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8 years ago
Feb 7, 2017, 1:55:33 PM

0000 paused outside the door to the bridge, taking a moment to compose itself. Rolak had not yet responded, and the ship...

+Still absent from the scanner...+

[No news is good news?]


<Cut the chatter.>

Frame steeled itself, drawing in the specks of Dust that were slipping through the whorled plates comprising its outer shell back into the streams that flowed throughout it. As it raised a hand to the door control, a sensation flashed from the mind of Automaton. The feeling of collapsing into a compressed sphere and withdrawing its Dust into an undetectable point. A good method of protecting oneself, but hardly the best first impression.

+Vodyani countermeasures still active.+

<Adding exception.>

[That could have been embarrassing...]

The hand pressed the control, the door opened, and as 0000 stepped onto the bridge it scaled to 5'10" clasping its hands behind its back as it looked around the bridge. Eye staring forward as its perception shifted to focus on every present member of the crew in turn. Wandering first from Ylona sitting in the navigators chair with... something? on the floor in front of her, to Laudmas standing nearby. Then down to Dhanyl, who was on the floor for some reason? And finally to the figure sitting in the captains chair.

{Curious, and curiouser.}

The being in the chair cut an imposing figure, golden Dust contained inside a jet black casing. The swirling substance moving steadily and invoking a hunger in Frame's core that, coupled with Automaton's innate distaste of the Vodyani, required a substantial force of will to suppress. In an effort to distract itself from unpleasant sensation Zeros focused on the symbols emblazoned on the visible portions of Valorums cloak.

+Sheredyn. Most interesting, they are not generally known for their geniality towards the Vodyani. To the point of outright hostility towards each other. It's entirely possible that this Vodyani is not as zealous as the rest of it's species.+

{Or at least knows how to pass as tolerant...}


[Frame is correct, despite our history with the species, we must maintain proper decorum when addressing our new captain. Be respectful]

0000's eye focused on the captains face mask, waiting for a right moment, as soon as Frame made what passed as "Eye contact" between two beings that possessed no facial features. As soon as it occurred Frame moved fluidly into an elegant Sheredyn bow, and Zeros launched into a formal Vodyani greeting.

"Greetings eminent one, forgive this humble servants interruption, I have a minor project to perform in this room."

Shifting into a Vodyani salute, and pointing its eye at the floor, Zeros continued.

"If it is not too much of an imposition, might I be permitted to carry out my tasks while basking in the glow of your exalted form? I submit myself to your will."

Frame Straightened and resumed eye contact and moved into an "At attention" stance, attempting to keep the bitter feelings from Automaton contained behind a mask of cultivated professionalism. Respect where respect is due, regardless of emotion, or the unfortunate vivid echoes of events from the distant past.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 7, 2017, 2:04:38 PM

Now calming down, having his laughter under control, he was ready to participate in the conversation again.

"If you get stuck with your research I would be willing to help you, not so much in the psychological area of the topic, I don't know much about that part, outside of Sophon Culture, but in the biological part Is fairly similar in most Species and I know about a few interesting special cases."

After this suggestion, he tried to get up, as suddenly the door opened and Zeros stepped in.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 7, 2017, 4:40:44 PM

Right after Dhanyl finished what he said, a plethora of hysterical and slightly mischievous thoughts rushed into him.

Laudmas then said to Valorum, "A very important thing to know. The act of making newborns is generally considered taboo in many other races." He then flicked his visor a little, resembling a wink. "I really don't recommend talking enthusiastically to opposite genders." 

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8 years ago
Feb 7, 2017, 5:52:18 PM

The way Valorum turns his head to Laudmas gives everyone the impression that he's rolling his eyes, replying with a surprising hint of sarcasm in his voice:

"Thank you, Laudmas. I'll keep that in mind in case I suddenly have the urge to reproduce."

He then holds up a hand and replies to Dhanyl sincerely:

"That won't be necessary. I don't need to know all of the details and we'll have far more important things to do. It will...make for an interesting read, though."

When Zeroes approaches as formally as he does, Valorum is visibly surprised by his manner of speaking; he shifts a little in his seat, trying to mask his discomfort at the extremely reverent address and replies:

"Ah...I take it you're the Automaton I read about. You...you may do your work, but please, there's no need for such formalities. I'm just your captain, and you can just call me Valorum."

