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Endless Space Forum RP [Roleplay]

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7 years ago
Apr 24, 2017, 2:29:21 PM

"I've reconsidered."

Valorum adjusts the strap of the pouch Decius gave him gave so it would rest more easily on his shoulder and takes his leave without another word.

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7 years ago
Apr 25, 2017, 4:39:53 AM

Decius nods to Valorum.  He moves quickly to the exit after the Vodyani, and heads off towards the food dispensary. The protein ration would be welcome as the dust induced euphoria starts to ease it's way out of his bloodstream. The hunger once again begins to weigh upon him as the Craver moves down the corridor. His frame clinks slowly as it enters the Canteen, and he spots the Stardess. A steaming hot plate of Protein ration awaits him, and the woman had barely handed it out before the Decius had managed to rip into it. Stringy bands of the warm maroon substance stick to his mandibles as he tears it apart piece by piece. It wasn't exactly the intricate layering of the musculature that a living being would have possessed and it was not raw, but it was protein nonetheless. After several seconds of rapid ingestion, the meal is gone. However, the hole in his stomach seems to have been filled as well.

The looming figure turns to the Stewardess looking at him apprehensively. He turns to her and thanks her curtly before leaving the room.

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7 years ago
Apr 25, 2017, 5:59:39 PM

Kwas looks surprised that Decius was so eagerly wolfing down the synthesised steak she made. She thought that a Craver would be able to tell the difference between a real shank of meat and the recreation she made. The regular protein rations on the ship were basically just a can of shredded meat, so she roasted the contents with a semi-liquid lipid ration and shaped it into the rough image of a chop of meat. Supposedly, it was almost exactly like a grilled steak or pork-chop in terms of texture and anyone she served it to couldn't tell the difference, but to think a Craver couldn't either...or he just didn't care.

Regardless, Kwas waved back as Decius left the mess hall, saying:

"Have a good one, big guy!"


Valorum made a momentary stop by his quarters to place his gift from Decius on his desk and...well, nobody knows what else, but by the time he gets to the bridge, his core is revitalized. Though his glaive is open in full, his shoulders are sagging as if he's tired. That doesn't take away from the sternness in the captain's voice as he asks Skeler and Ylona:

"Would you two care to explain what happened a little while ago?"

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7 years ago
Apr 29, 2017, 1:57:15 AM

"It's quite simple, Captain,"  Alice stated confidently, "I took our current predicament as a reason to test the Saviour's manoeuvring capabilities, confident that she could handle it.   I will admit a high energy turn can be rather uncomfortable for the crew but I know the Saviour can pull it off.   It appears our first mate disagrees, however, so for now I'll make sure the shields stay up and ease up on the throttle." 

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7 years ago
Apr 29, 2017, 10:13:21 AM

"I'm sorry what?", Ylona exclaimed with a shocked voice, "Testing the ship mid-transit? If that's how you try to explain yourself, you should get your priorities straight."

Turning to Valorum, she more calmly reasoned: "Due to some miscalculation and miscommunication on my and Dhanyl's part, we'll be flying through the fringes of a gas cloud in a few moments. When I noticed that, I told Alice to put the shields up. Instead, without discussing things, she decided to pull a high-g maneuver that would have thrown us extremely off course. To get back on track, I would have needed to do at least two other moves like that, and we'd probably still have lost several hours. So I told her to stop."

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7 years ago
Apr 29, 2017, 2:25:06 PM

"A gas cloud??"

Incredulous, Valorum walked past the two women and used the controls on the central table to activate the bridge's forward display. The front of the bridge fizzled with holographic pixels as an image of the space outside was projected; a canvas of perfectly black space, speckled with silver stars and tinged gold with the dispersing gas from the nearby cloud. Staring at the picture, Valorum didn't turn around, but still asked:

"So what is our status? Are the shields up now? Did the Saviour suffer any damage, hull, structural, or otherwise?"

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Apr 29, 2017, 5:14:59 PM

A man sat on a chair, tinkering with what appeared to a small communication device. His face was forlorn, he was draped in wrinkles, and looked as if he forgot how to smile. In truth, he was not as boring as some may have thought, he was just rather bad at displaying emotions. However, quite abruptly, the machine buzzed and hissed like the long, old memories of the days when it sparked to life just like the countless souls Dr. L had saved.

He was quite amazed, the machine never really did responded.. it could never reach any remarkable length, let alone respond. It never worked. Unless, quite impossibly, a friend was nearby...

