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Endless Space Forum RP [Roleplay]

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8 years ago
Mar 11, 2017, 7:11:15 AM

"If you say so", Ylona answered to the Haroshem with a voice that could have been doubt, or just disinterest.

"You're getting messed up with black and white here, Captain. Fear and tyranny aren't the same. If people don't fear you, you can't get them in line. Sure, normal people go and follow the law because it's the law, and they'll follow you because you're captain, but the real troublemakers? Those guys follow the law because we make them pay when they don't. Crime and punishment, simple as that. And in here, you're the guy who hands out the punishment."

((Alice doesn't actually have a shift on the bridge, she'd be doing her watch down in the engine room. But if you don't want to rewrite-things, we'll just say Rolak called in sick and you took over his shift.))

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 11, 2017, 8:56:03 AM

In the last few days since the launch, Laudmas was enjoying himself. At first, he was going to show and present his little refuge to Dhanyl but after the debacle, he decided it would be best to give the Sophon some space. After he went in the store-room, he was pleasantly surprised at how none of his equipment was damaged or disrupted during the launch. It was quite amazing that a room filled with so much fragile objects and life-forms was not in disorder. 

And of course, the store-room. It was a simple room that was the perfect balance between expansively large and comfortably small. It was a rectangular room which was carefully built so that one side was only slightly smaller than the other. A window-like screen was positioned at the opposite end of the door, revealing the endless extent of space which was filled and painted with a plethora of stars, nebulas, and planets, and other vibrant celestial beings.

Curiously, a bed was placed next to the window. It was fixed right next to the wall and if one were to look closer, they would see a strange machine which was fixed to the wall. Some dim lights glowed from it, and it hummed quietly.  One could perhaps see the machine as somewhat comforting. The appearance of it was certainly not complicated at all. In fact, it resembled a combination between a machine used to adjust temperature and a machine used to recharge objects. 

A single bed and a screen was not what the storeroom was entirely composed of. Right next to the bed was a tank filled with blue transparent liquid in which a certain cephlapod was curled up into a ball and looked as if it was sleeping.

For a normal person, one boring fish tank filled with a single fish would have been enough. But the person that owned the room, was Laudmas Achromb. 

If one were to open the door and look to their left, they would see a incredulous collection of fish-tanks and terrariums. Every one of them was hooked up to a complicated looking machine.

Some would shine a radiance of blue. Some would make the sound of water flowing calmly. And each would be filled with rapid and slow-moving fishes, gigantic or tiny lizards, or creatures that only a young child could imagine. 

But most importantly, none of them looked plain or boring. It was a cerulean paradise, and the ancient robot was quite fond of his little sanctuary. 

However, Laudmas still needed a place to work, so a desk loaded with gadgets and equipment was placed on the right of the door-way. To add some ambience in the room, a fireplace look-alike was placed on the left of the bed. It gave out heat and light, and glowed and flickered as if it was trying to convince anybody who were to observe that it was a real fireplace and not a imitation. The lights would be dimmed, and the room was complete. 

(( Right, I hope this wouldn't be considered as Power Tripping. I haven't added the mech so that it wouldn't be too much for me. ))

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 11, 2017, 1:17:16 PM

Whilst working on the calibrations with Zeros, suddenly Dhanyl's communicator transmitted the voice of the chief engineer... Alice? Something like that...

Picking it up he answered, "Scientific progress, don't worry, we aren't done yet, recalibration will just take a few more minutes and then we will be as invisible as before."

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 12, 2017, 7:31:57 AM

Nights pass by as sleeplessly as they had before joining the crew for the Craver, the gravity of space not satisfying his wish for rest. Sitting vigil over the rest of the crew as they slept, pretending to be asleep, and sneaking into unoccupied rooms seemed to constitute Decius' time since the takeoff. He had since established for himself analysis of sleep patterns, footsteps, possessions, vital statistics, and measurements of the crew's every move. No one had wished to talk to him save for a few small niceties, and the entire crew seemed to shy away from him when he entered the room. Hushed whispers and guarded voices followed him; the small ones seemed not to know of his heightened senses.

"They think me a brute," the silent giant thinks to himself. "It isn't helping that they don't allow me any actual food." The giant form nearly shies away from the tasteless mush of his nourishment, the waste of others. It would be nice to be able to feel the quality of the food, the full complex of nutrients, instead of just removing nutrients from partially digested waste. Maybe it would help the cravings.

Suddenly doubling over, Decius crumples his arms over his chest frame and drops to the surface of the table. Violent tremors spread from his chest as his entire body undulates. His chest rises and falls, his mouth fights back the foul bile in his throat that seems to shy away from the black hole of his stomach.