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8 years ago
Feb 10, 2017, 1:41:35 AM

Automaton was taken aback by this response, and the apparent unease in which the Vodyani sat. Frame relaxed its stance slightly, loosening the tension in its shoulders and knees. And Zeros allowed a note of amusement to creep into its vox.

"Indeed? Just the Captain? Well, you've already proven you are more then that."

Frame began walking toward the communications station, reaching into its chest and pulling out several tools, metal pieces, and a small mechanical globe as it did. Zeros continued talking as it did

"I must admit though, I am surprised by your modesty. But seeing as I am a being of my word, I will forsake most formalities. I do hope you will excuse me if I stick to some though. Seeing as you've read my file, and hopefully noted my servile background, my reasons should be clear."

As Frame sat and began tinkering on the object in front of it. A few stray notes of green grew, forming a ring around the golden central eye.

"After all Captain,"

Automaton seized the vox, unable to resist to opportunity to lance a subtle barb. An objective it completed by infusing the next sentence with a variety of subtle emotions that Zeros, ever the diplomat, would have excluded.

"Old habits die hard."

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 10, 2017, 4:51:21 PM

"Well, Laudmas, if you're that knowing about things that will never affect you, I guess you know things that concern you even better. So I don't need to get off my break to tell you about how stressful a job it is to keep a spaceship flying, and how much a curious creature wandering around without anybody keeping an eye on it can do in damage. Understood?", Ylona mentioned in a relaxed tone.

With the same tone, she turned towards Zeros and asked: "Next time you go and take apart my bridge, could you inform us what you're doing?"

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8 years ago
Feb 11, 2017, 3:45:14 AM

Decius walks out of Rolak's meeting, utterly disinterested after the long managerial talk on watch and security detail. Although it was still in session, his presence was of little importance now that the security team had pocketed their Warrior's Eyes. The Craver keeps a close eye on their questions while moving up to the bridge for his watch with Valorum, Zeros and Dhanyl. Squeezing up the cramped corridors and iris valves of the ship, Decius takes a long and meandering route to inspect the onboard weapons and munitions. Decius also makes a point to dive into the bunkroom and replace the remainder of the Eyes to his locker. He also removes a small red luminous cube about a half foot long on each side that he could work on during the watch.

The looming Craver nears the door of the bridge and inputs his 50 digit code. The armored oversized double iris slides out into the thick walls and reveals a cramped quarters filled with bitter tension and argument. Silently making his way to the side of the room, he watches and waits without context. The engines mess up the small reverberating waves within ships, making it hard for a Craver to understand anything further than his immediate room on just minor sensors.

Sitting in the just small enough desk usually used to fit 3 human sized security personnel, Decius removes a small engraving device, a box of ruby crystal, and several work tools and sets them neatly in a row on the targeting station underneath the Holodisplay. The large armoured insectoid sets to work, conscious of the conversation in the room and Rolak's speech. His nimble finger joints move like clockwork over the glowing red metal and display of the vessel. Small patterns and intricacies are inscribed, and an enigmatic pattern emerges. Metal seems to mold into glass as the cube pulses with a seemingly internal spirit; warm and strong. Finally his hands reach the metal panel on the front, a clear and precise rectangle of dark metal contrasting to the swirling and organic mix of the rest of the cube. Removing it, Decius sets the small rectangle on the table. He reaches inside and gingerly manipulates the internals, finally pouring a small vial of dust inside and replacing the rectangle. Instead of the almost ominous red, the cube is now marbled with a strong and bright sandy yellow orange light not unlike that of the Vodyani. Decius glaces around, and places the cube to the side for later. Returning his tools to the bag, the seemingly melancholy creature slumps into the chair and plays with the controls of his console. Watching out of one eye, he waits for the right moment to speak not wanting to be drawn into the silly argument about loyalty and those false misconceptions of trust or command. Watching. Waiting.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 12, 2017, 12:25:49 AM

Frame looked up at Ylona, down at the console it had remove the panel from, and at the piece it was in the process of installing, then back to Ylona. A note of embarrassment crept into Zeros vox.

"Oh, right. My apologies, I'm used to just performing tasks."

Frame held up the sphere. They both appeared to be comprised of the same materials, albeit without the same coruscation of Dust evident in the sphere. Zeros lent the vox to Guide. It was much better at such explanations, the voice emitting from the vox took on a more youthful quality, resonating with the exuberance and excitement of a Sophon showing off a new piece of tech.