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Apr 29, 2017, 5:32:10 PM

Laudmas stretched himself, testing if he had broke anything inside him (fortunately none was). He could go back to the infirmary and check and reassure that the medical equipments were in order, but he had inspected once, and he wasn't the type of person that was very continuously stressed with everything imaginable. 

He dusted himself off and straightened his back. Abruptly, there was a ping as if a spring was released, he pulled back and listened attentively. 

The robot rubbed his chin, instinct taking over once again, and he suddenly paused.

Despite what most would think, that ping wasn't from him. As in, it wasn't part of him. He had a device similar to a radio attached to him that was tuned in to a single specific channel.

"97.1" It was just another random number but to Laudmas, it was different. It was a reminder of old friends, old enemies, past titles ("Walking democracy" was his favourite) and glory days.  

A radio signal shouldn't be in space. More importantly, a radio signal from that specific channel. The robot was never one to believe in miracles, he was the type of person that believed that to achieve a goal, the only good option was to it rely on yourself instead of believing that luck will save the day. However, he was also the type of person to not deny good fortunes. 

The signal came from the medical department. "It wouldn't hurt to try." Laudmas thought to himself. He then raced off, wondering what or whom made that signal. A friend perhaps? It wasn't the first time he was reunited in absurd situations with that very same signal.  

The robot smiled to himself. He wanted an adventure. Now, he would have a friend joining along with him. After all, wasn't everything better with friends?

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7 years ago
Apr 29, 2017, 9:29:03 PM

The ship had many surprises, but this one was the one that held the most importance to him. Liam opened and walked out the door, searching for the other end of the signal.

"He's... here?"

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7 years ago
May 1, 2017, 12:23:15 PM

7-4-1-N-7-3-D hovered through a corridor, maintenance run once again. The journey started off well and nobody has noticed his presence. Atleast, that is what the Sower hopes .

<Probably nobody noticed , and if someone noticed, then it seems illogical that they haven´t announced it official.> This thought ran through its circuits hundred of times. It was possibly correct , and the probablity that 7-4-1-N-7-3-D was right was usually quite high, but still, that wasn´t calming the Sower down.

The pattern the Sower chose for its patrol was unsuspicious. It should give it opportunities to find out more about the captain, the automaton and the other robot. However, the creature has to act fast.

Its plan worked out very well till now , it was on board of the ship , and was officialy only a simple machine that a trader sold to the owners of the ship officially as a exploration and maintenance drone .

The longer 7-4-1-N-7-3-D won’t act , the harder it will be to stay undetected. It can´t think as efficiently as usual because it would use more energy than a normal sower would. Also, communicating with the crew is difficult. It was hard enough to see itself as an individual entity after it came in contact with the dust ,now, he has to do the opposite, act like its normal brothers and sisters, like a simple drone.

He goes throught the Database of the crew again .<Who should ichoose? The captain is a Vodyani. As much as I know that a Vodyani would understand its reasons, i doubt that talking with the captian, alone, seems possible. Especially for a “maintenance drone”. Meanwhile, the robot and the automaton did not seem to have much influence on the ship .>

7-4-1-N-7-3-D has thought of what to do exactly 13 times and still it dislikes were this was going.<Rolak Ven-Vitto? He seem easy to contact , I could pretend I need the security officer for a problem I discovered and he would eventually find out anyway> (especially since 7-4-1-N-7-3-D is part of the security equipment)

The ship suddenly shook, 7-4-1-N-7-3-D reacted with a delay of 0.28035 seconds , which is not fast enough as it was hovering at high speed in a tight corridor. It bumped against a wall and needed some time to recalibrate all systems .

"Yes ! Yes! Of course!" the Sower says, without noticing that it was talking out loud . It now knew what to do. It had one of its "insights". Basically a sudden complete new idea, which started showing up since it came in contact with dust. It absolutely has to talk with the captain! No! The entire crew ! The Sower has to show its worth so the plan could work. But not only one person should see its worth , the more the better.

The machine looks at the virtual map of the ship, which was inserted in its mind as it was brought on the ship. It suddenly heads for the bridge. The captain would be the first to talk to . And if that does not work Rolak is the next on the list.