"Meat," Urge tells him. "Look at her, delicious, elegant, succulent life. See how the muscles of her legs move slowly, the soft breasts slide up and down with breath? Imagine how sweet that flesh would taste in your jaws, razor sharp teeth tearing, ripping, shredding!" Decius shudders, further his body clasped in conflict between mind and animal. The form beside him tries to coax him forwards towards the crew member, a scientist working on her promising career. She sits at a bench and nurses a warm drink of some sort; her eyes dart to Decius every so often, and then flit back to her book. Fear is in her legs and chest, as if a doe ready to fly before a hunter.

"Look at her," the urge coos again, his sweet voice holding him, hand on meaty shoulder. "She knows she is prey, and she knows the natural cycle of life. It is not in your nature to hold back. Give in, you will feel so much better if you do. It'll happen even if you try to resist now. You know it will. They and could never fight back."

A nervous crowd of several crew members looks on as the large predator holds himself in steel embrace. Some turn away from the room and others look on in fear as the gunner sits, completely and fully alone in the corner of the mess hall. His eyes unblinkingly stare at the woman, eyelids nonexistant for the red glow. Suddenly, the large shape relinquishes his grip.  He sits back in his chair and swallows down the mysterious dark glob in one go, the only nourishment he had been seen eating for the whole trip. Throwing the foil wrapper in the trash receptacle, the giant being shakily steps out of the room and past the rapidly dispersing crowd.

As he leaves, he mutters to himself:

"Not today, my friend."

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 12, 2017, 9:33:05 PM

"There should be nothing to worry about Chief, I checked the short range scanners before redirecting them. And the current setting is a short range directed burst. Provided there are no ships in that direction with long range scanners specifically searching for us we should be safe for the duration of the experiment. I have taken what precautions I can, and will ensure that our stealth capabilities are restored once Dhanyl's study is complete." Zeros remarked as Frame withdrew from the service hatch it was working in..

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8 years ago
Mar 13, 2017, 5:46:35 PM
A few minutes later the Data was collected, and Dhanyl, after thanking zeros, returned to the Lab to analyse this new information.
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8 years ago
Mar 14, 2017, 12:22:26 AM

Valorum is turning over the phial of Dust in his palm, staring at its swirling contents contemplatively.

"Troublemakers. Punishment. *hmph* I suppose they would think I'm proficient in that regard..."

His face was a mask; just another swirling receptacle for a substance beyond understanding. After a long silence, Valorum sighed and stood.

"Well, it's good to know I have somebody's confidence in my skills. Thank you, Siste-...*ahem* Ylona. I'll leave you to your own business now."

And after a short bow, Valorum left the mess hall. Vid watches him leave with her head slightly tilted before turning to Ylona and asking:

"...how much have the two of you talked? Like, since you've been onboard?"

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8 years ago
Mar 14, 2017, 6:57:28 AM

"I don't have a business right now. I'm off duty", Ylona shouted after the disappearing Vodyani, then giggled slighty. 

"Damn, I'm sure drunk", she proclaimed, not immediately answering the Haroshem's question, "but it's not alcohol. I would have noticed that." She took a look at the bottle she'd been pouring from. The alcohol content was indeed low, but there were a few other active substances listed. "Does benzoylethanamine work on humans?", she asked, then immediately continued, "Probably. Pilgrims wouldn't take stuff that doesn't work on them, right? Not sure what it does. Never been good with chemistry. Planets are more fun."

That gave her an idea, and in her current state, didn't stop herself from acting on it, so she called Dhanyl again: "Hey, Dhanyl. Can you tell me once you've made some pretty pictures? No point flying past a cloud if you don't get a good look, right?"

Then she remembered Vid's question. "What? Oh, we haven't talked much. Usually not much of a talker, myself. It's just that stuff, which I really should stop with." She pointedly pushed away the bottle and the glass and tried to sit up straight.

"So he's eating that vial of Dust?", she mused, nervously rubbing the chain around her neck, "Weird."

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8 years ago
Mar 14, 2017, 5:43:02 PM

Whilst digging into the fresh pile of Data Dhanyl Heard Ylonas Voice from his Communicator. Something was a bit odd about it. He decided to first answer and then ask questions about that.

"Direct optical measurements were not on my list but if you could find a Camera with some decent zoom you should be able to get some Pictures yourself. I don't know why yet, but the Cloud emits a very high amount of Visible Radiation." 

And after a little pause, he asked his question, because, of course, he would.

"You sound a bit strange, is everything okay?"

