"Eons ago, a barren wasteland of a planet became a great dust nebula in the space of a few hours........ in your time. Our father, Zaroth, was dying. In desperation, he committed the last of his power, the very ENERGY which held him together, to create us. Zaroth was forced to watch as the race that worked his soil, mined his gems, and cared for him, burned to ashes by his..... 'sun,' before succumbing to the following darkness. With his dying thoughts, he told our ancestors our name and our goal. We are The Zaringmar, protectors of knowledge and all living planets. In the great darkness only broken by few, far out stars, our ancestors, by chance, found a desolate world, with the last of our creator's weak power, to build order. At that time, we did not give each other names, especially the planet, for there was no conscience in it. There, we truly embraced the darkness, for the one unseen can hold more knowledge than the greatest explorer. We came here by following the Endless Dust, and the faint cry of a beautiful voice. We have tirelessly studied the Endless, their creations, and their allies and enemies. All the while, we tried to find the Voice, once lost upon our discovery of this galaxy, becoming strong again after the Virtuals and the Concretes nearly eradicated each other But we were too late. Auriga, a great and once beautiful planet..... was silenced. Even now, Her mind sleeps, but we are centuries away from waking that beautiful Voice. So deep was our sadness, that we sealed ourselves away nearby this galaxy, the only time we have broken our promise with Zaroth, our father, and creator. But now, we have ambition, to make a name for ourselves, to become a true nation, on this thinking ocean that calls herself Jane. The first of our three goals is to preserve our ways and our kind as well as galactic lore. Our second, to awaken all sleeping planets so that their individual powers will bring peace to the whole universe. The third, which is merely my fancy, is to find the ancient Endless keeper. He is neither Virtual or Concrete, but he is truly Endless. The only other being who shares our love for history, one who is simply known as The Archivist."