"This is a relay drone, once I finish installing the transceiver,"

Frame indicated the piece it was working on in the console. Arms gesticulating wildly in an effort to match the increasing energy of the vox.

"It will serve as a direct link to my central systems. This will enable an immediate transfer of data to and from this console regardless of my physical location on the ship. Going into detail of the mechanics-"

At the point the vox cut back into Zeros, and Frame returned to it's more elegant, subdued arm motions. Returning to work on the console.

"Will undoubtedly take up much time. Essentially, once I am finished it should be able to crew some aspects of the com even should I be located somewhere else on the ship conducting repairs. It will not however be able to perform any service other than simple re-directing of data though. Were we come in contact with lifeforms that require translation, I would need to be physically present to assist."

With this last statement Frame replaced the panel and manipulated the sphere in a way that caused four segmented retracted legs to extend., placing it gingerly on the keypad of the console where it began to interact with the console using several smaller manipulators, then leaning back into the chair to relax and see where the conversation would go.

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8 years ago
Feb 12, 2017, 4:45:00 PM

Valorum decides to remain silent as Zeroes does his work. Whether it's because of that sharp remark in a different tone or simply because he found it more productive to keep reading Corvus' file, nobody could tell. Again, facelessness had its perks. As Zeroes explained his work and finished his task, Valorum's gaze turned back to him.

" As long as it doesn't sacrifice safety and increases efficiency, I have no complaints. I have one question, though; is it not a natural feature of Automatons to wirelessly link friendly computer systems? I thought that was a primary form of communication for your race, and Sowers as well, or am I wrong?"

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8 years ago
Feb 15, 2017, 12:06:55 AM

"It is indeed. However that ability is not without its limitations, limited range being the least of them. When it is active my conciousness enters into a type of virtual reality interface. Although his enables me to interact with cybernetic systems quite efficiently, it severely inhibits the funtionality of my physical form. Juggling while riding a unicycle is infantile compared to to rigors of attempting repairs while, not only effectively blindfolded, but also distracted by a whole other reality. The best simile I can come up with is that its like attempting to lucid dream an accurate recreation of your surroundings while sleepwalking, and then trying to make a meal. Terribly imprecise."

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8 years ago
Feb 16, 2017, 6:48:22 PM

"That sounds like me when I'm cooking", Ylona joked. In her mind, she added, or when I'm using Dust. She nervously fingered the chain around her neck. There'd probably be no way to avoid using the stuff on a trip like this, but she still hoped that the moment when she had to was a long way off. Thankfully, Tianquitzli was inaccessible via cosmic strings, so the chance to run into pirates was tiny.

She looked around, noticing how the room had gone rather silent. Maybe it was Decius lurking at his consoles. Pretty much any crowd would fall silent when confronted with a Craver. It definitely intimidated her, despite trying to think of the large creature as a crew member.

Hoping to keep the conversation flowing, she was about to ask if anyone here considered themselves a good cook, but thankfully remembered her audience before saying something so stupid.  This mixed crew took some getting used to compared to mostly human co-workers. Not able to think of a naturally following question, she instead changed topic: "Anyone want to bet on what planets we'll find when arriving around Tanye?"

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8 years ago
Feb 18, 2017, 6:04:12 AM

Decius swivels his head unit to directly face Ylona as he runs virtual calibrations on the guns with his four limbs on the station controls. Having vision systems superior to most beings is helpful and allowed a very good peripheral vision of Ylona, but looking at your intended target is key to conversation with most humans. Even though he could not run full calibrations until they were in open space, it is important to look useful in front of your employer's lackeys. In a clipped somewhat nervous manner, he says:

"I don't believe there will be much than several rocks or balls of gas... Space itself is vast, and I am no betting person, so I will not put a wager on the types of planets."

Not wanting to bore Ylona with speculation on why he would not bet, Decius pauses for a moment. The woman seems unnerved by his presence in the room in a way she had not been before with only the others seated. Perhaps it was that he smelled badly? He always attempted to clean himself adequately. Perhaps he had sat in the wrong place or misplaced something? Scanning the room with a somewhat self conscious timidness, the Craver finally turns back to Ylona and decides that it is imperative to continue the conversation as to not lose her interest. Scouring his mind for possible conversation points, he finally says:

"You mentioned earlier that you cook. Is there a way for us to cook here?"

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 18, 2017, 1:46:26 PM

After listening so long without speaking Dhanyl felt the urge to enter the conversation again. Turning to Ylona he repeated Decius Question.