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8 years ago
Mar 15, 2017, 6:29:54 AM

"What, you're flying past a cloud and you're not taking pictures? Are you sure you're an astronomer? First thing I'd do is image that thing at whatever wavelengths we have sensors for." She stopped a minute to think., then asked: "Wait. How do you know it's emitting visible light when you're not taking photos?"

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8 years ago
Mar 15, 2017, 5:27:44 PM

"I don't need pictures, I have got all the data I need to imagine it like it as if I would see it directly before me, so if you want some photos you should now get your camera and move to the nearest window,  it really is beautiful."

Danyl got distracted by an unusual high Radiation level in one part of the Cloud but then remembered the ongoing conversation.

"When you got the pictures, could I see them? I just formed a new hypothesis wich I would really like visual confirmation for. I always like when my theories turn out to be right, wich they usually do. Also, you can't dodge my Question, what's going on with you Voice?"

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 15, 2017, 5:31:21 PM

Vid makes a curious 'hmm' sound and walks away. In her time, she had almost never known any Vodyani to dispense with titles or honorifics. Only a few of them called close friends by their name only. Still, it was far beyond the humble chef's station to leap to conclusions, especially about her superior officers. She just returned to her work and left Ylona to her call.


Valorum pressed the call-button on the ship's elevator and waited for it patiently, pondering what to do next. Looking down at the small ration of Dust in his hand, he shuddered at the thought of having to eventually consume it. No good intent could change what he felt and saw whenever he revitalised his core with Dust. If anything, it made consuming Essence that much more tempting. He could faintly recall the euphoria he and many Vodyani felt from draining another living being. The Gods only knew how long his willpower could hold before he might become a danger to the crew.

...maybe not all of the crew...

Taking out his communicator, Valorum decided to make a long awaited call.


In the middle of whatever he's doing, Decius' communicator receives a call. If he answers it, he hears a familiar voice say:

"Decius, this is Valorum. I would like to speak with you on the third-floor, in the starboard study room, as long as you aren't busy."

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 15, 2017, 8:35:43 PM

"What, you got stuff already? We're still way out from the point where I thought you'd start with the pictures. Or data. Whatever." She still tried to understand what Dhanyl was saying. "Think like a Sophon", she mumbled to herself. "Look, you got angel-resolved emission data, right? Erm, angle resolved, sorry. Just send it over, I'll do the picture-making myself. Better yet, I'll come over."

As an afterthought, she added: "Oh, and if you need more data, you got over an hour left, and then another shot at it in like two hours, when we're past it."

Then, she stood up and somewhat unsteadily made her way towards the laboratory section.

((Sorry for making Dhanyl look incompetent here.))

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8 years ago
Mar 16, 2017, 3:03:55 AM

"Decius, this is Valorum. I would like to speak with you on the third-floor, in the starboard study room, as long as you aren't busy."

Decius heaves his heavy augmentations up through the elevator and on to the third floor. He slumps against the sides of the metal capsule and breathes, in and out. Perspiration beads at his seams in his plating, strong muscles almost seem to twitch as they move. Hunger fills his stomach even though he had eaten recently. He never should have agreed to their contract.

The doors open with a sliding motion and the large creature slides out and in to the metallic hallway. His feet drag all the way to the door of the study room the Captain had mentioned. A black hole seems to fill him, his thoughts constantly meandering into darkness before being pulled back from greed by the power of will. The door slides open, and Decius steps inside. Hands shake and red eyes glow, announcing his arrival.

"No," Decius mutters shakily to no one in particular. "I am not busy."

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 16, 2017, 2:50:45 PM

When Decius enters the room, the lights flicker on, revealing the lightly furnished study lounge. Some white and grey armchairs, a sofa, and a small table are set by the far wall, and the other walls each boasts a desk with a built-in console and a chair. On the far wall is a screen, showing the stars outside shooting by beyond a veil of blue and white as the Saviour travels at warp speed. A sterile white floor, ceiling, and walls allow the furniture to nearly camouflage with the metal, and the room is surprisingly spacious, so much so that if it hadn't been included in the ship, the other rooms might have been made big enough to be comfortable.

By this time, Valorum is already in the room, watching out the window as the stars soar by. His blade is sheathed at his side and he's hands are clasped behind his back. When the doors open and Decius stumbles in, Valorum turns to look at him, and seeing him so shaky, immediately turns around and asks:

"What ailes you, Brother? You don't look well."

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8 years ago
Mar 17, 2017, 4:45:38 AM

Decius looks about the room, hiding his shaking hands behind his frame and setting himself into a reporting position. The small, white area is nothing to look at. The captain, however is something of a spectacle. His dark and near metallic body folds seamlessly and joints into itself, a sword held clasped at his side and hands held comfortably behind him. Everything about the figure seems to ooze strength and command, with an air of respect and tradition.

