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Endless Space Forum RP [Roleplay]

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7 years ago
May 18, 2017, 10:36:24 PM

Valorum closes the door to his room and listens attentively to 7-4-1-N-7-3-D as it speaks, his only movement being the swirl of his Essence within and around his body. The Vodyani chuckles good-naturedly when the Sower mentions it 'not being a simple Sower like the others', and replies:


"Nobody on this ship is 'simple' in any sense, my friend. I'm beginning to think those not Dust-touched are a minority on this ship. Regardless, none of the crew will hear of your nature from me...but what is this matter of a suspicious person onboard?"

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 18, 2017, 10:42:42 PM

"I understand, First Officer. It was simply my intention to remain alert and prepared for any attack. Being prepared for a fight is not a bad idea, especially when jumping into a system blind."


Decius nonverbally sends a message through ship comms to the engineering department inquiring about the payload of the drone. It wasn't possible to calculate the propellant and such for a rocket if it wasn't yet measured in the firing tube. The red and green rockets he had already measured precisely with his own sensors, however a probe must be specialized in small ways for different missions.


Decius thinks momentarily about Ylona's comment, pausing his various remote checks to crane his head toward Ylona from the small pit.

"I am unsure how a crew member would make such a well constructed replica. That and the fact that no drones were authorized to enter the bridge at this time leads me to believe that the drone is indeed a Sower. I have been curious for some time why no one else seemed to notice its individuality."


Decius turns back to the console, a glint of humor in his cold red eyes.


"However, if you wish to not see video of yourself, I would suggest you talk to Martin, the IT junkie. He has acess to all of the cameras and recordings. There are some recordings of your episode on the system that I would suggest you have stricken from the record."


((Color isn't showing up in my posts for me. Same problem for you guys? All my dialogue is colored in edit, not posted view.))

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 19, 2017, 8:55:26 AM

"You knew that the thing was sentient?", Ylona asked, ignoring the comments about recorded behaviour, "Didn't the Captain give you a 'You always need to tell the brass everything' speech yet, because that's sounds like the kind of stuff that needs to be told. If that droid is an actual Sower, it's a sentient and should be on the crew roster. Since it isn't, that would make it a stowaway and if we run out of power somewhere mid-flight because we didn't account for it, it'd be guilty of killing us all."

She hesitated, noticing that she was starting to hold a speech herself. "You probably get the gist of it", she cut herself short, "If not, say so. I've heard and given tons of 'We're in space, we need to work together' speeches to hold one for you if you like. It's something we Vaulters are pretty good at. Need to be, obviously."

((I couldn't see colours at home, but I'm seeing them here on my work computer. Which is weird because I'm using the same browser for both. Maybe they patched it while I commuted))

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7 years ago
May 19, 2017, 12:53:02 PM

The sower answers quickly "The information i had were only regarding myself , a trick to talk with you . In the logs i am registered as property , a drone , i am not asking for that to change , but i want you to know that i am more useful than assumed . I want to help this mission for own reasons" 

<Am I doing this right , i have never communicated to a higher rank through speech , talking in zeros and ones is way easier> 

The sowers hovering started to becomes slightly unstable , instead of staying at the same altitude , it moved up and down .

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7 years ago
May 19, 2017, 8:26:34 PM

Valorum's shoulders slump and his head shifts back over his shoulders as if to symbolise a puzzled or bewildered expression.

"We are not a Sower vessel; individuality is not such a stigma here as it is with the rest of your kind. I shall stand by my word and tell nobody of your true nature...but I must ask; what can you tell me of your reasons for being here?"

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7 years ago
May 19, 2017, 9:13:05 PM

the sower started  to fly slowly in circles in front of the captain 

"As i said i am the first of my series , a test model . To see if it works , if i work . A accident happened , my test mission failed.I got infested with dust , the sower collective doesnt know that i am alive ,if they hear that I did something impressive , chances are high that they will test my series again . I failed my test , the sowers from the same series as I ,which are the closest to family for me , my brothers and sisters , will never be build . I have to change that , that is why i am here."

It stops facing the Vodyani again

 "I do not care if all of the crew know my identity , but i cannot trust them that they will keep it secret . If the Collective somehow knows that i am infected with dust , all my new achievements will not be valued as a product of me , but of the dust"

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7 years ago
May 19, 2017, 11:09:59 PM

Valorum scratches his chin, pondering 7-4-1-N-7-3-D's predicament. 

