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The Ethereal Correspondents

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6 years ago
Apr 25, 2018, 6:46:09 PM

[Advise: use greek-ish letters for the name].

"Maybe they are the ones to hear the tree, falling in the woods, while no one is there."

Name origin: 

Ether is used in many definitions to mean different things. From the heavenly plains of the gods, to the very fabric of void between the galaxies, Ether is a hard to grasp concept or essence that exists outside of our perception or reach. Not unlike a certain kind of formless Alien, easily mistook for a fog or shadow. 

Correspondence on the other side is not only meant to be communication between two entities on behalf of a medium. It encompasses the entirety of communication, information and spatial relations, as well as the understanding of space itself. This relates to the mystical skills to not only gather information, but also being in the right spot at the right time and moreover, understanding without having to translate. 

These two words combined are barely able to explain, the prying nature of the barely perceived Aliens. 

Maybe they are the ones to hear the tree, falling in the woods, while no one is there. Because every unheard whisper, any misplaced object, even every lost sock in the washing-machine - has not just vanished into the void. It has found it's way to the Corresponding Ether. To the Ethereal Correspondents. 

Inspirational Credits: Any mythical Religion concerning Ether. Mage - The Awakening (World of Darkness) concerning the definition of Correspondence (a sphere of magick).  


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