 "Good question, Is there an actual kitchen at this Ship? Because, if so, I declare myself the inofficial-part-time-Chef of this Vessel! Also, I would like to learn it's location, I am slowly growing hungry.

Anyways, at the Topic of betting, I first would like to receive some information, I don't like to make completely uneducated guesses. So what Information do we have about the System?"

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8 years ago
Feb 18, 2017, 10:50:53 PM

Valorum simply responded 'hmm' to Zeroes before pulling up a star chart of the constellation the Saviour was currently in. He chose to ignore the new conversation about food since it was mostly a pointless topic to him, and after a few long moments of reading the map, decided to take Ylona's wager and responds:

"Since the system doesn't appear colonised, I'd hesitate to guess any temperate worlds are there. I'll bet that we'll find... a Snow planet. I'd like to find a snowy world orbiting..."

The Vodyani pauses, leaning towards his screen a little and staring before slowly pronouncing:

"...Tlahuiz...calpante...cuhtli...I believe that's how you pronounce it..."

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8 years ago
Feb 19, 2017, 8:08:13 AM

"Close enough", Ylona reassured the Captain, "but just call it Tanye, has less syllables. So, one count for snow, one for no atmospheric silicates, and I'll go with cold desert. Tanye is an old star, pretty weak. The whole cluster is ancient, otherwise we wouldn't be flying there." She scribbled down the bets while talking, then turned to Dhanyl.

"So, what's preference? Oh, and there's a mess on the ship, with kitchen. I think we got somebody working there, but I'd need to check the crew roster. Also, I'm not going to cook there, or it's a literal mess."

((I'll leave the NPC inventing to somebody else))

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8 years ago
Feb 19, 2017, 9:43:38 PM

Without thinking long he formed his Hypothesis and explained to his audience. And without even noticing, he instantly fell into his 'Lecture-mode', one hand behind his back and gesturing with the other on.

 "Hm, If it is that old, it's Stars won't give a lot of Heat,"

At this point, he even to go in a little circle.  

"so it will be a cold Planet. But, at a somewhat high chance of having once inhabited Live, so no baron Planets. So, coming to a conclusion, I'll say, Ice planet."

Suddenly stopping, noticing that he had nothing more to say, he froze in his position, slightly confused, remembering where he was and then pulling himself together again.

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8 years ago
Feb 24, 2017, 5:56:23 AM

Now, Laudmas wasn't having too much of a good time. While he loved to enjoy a conversation or two, the recent one didn't had much for him to participate. 

However, the part about cooking and the planet was too interesting to pass up.

The ancient robot quickly snapped back to the discussion, trying to remember what happened. 

"Ah, cooking! A favoured past-time!" Laudmas perked up quite suddenly. "While I was never skilled in it, I had plenty of experiences watching and observing other people engage in creating such culinary master-pieces." 

The robot placed his hands below his face in a triangular position which made him look as if he was thinking.

"I too would like to have a try at cooking. Though it is quite unfortunate that some of us cannot sample such exquisite delights."

Perhaps in a different past the ancient robot used to be someone else, but for now he was a being constructed out of metal. Wires were connected him, complex machinery were planted inside, and sheets of unknown alloys protected him. Because of that, he cannot do what some other entities can do. He can insert food, he can detect and identify it, but was he truly tasting it? But then again, what makes him so different from other sentient creatures? Two beings quite similar yet quite different. A question we can't answer.

"Ah, and about the planet." 

Laudmas moved closer to the hologram table and activated it so that it displays data about Tanye. 

"As we all know, Dust is a miraculous substance. It can do amazing things but can also be quite dangerous." 

The robot manipulated the hologram so that it displays the well-being of the planet. 

"This is just a theory, but I believe that dust is the reason why a lot of planets are filled with life and resources. In a ancient manuscript that was saved to a Sophon archive, the amount of planets that were barren absolutely triumphs the amount of planets that had life. If we were to compare celestial beings that were under heavy influence of dust and those without, there is greater chance of lifeforms existing on them on the ones with influence from dust."

Laudmas turned back and faced his comrades.

"And since a lot of Endless ruins contain a lot of dust. I believe that the Endless had a much greater influence in our galaxy than we could have ever thought. To find the planet Tor, I believe understanding more about Dust is vital."