"Your goal is noble and I respect that in the utmost, but the outcome is uncertain. Even if your secret is kept, a generation of Sowers would be manufactured based on the performance of a Dust-touched prototype. The Sower Collective would expect similar results from the new models, and when they do not meet the standards that were promised by the data you collected, your series could be recycled regardless...but..."

For a few moments, Valorum ponders his subordinate's interesting problem, rolling Stormbreaker in his hand absentmindedly. Eventually, he suggests:

"Is it correct for me to assume your Dust-enhancement has only given you an individual personality? It has provided you with no enhanced cognition, mobility, structural integrity, or any other attributes?"

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7 years ago
May 20, 2017, 9:22:10 AM

All ongoing thought patterns reset in the sowers mind , it was thrown off track by this comment , knowing that the Vodyani was right.

It started to run new simulations and changed thought patterns .

<What has changed? How much am I like I was before i was infected with dust? How can I even tell , my whole way of thinking changed since then.>

After a long delay the machine responded , it spoke slowly  "I can not say , but i am sure that it enhanced my way to see problems , i try to solve them in different angles , but i don`t know more , i don´t know if my already though chassis was further improved .I am sure that my precision and speed is the same. "

Despite what it said it was not sure.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 20, 2017, 4:48:35 PM

Decius pauses to think, and then looks back towards his controls. An array of figures slide seamlessly across it as calculations and readouts are beamed from the ship's scanning sensors.

"I suppose you could consider yourself warned. I believed that everyone else had noticed and I was simply the only individual without information on such a machine. It appears that I was wrong. Would you wish for me to apprehend the drone? I can remote monitor the gunnery and accompany you if you wish to confront it."

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7 years ago
May 20, 2017, 7:53:17 PM

Everything was calm. The room was cool. A machine quietly hummed and the gentle stream of water from the aquariums that Laudmas installed comforted the ear-drums.

Laudmas was in harmony. He sat cross-legged on his “bed” while the machine next to it poured energy into him. The experience was almost akin to organics eating food but it was much, much cleaner. The robot meditated as his power was being restored. Wispy gas would leave from parts of his body from time to time. It was as if Laudmas was in a dream. Everything was calm..

But not for much longer. The beep of a message jerked him from the robot’s slumber. He breathed in, and then more gas left from his body. Wires were unplugged from him and he stood up.

It was time for work and while he wished that he would have had more time for rest, he was quite contempt for another opportunity to leave his room once again. While the last few days were not eventful for some, Laudmas had plenty of events.


To start with. He met his old friend, Liam, once again. That devilish snake. He would have been enthusiastic beyond belief if meeting wasn’t his first, second, third, nor fourth time he coincidentally met him. The story of when they first met was quite a tale. It featured a Lumerian trader, a jail, a broken bot and just like any other legends, it was often exaggerated. Still, meeting a friend was something to get excited about. The robot found Liam gorging on a piece of roasted crustacean while slurping some warm, lavish ectus soup. With a pat on the back it was just like any other day. Drinks were raised, the chef was lauded, and songs were sung badly.

After that, the robot spent time calibrating the ship system to his. He could now instantly access the map, read bios of many otherworldly creatures, and know the status of the ship, her scanners, and plenty more. While he finished that, Laudmas spent more time with the Sophon and Liam. After all, they were the only people the robot know well that was also on the science crew. He quite particularly enjoyed time with Liam. He was still the same. A shy and perhaps rough exterior, but a warm and kind soul was definitely in there.


Work, work, work. The robot opened a holoscreen on his work desk. Collecting data was usually easy; most of it was automated and just had to be translated into something readable for someone with no “formal” knowledge of the sciences. Booting up the sensors was a different story. A press on the holoscreen would have booted up the sensors but most of the time, there was always a problem that needed to be fixed. The sensors might be misaligned or jammed and the data sent would be corrupted. Still, a few presses on the holoscreen would usually solve most problems.

Laudmas finished a document filled with data (the vital information were carefully highlighted) and the sensors were all in order. It was then sent to Ylona along with the message:

“Here’s everything you asked and plenty more. There are some things I would like to notify to you about the planet but here’s the normal stuff first. Make sure there’s plenty of insulation for the crew and ATVs. Don’t forget to have a eager spirit to brave the cold too.