"I am doing fine captain," the Craver says. "I had not expected the stress that eating the rest of the crew's post-digestive matter would take upon me. I wish to eat proper food, but it is unattainable for me at the moment. I can elaborate further if you wish; however, I will not waste more of your time in explaining to great lengths the terms of my personal difficulties. What do you wish to speak with me over?"

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 17, 2017, 5:27:49 AM

Valorum's face is expressionless, but the way his shoulders slump, Decius can tell he's disappointed by what he hears. 

"It is no waste of my time, Decius. In fact, I called you here to talk about just that."

The Captain turns around and walks to the display screen's control panel, taps a few buttons, and the door behind Decius closes and locks with a soft hiss. Despite the fact that he was now locked in a room and alone with a malnourished Craver, Valorum looked back at Decius, totally composed, with no guards and only his blade by his side, calmly elaborating:

"I wanted to see how you were faring, to be honest. Seeing as you and I are the most alien among this crew, I felt obliged to be sure we had both settled in well. From the sounds of things, though, these last few days haven't been kind to you."

Taking a few steps over to the lounge area, Valorum rests his hand on the back of the nearest armchair before gesturing to the sofa next to it and offering:

"Come. A bit of rest will do us both some good. We're off-duty, after all."

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 18, 2017, 7:23:20 PM

While his room was a joy to be in and every minute he spent there was a absolute relief from the outside, Laudmas was the ship's doctor and had plenty of work to do.

Since the launch, most of his time was spent on examining, recounting, and calibrating medical equipment and items. It wasn't very tedious but he had to be careful to ensure that all of it was operational and ready for use. In some of the spare time he had, the ancient robot would greet himself to others and their positions on the ship. Some people were curious that a robot was working as the ship's doctor but most of them weren't too concerned. After all, the knowledge of the universe has improved and one would eventually grow to not be as amazed to such oddities and anomalies. Occasionally, some brave ship-mates would come to him and ask for help to cure the usual space-nausea and other common illnesses. Everything was well, and there were no worries.

After every equipment and items were checked and it seemed as if there will be no further cases of space sickness, Laudmas decided to visit the canteen. While he did not have the needs or wants to consume organic food, he was quite curious at how the other crew-members were doing. Even more so, he was intrigued in how food was prepared and served in the canteen.

While he was making his way to the Canteen, he met Decius. The Craver may have looked menacing to others but for Laudmas, it was another everyday anomaly. Even if Decius was to become enraged, it would be very hard for the Craver to end the robot and even if he was somehow succesful, death for Laudmas would simply be the end of one journey and the start of another. After all, no one knows what comes after death.

The Craver passed through him, his movement being hurried and skittish. Laudmas hoped everything was alright with him and decided to ask him what was wrong if he have another opportunity to meet him. Although Laudmas was a trained doctor, he wasn't very specialized in the inter-workings of a Craver. Flesh was easy to work around with and metal was even easier, but the combination of the two is quite sophisticated. 

Laudmas gently moved away from the Craver's path and entered through the cafeteria's door. His sensors for smelling perked up, and the robot was alarmed by the sudden bombardment of new (Not exactly pleasing) experiences. 

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8 years ago
Mar 19, 2017, 8:34:53 AM

"Nothing like doing astronomy drunk", Ylona cheerfully announced when entering the lab, "Really helps with the seeing stars."

She went over to the first free terminal she could find and called up Dhanyl's data. "What kind of weird data formatting is that?", she wondered, unable to make sense of it. While typing around, she muttered things like: "That some kind of fractal ordering?" or "Right, data points are long vectors. Where is the labeling, though?" She was getting a headache from all that computer science. It was a difficult enough task when not drunk, and one she'd only picked up bits and pieces from while trying to get data from one project to work with another. And Dhanyl's Sophon data was definetly more complicated in its storage than anything she'd worked with before. From time to time, she cursed when whatever she'd just tried didn't get a useful picture, either.

"So what's that hypothesis of yours?", she conversationally asked the Sophon scientist.

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8 years ago
Mar 20, 2017, 8:24:19 PM

After Ylona clumsily fiddled around with Dhanyl's last experiment in Z'valian abstract art for some reason, wich certainly was entertaining to watch, she finally decided to say something to him.

"I don't want to frighten anyone on the ship, so I won't say anything until I am shur. So before I can say anything I'll get to the Bridge, take some Pictures myself now that you won't do it, and then look what to do next."

After a few steps towards the Door, he turned around and added:

"Also I wouldn't entrust you a Camera anyway right now. I don't know what's going on with you but I think it's better if I won't let you alone in the Lab, so do you want to come with?"

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