It enters the bridge , and directly slows down . <Here are way to much people to react directly , just pretend you are doing normal scanning and then act accordingly. >

((so thats my introduction , i hope its understandable and not to much , critic is welcome , thanks for letting me join : ) . Also of course new pots of mine wont be such textwalls   ))

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 1, 2017, 7:33:55 PM
After Dhanyl recovered from the sudden turning manoeuvre and his following fall, he rushed to the next console and checked the status and course of the ship. After he ensured that the Ship was alright, he returned to his lab, to work on more important things, like how this Cloud came into being in the first place. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to concentrate for long.

An alarm got off and on a monitor next to Dhanyl a window with live video footage popped up. It wasn't the first time his surveillance camera got off and he didn't expect anything from it anymore, removing it was pretty much on top of his to-do list.

"So whats this time? A stutter? is it a few seconds too late with its routine? What made you go off this time?" He asked the monitor.

As he inspected the footage of the maintenance drone he noticed that it lay on the ground, without moving. "It got damaged by the manoeuvre... and that's why you interrupt me? Stupid camera." He thought about second day on the ship, as he first noticed the strange behaviour of the drone. He now knew that it probably was just damaged, but after the incident with Laudmas he was a bit overcautious and placed these cameras on the usual route of the maintenance drone.

Just as he wanted to turn the camera off, the drone began to move again.
 "Yes! Yes! Of course!"
For a moment Dhanyl froze in place. He then whispered to himself "I knew it." and a bit louder "I knew it! HAHAHA! So there are now two sentient robots with unknown origins at this ship. One might ask why we even have security personal... Anyways, I'll have to talk to this robot." And the Lab doors closed behind him.
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7 years ago
May 1, 2017, 8:12:38 PM

<How often did i scan this part already ? 6 times , exactly 6 times , it seems as if there wont be a good situation to talk with the captian , for today atleast , he was busy with talking about the sudden turn of the ship .> the sower thought .

 Staying here any longer might be suspicious . It started planning a new route . The next logical target would be Rolak . It strongly disagreed with this , it was the next logical step , yes , but it needs to patrol the whole ship , the next section with a crewmember of interest for it was the Lab . Laudmas . He should be more easy to talk with.

It searched through its database . <Who could be there to interrupt me ? Nobody important , the sophon is probably in a experiments or something and the other staff there also would not care about a drone > 7-4-1-N-7-3-D never meet a sophon , only heard of them , from what it heard at stations and spaceports it just should not act strangely and everything will be fine.

7-4-1-N-7-3-D choose :"Sophons love things which doesn´t make sense , because they have something to solve" as general description for sophons  in his database . It  heard that sentences while gathering raw data , or "small talk" how its called by the most . 

<Only down this corridor and i should be there> while being on normal speed it hovers around a corner and sees how the sophon leaves the lab <Stay normal , you are on a maintenance run , normal scan and detection of ship damage and security dangers>

It hovers in the direction of the sophon and the lab.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 2, 2017, 4:02:02 PM

'Well, that was easier than expected' Dhanyl thought 'But I can't talk to him out here...'

"Maintainance Drone! There is a severe malfunction in my Lab that needs repair immediately." He shouted into the direction of the Drone. 

'He'll have to follow that order if he want's to keep his cover.'

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7 years ago
May 2, 2017, 4:28:54 PM

7-4-1-N-7-D was not prepared , it hasn´t expected that the sophon would talk with it .

<Well, that will be harder then expected , but some repairs wouldn´t be a problem , unless they are ones which a normal drone shouldn´t be able to fix. He said "serve malfunction" . How did the Sophon break his equipment so fast?>
The sower slows down and stops next to the sophon.

It needed some fractions of a second to form a sentences which a normal drone could say "Acknowledged. This Unit recommends calling a engineer if damage is classified as *serve* . This Unit will follow to inspect the damage" it says in a emotionless voice, ready to follow the scientist when he starts moving.

<Was that too much ? Too less ?> since the sophon talked the sowers brain was turned up at 50% use ,from  25% , which fits the energy consumption of a normal drone.It is not allowed to do a mistake now.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 2, 2017, 4:55:45 PM

It really put a lot of effort into its charade, it sounded exactly like the other drones on board. It was good, but not good enough.

After they both passed the door, Dhanyl said calmly "E.N.I, Lock the doors, contamination grade three, no alarms. Also, start the latest "Special-recordings" File, Display on all monitors."

Swiftly an artificial, genderless Voice replied "Yes Professor Abmaha, Lockdown protocols engaged, loading video now."