Now, this is when the fun starts to begin. There’s life on the planet. Developed life. We will need plenty of guns and the muscle to utilize them. Bring along some sentries, I’m certain they will be really useful. Then, things get even more interesting. Although this just a speculation from but I believe that the surface changes colour vibrantly without the light of the sun. It will turn from a cyan hue to a pinkish hue. Some weird things are going on about. A landing is advised.”

And with that message sent, the robot left his room and went to the lab; hoping to see Dhanyl and Liam in there.

(( Tell me if there are things you don't like. Edited so that spelling errors are fixed, had to rush things out yesterday. ))

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 21, 2017, 5:57:32 AM

"Did the Captain take his weapon with him?", Ylona asked. When she saw Decius nod, she decided: "Then he'd be able to hold his ground long enough to call for help if he needs you. The rest, we can discuss when he's back. Whether or not we keep that stowaway here is his decision, I only give suggestions."

At this moment, her console gave a beep and a window popped up, showing that Laudmas had sent her some data. She read through the message and then ordered: "Okay, Science has uploaded the anomaly data. Fire one probe at the moon of Tanye I, equatorial regions, sunward side." At the same time, she set up two probes for trajectories at Tanye II, one to land on the surface in a spot where that life was likely to have gathered, and the other in breacher mode to reach the subterranean anomaly she could see in the raw data. It was a fun exercise, figuring out exact trajectories in a multi-node system with only limited fuel. Unfortunately, it was over once the probes had been launched and she could see them speed away along their set paths.

Given that Laudmas had already advised to land on Tanye II, she didn't wait for the probes to reach the planet, which would take about an hour, and then for their data collecting to be finished, which would be several more, and instead called the Captain directly with: "Bridge to Captain. We think there's something interesting on Tanye II we should check out in person. Permission to set a course?"

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7 years ago
May 21, 2017, 12:26:03 PM

The huge metal door swooshed open.

Laudmas entered the laboratory. Everything was made of a weird amalgamation of porcelain and metal. There were all sorts of equipment, science instruments, and unfinished gadgets. After all, it was a Sophon ship and the laboratory reflected its pristine and delicate designs along with the messy assembly of widgets and gizmos.

The Sophon was peering into a device that appeared quite similarly to a microscope. He was quite focused on it. Laudmas walked to him; the clanking of his footsteps didn’t seem to rouse Dhanyl.

With a loud beep to alert the Sophon, Laudmas spoke to him:

“Good day Dhanyl. Here are some  good news. We’re going to see some snow.”

He said this with a grin. Laudmas then pulled out a holo-tab which displayed a vehicle, some equipment, and a tube that appears to be glowing.  

“Lets open up some vehicles. We don’t want to turn into ice-statues. And also, according to what you said, we’ll need insulation and suits. The essentials of course. Since we don’t have suits for the big guy, lets just hope thermal spray works on him and the nasty gas won’t turn him into a dead abomination. Cravers are tough yes, but the flesh usually doesn’t mix well with unidentifiable chemicals. We’re definitely going to need him, so it’ll be best to quarantine him in the shuttle until we get good readings of the planet.”

For a split second, the robot imagined the nasty image of a Craver getting space-flu.

 “We’re just going to use the standard repulsor-lift bikes. Eh, the “fold-able” models. We’ll need extra fuel for them; those things drain energy like hydrogen gas being sucked into a vacuum. Don’t really think they can handle the weight of some of us but I have faith in them. The planet is bound to go really, really dark so lets take out those fancy glow tubes. About 80 will do fine.”

The robot then coughed, silvery dust escaped from his headpiece.

“I’m afraid as the senior, I must lend you some orders. Your assignment is to check the probes which will arrive in a hour or so and to manually monitor the sensors to make sure there is no small changes with the data. The tasks may be menial but it is always good to know that the data received is correct to the 99th percentile.”

Laudmas went to the exit and waited for the door to open. Before he left, he faced the Sophon one more time, with a smile on his face.

“Or perhaps you, along with the rest of the science crew would like to inspect and select which vehicles, suits, and equipment we are going to use. The probes will take some time to arrive and checking data can wait for a few minutes. Surely, deciding on what equipment we’ll use is a much interesting assignment.”

And with that, the robot stepped out of the laboratory and went to the hangar.

