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"Wraiths of the Lost"

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6 years ago
Apr 26, 2018, 5:51:02 PM

Your welcome :)

I really want something ingame that resembles the vodyani as endless for (Spoiler) 'the lost'.  

Official entry - - - "Ghosts or Wraiths of the Lost"   second would be "Shades of the Lost". ill let the community decide between those I like them all.

Single entries are HARD :( frog can decide which is a better fit, I think they are one and the same in my book.

my entries if I could have more than one, steal them if you like.

The Forgotton 

The Shadow

Echoes of the Lost. 


At least I didn't use shades of glory, blades of glory... LOL

Or we could always go The Harmony since they are kinda see through.

Good luck to me :)

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Apr 26, 2018, 6:19:10 PM

Holy shit! These names are so good they are already in the games! And the voting doesn't even start! How did you do it?! 

Devs! Do you have something to do with this!

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Apr 26, 2018, 7:02:49 PM

Nope! I just hope I win!  I was thinking in line with game lore.  Plus I like to think I'm creative.  UPVOTE ME PLEASE WTS VOTES FOR MY NAMES <3 WANT TSHIRT REAL BAD

I also have this weird sense of SARCASM IN YOUR RESPONSE! THANKS

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
May 2, 2018, 10:01:04 PM

After understanding Wraiths of the Lost had a whole story behind it, i felt like plutar deserved my upvote. :)

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6 years ago
May 3, 2018, 3:43:14 AM

The goal here is to tap a well of endless lore, we have the heritic, but who are his allies, they have been a secret for a long time. The goal here, is to uncover a bit of that secret.  

I saw somebody mention ship design names, so I'll tag a few 

Scout - Watcher Class

Attack - Ghost

Protector - Light

Hunter- Romulan Warbird MK6 (just kidding)  Darkness

Coordinator -Phantasm

Carriar - Vengance

I feel like these names are not on the same level as the original name, Ghost of lost, Wraiths of the Lost, BUT in the hopes, some I don't think are not bad, like Watcher, Ghost, Phantom, or Vengance.  Finder is also a reasonable scout name. Last post from me unless asked a direct question.

(spoiler below)

But again, my faction goal is to open the lore for the faction that helps the heritic, not fights him (vodyani).

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
May 3, 2018, 9:27:30 PM

Nice job on the names of the ship classes, plutar. they seem very cool! 

I also love Shades of the Lost.  Make it your main please. sounds so awesome :)

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6 years ago
May 14, 2018, 7:54:47 PM

I really hope a name like this wins, we know nothing of the lost, And lore plutar told me, the intention behind this name is to make The Lost a playable major faction in endless space... But only Wraiths, or Shades of such... And i believe that the potential lore this has ,that this is a ancienct race that may even predate them, Makes the lore here is fantastic. :)

Updated 6 years ago.
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