no life to begin with?

the Unfallen Population are not sure what to do, and came to ask you for a wizdom. what  will you say?

Choice 1Give

Description- You must give before you can take, Make the desert bloom and bring life to a dead planet.

Objective- Fill the planet with Unfallen and/or Guardian pops

Outcome- It was hard but we succeeded, life now spreading all over the planet, balansing and terraform it into a (the random Terraform Fertile type) . many Unfallen have given same of there life span to the planet and although they are satisfied with the result, they probably not going to terraform another planet this way.

Reward- Terraform the planet into a random Fertile planet (with the same size)

Choice 2Take

Description- Same time you need to take what you can in order to survive, without giving anything beck.

Objective- Achieve 200 Industry on system (with the planet)

Outcome- Apparently the planet is not as dead as we once fhought, water and oraganism liveing deep down the ground. with there own Cycle and Balance and Beauty of a little men nature. With abit of work, we can Grow root's that can reach the "oraganism world" and use them to grow are Food source.

Nature will all ways find a way to give life, a Cycle of Give and Take, even in a dead land. mybe other Sterile planet have they own "oraganism world".

Reward- New Technology "Deep Roots" cost 560 Industry, gain: +4 Food per pop on Sterile planet (maintain 4/8 dust, or what  will make more balance)


Choice 1 is a great pick if you play Unfallen as your Factions,  but it still achievable if not (not like the horatio population quest). terraform a planet into a Fertile will give your Unfallen  pop there bonus + more space on the planet for your pops to grow on.

Choice 2 is probobly the better option for a non-Unfallen Factions (with Unfallen pops). and with the "Epigenetic Crop Seeding" Technology (+4 Food per pop on planet), you can easly grow your pops on Sterile planets :D

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7 years ago
Nov 22, 2017, 2:17:56 PM

Reward for choice 1 is a bit too powerful and might be change to a reduced cost in terraforming cost, but otherwise; this is validated. :)

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7 years ago
Nov 28, 2017, 3:12:23 PM

ok great!

I will rewrite the first choice If I get into the "final vote". (Probably be better to rewriting a little bit more :P )

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7 years ago
Nov 28, 2017, 3:14:47 PM

The final vote is happening tomorrow, and after that, we'll be making the changes ourselves. If you have changes to make, now's the time! ;)

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