The ancient robot slowly focused his visor, observant of everyone.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 24, 2017, 7:08:20 AM

Valorum looks up at Laudmas, interested at the mention of a manuscript. After the old machine describes the theory of many planets being transformed by Dust, the Vodyani suddenly speaks, reciting one of many verses that had been engraved into his mind as well as the markings on his Cloth:

"'All that breathes, walks, and thinks, all do so by the Virtual's grace. Through their power, they sowed the seeds of life on thousands of worlds and changed the face of the universe eternally. Black skies turned blue, vast craters filled with water, grey soil grew brown and rich, and green bloomed over the hills and mountains; all for naught but a glimmer of divine gold.'"

Valorum cocks his head a little when he finishes his recital, as if he had even surprised himself. He clears his throat and sits up out of his reclined position, explaining:

"The Compendium of Reflections, Passage One, Verses One through Four. It's one of many translations of Endless temple scrawlings that Vodyani seekers have compiled over the century. It might have been the manuscript you read, though I hadn't any clue that Vodyani writings had gotten outside of the Church. Perhaps some passages were donated as part of missionary work..."

Valorum then grabs his glaive and stands up, walking towards the model of the Tanye system projected on the main holotable and examining it. After a few moments, he raises a hand and rest his chin on it in a gesture of contemplation before musing aloud:

"Regardless, you bring up an excellent point, Laudmas. To find Tor, we must understand its inhabitants, and Tanye's worlds may be the best place to start our search. The sun itself is a old and weak, meaning any planet that orbits it will most likely have cooler climates. I'm sure even you can support me on this, Dhanyl, but the few Endless temples that I've seen have more often than not been in cooler climates; cold planets, moons, some have even been burrowed into asteroids. So long as the environment was even barely above 0 Degrees, a temple was likely to be there. And where there's a temple, there's long dormant knowledge waiting to be found."

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8 years ago
Feb 24, 2017, 3:48:00 PM

"You're mixing up effect and cause there, Captain", Ylona corrected him, then added as an afterthought: "With all due respect."

She sat up slightly straighter in her seat, then started lecturing: "We find temples in cold places because small cold suns last longer. They could have built lots of them around hot suns, too, but they're all gone now. Burned up when the star turned giant or went nova. Circle of life, I'm afraid. Give it another few billion years or so and you're not going to find anything from them any more."

While speaking, she tried to look around inconspicously. When Decius entered, she'd taken her eyes off Laudmas' glob of goop, and now the creature was nowhere to be seen. Without her wanting it, one of her hands went towards the knife again, in dreading anticipation of tentacles climbing up her leg.

"Of course, when you want to keep something, it's always good to put it in a cold place. Decay, both by organisms or just chemical decomposition, works better with more energy. If you want to fight entropy, it's best you get a cold place out of the sun. That's why Vaulters live so long", she joked.

"And not to diss anyone's religion, but Virtuals terraforming places? If I got this right, they're just programs, what do they need a nice planet for. They just need a server farm and a few solar cells. Should actually be better on a planet without atmosphere, then you don't have storms knocking over your stuff."

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8 years ago
Feb 26, 2017, 2:26:47 PM

Valorum responds to Ylona:

"True enough, but I assure you, Sister, I am not confused. I was just speaking more from the perspective of psychology and biology rather than physics and astrology."

To prove his point, Valorum manipulates the holotable display to show the Oyera system that the Saviour would soon leave behind. Tapping the marble-sized projection second from the sun, the display zooms in and displays the world's information:

Oyera II

Terrain: Boreal

Temperature: Cold

Habitability: Teeming

Population: 8 Billion (5o% Pilgrim, 25% Sophon, 12.5% Vaulter, 12.5% Lumeris)

Anomalies: Dust Ruin, Minor Hyperium deposits

Output: Strong Science, Moderate Dust & Food, Weak Industry

As the readout finishes displaying the information, Valorum elaborates:

"No matter what race you are, one always takes comfort in the familiar. The UE's oldest colonies are on temperate planets, Deyuvians colonize gas giants sooner than any terrestrial world, and Mavros would pick a lava planet over a barren one in a heartbeat. During their time in this galaxy, the Endless were no different, and the temples dotting cold worlds is proof of that eternal rule. Regardless of why it exists, the pattern remains visible and we can still exploit it."

As an afterthought, he suggests:

"And I'd guess that the Virtuals still had an appreciation for nature, regardless of their forms. I'd say you could ask a Sower for a better answer, but you probably don't have a solar rotation to spare to hear the full reason."

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