Along the walls, countless monitors sprang to life, showing 7-4-1-N-7-D in the small side corridor, slowly recovering and then, the sound seemed to fill the room...

 "Yes! Yes! Of course!"

"So..." Dhanyl finally said after a few moments of silence "... what are you doing on my ship?"

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 2, 2017, 5:19:17 PM

<Locked doors ? Special Recordings? What is this sophon planning ? Did my cover blew up ? No that cant be, c-" 7-4-1-N-7-3-D readjusts its sensors as it sees the recording of itself <How did he? Was that my voice?>

It increased its energy to its processing power up to 100% , his thoughts unorganized , it let down its cover ! It doesn´t matter how the scientist got that recording , it needed to act fast , damage control , but would he listen , would he understand?

"This Unit-" 

The sower stops speaking , but starts again some seconds later. Its voice was still clearly the one of a robot , but it was not as neutral and emotionless as the voice it used before.

"I plan to achieve two things : Support the mission as good as possible and to slowly introduce myself to the rest of the crew" It said the words I and myself slower then the rest.

<Don´t mention your real mission ! He maybe wont understand it , maybe he wont investigate more> his subroutines told it otherwise , but since it came in contact with dust these are more like recommendations , rather then orders.

"I would prefer if this would be a secret for a while"

<I am not in the position to demand something ... but it can´t much worse>

The robot floats closer to the ground , almost touching it.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 2, 2017, 6:16:55 PM

So the Droid was sentient, would have been embarrassing if not. He looked like a sower, probably because he was one. This reveals only raised more questions... But Dhanyl was in no hurry, he was the only one with the codes to unlock the door so he had all the time in the world to ask his questions until they were answered sufficiently.

Unsatisfied with the short explanation he began to rapid-fire his Question: "Helping the mission, that's a good plan, but I think it would be easier to help if you wouldn't pretend to be a maintenance droid. So, how did you get on the ship, why didn't you just apply for the job like everyone else did? And why do you want to aid this mission anyways? Sowers aren't really known for their friendly and helpful nature. On another not, why did you choose to present as a dysfunctional Droid? What advantages did you hope for by doing so?"

And then stopped as suddenly as he started, allowing the robot to answer.

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7 years ago
May 2, 2017, 6:54:33 PM

<Dysfunctional? Was I playing my role so bad that others thought I would be defective ?> 

It got an idea for an tactical plan , it had an idea how to lie itself out of the situation ! 67,25 seconds after it already told to much to go back...  it is not really helpful that it gets a report that points out its slow thinking ...
The sophon has cameras in the ships corridors , so there will probably be cameras installed in this room too.

"I have good logical reasons for my behavior ..."  It starts floating higher again , at the height of Dhanyl´s head , he starts to fly arround him in wide slow circles . The sower used that pause to think about what it could say to convince scientist.
It seems hopeless.

"I am the first of my series , we sowers produce different series of us , for different uses , so we can follow the Calling in a more efficient way .." <Should i have mentioned the calling ? >
For his kind the Calling is a gigantic task , a live goal each sower has after activation , 7-4-1-N-7-3-D had a personal goal to fulfill , the Calling was for it less important since it came in contact with dust.

"As the first of my series , i was send on a easy mission to show the worth of my series , the mission was a failure , before you ask , it was not my fault !" 

He flies around the scientist another time
"I usually would have been ordered back and disassembled , or given a second chance . But i am infected with dust , all i will do will be valued less for my series because i am . So i fled , not because i fear death , because i want to gain value .
That is why i am registered as a drone , if one would  knew i have a personality , my empire could know as well ."

 while floating in circles , it moves closer and closer to the ground again , every circle it descends for some centimeters.
"I want to help this mission , so i can convince one of you to tell of a drone with advanced skills , in the hope that my series will be build , i see them as my siblings , I don´t want to be the reason that they will never be build..."
<Hopefully this is not to emotional for a scientist , I have to convince him>

"You can do with me what you want , but don´t make my secret public" the drone has almost reached the ground again , it faces its main sensors to Dhanyl.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 3, 2017, 4:11:50 PM

<Just curious ? Hopefully .>
"A lumeris trader got me smuggled in the drone list of this ship , how he did it is unknown to me , I payed him with my ship and equipment which was left from the failed mission "
7-4-1-N-7-3-D still was not sure if that as a good deal , but the ship was all it had to trade against the service he demanded from the lumeris , discussing the deal with him was difficult .

Updated 7 years ago.
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