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Uthark Abrax

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6 years ago
May 6, 2018, 5:05:45 AM

An ancient Shadow Wraith species freed by the Academy founder while tinkering with ancient runes from Endless Temples. Originally sealed by the combined Endless, they once again traverse freely through the cosmos. It was the combined efforts of the Endless, ages ago, which sealed these demons, or gods, or archons, or whatever they may be, within large urns crafted by the Concrete Endless, intricately carved with the dust etchings of the Virtual Endless. For untold ages, these urns had rested deep within sealed Concrete Endless vaults, only to be uncovered by Isyander St Shaiad during his journey to uncover the truth about the Virtual Endless.

Uthark - from Uthark: Nightside of the Runes, by Thomas Karlsson, related to runosophy and rune magic and things being hidden in plain sight

Abrax - short for Abraxas, well ... see for yourself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraxas

Little did Isyander know the ancient beings he brought back into this universe.


Utharka Abrax, Uthark Abras, Utharka Abras, Utharkabrax, Utharkabras, Utharkabraxas, Utharkabrasax, Utharka Abraxas, Uthark Abraxas, Utharka Abrasax, Uthark Abrasax for some variants.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
May 6, 2018, 5:15:27 AM

To know the name is one thing. To speak it however, is something that should not be done. Not since the rise of the Endless into the cosmos has the name been spoken, for it is a name only heard on the edges of whispers, from the darkest corners of border planets. Little was known about who or what they were, but they were watching. Always watching. And when they came ... it nearly marked the end of the Endless.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
May 6, 2018, 5:37:08 AM

I would love to see an ancient alien race who uses rune magic in a way similar to the Ardent Mages of Endless Legend. With all the emphasis on the corporeal and technological, having a mysticism that does not originate from another dimension would be a welcome addition. Here's hoping there's still a place in this universe for some good ole magic.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
May 7, 2018, 1:27:06 AM

In my browsing of the ideas section, I found this new gem that I feel would really help to define the new faction and how they relate to current Endless lore. Have a look:


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