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The Nocturnous

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6 years ago
May 3, 2018, 5:36:57 AM

"The songs tell us of that which waits in the dark parts of the sky, known by many names It watches all the younger races do and some of Its many bodies have been known to either give gifts or inflict punishments on the darkest nights of the year when hope dims."

The Nocturnous is a gestalt hive consciousness that feeds on the knowledge of Its victims, before subsuming them to Its will. It robs the memories of those who encounter Its limbs across the universe, to start, over time though It will gradually empty them out and replace them with a servant bound to Its purposes, a new puppet to influence the universe with. The "gifts" it gives come at a steep price.

The first attacks leave only hazy memories, the feeling of eyes in the shadows watching, sometimes a distant memory of hearing voices joined in a choir of screams. Eventually, the victim begins to seem forgetful, absent-minded, and lethargic, often complaining of hearing ringing or unearthly singing. This state persists for a surprisingly short period of time, this is the point of no return. After the lethargy phase, the victim has been almost fully subsumed by the alien intelligence now co-inhabiting its mind. They rise, seemingly rejuvenated, no longer complaining of headaches. Instead, they now happen to be brimming with new ideas, the benefit of sharing a knowledge pool that spans time and space. In actuality, the conscious that the body was originally hosting has been removed and is being accessed to fool friends and family.

"We know the ends and the beginnings of all things. In the beginning, all was darkness. And by the end, all things shall return darkness. A darkness We shall rule over eternally."

Updated 6 years ago.
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