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7 years ago
May 21, 2017, 5:02:18 PM

The days went like a blur. One moment Liam was working on a metal sphere that could do constant operations, help out with testing, and easy to throw at someone. Another moment would pass and he made three copies that went back into the box of spare parts they once were. One because he didn't have a certain part on hand, another because it couldn't retract their tools, another because it tried to flip a table over without command.

He also met Laudmas, he was excited to see him, not enough to jump out the ship and scream, but maybe just enough to snap him back to tinkering with the many things around him. He was about to jump back into the project and make a fourth one, when a loud beep alerted him. It was Laudmas, what could that old fool be up to?

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7 years ago
May 21, 2017, 5:21:10 PM

As soon as he is given the order Decius' mechanical fingers begin to  fly across the glowing readouts and controls. Information seems to appear only moments before it is obliterated by another string of text. Mechanical components move inside the ship, adding and removing load form the probe. Sensory input flashes and within seconds of the command being given the metal tube streaks towards the moon. A solid streak of gold, a tendril reaching from the ship, the probe spirals down towards the moon like a torch into a bottomless pit.

The Craver leans backwards and turns to Ylona, stretching his cold chrome digits.

"Who would be in charge of the crew composition in the landing party? It would be advised to create a consistent core away party, so that the crew can be prepared to scramble if necessary."

Decius nonverbally alerts the security crew to prepare for the event of a landing.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 21, 2017, 11:03:55 PM

Valorum's posture relaxes when he hears 7-4-1-N-7-3-D's response.

"Then this plan may well work. So long as your base structure and programming remain the same, you should still function within reasonable parameters for your model."

Hearing Ylona on his communicator, Valorum activates the device and replies:

"Hold on. I'll be there momentarily, Sister Ylona."

Silencing his communicator, Valorum moves to the door and affirms to the Sower-in-hiding:

"Your secret is safe with me, friend. Come. We have other business to attend to."

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 22, 2017, 7:30:43 AM

"I don't think we have a fixed away crew at the moment", Ylona admitted, "because until like five minutes ago, it wasn't for sure that we'd land on anything around here. Chances are, we still won't, if those anomalies don't pan out." She looked at the probes speeding away, by now invisible specks against the stars, only identified by the screen overlay. It seemed to good to be true, this chance to discover something entirely new, something never seen or touched by another space-faring species before. It could as well turn out to be just another Titanium-70 deposit, valuable but useless to the expedition.

"And since it's the fist time, there's going to be an argument", Ylona predicted confidently, "Because Science for sure wants somebody of theirs on the team, and you and Rolak are going to push for there to be lots of guards. And the Captain probably wants to lead from the front, not the rear, and who knows how many people would like to stretch their legs on a planet for a change, even if it's frozen. I would, for starters."

Remembering something she'd thought about just aminute ago, but forgot to say over the more important duties at the time, she suggested: "It might be good if you come along, get a chance to talk to the crew. because if you noticed this drone isn't a drone, but didn't notice that nobody else did, then I think the problem isn't with your hearing, but with you not talking to the rest of the crew." And with them not talking to you, she mentally added, given how scary the Craver was. Him ripping the arm off some snow creature down there wouldn't help people forget that, but if he saved somebody doing so, they might start seeing him as being on their side. Ylona sure wanted some affirmation like that.

((Nibot, you post ends mid-sentence. You might want to edit in the rest))

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 22, 2017, 2:25:15 PM

"Indeed , i need to continue my patrol or if maybe i will be send with the ground team or get to inspect the hull if we stay in orbit for a while" The thought of something else but the well known interiors of the ship was classified as wish in the sowers mind.

The moment the door is opened 7-4-1-N-7-3-D´s voice changes back to the more neutral one . 

"This Unit will follow the captain in the bridge and then re-initiate its patrol" it was following him.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 22, 2017, 9:42:18 PM

Decius nods silently. His face remains stoic as he turns to monitor the panel

((Sceience should be science in the second paragraph, Alien.System. Where is Rolak? Can I take control of him for now?))

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 23, 2017, 12:26:48 AM

Valorum nods in concurrence with the Sower and the two of them leave his room, the Vodyani stealing a glance back to those strange prisms on his desks before closing and locking the door.


Entering the bridge, Valorum approaches Ylona, asking:

"You mentioned and object of interest on Tanye II, Sister? What information do we have on it?"

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7 years ago
May 23, 2017, 5:13:51 AM

The drone entered the bridge with the captain . It directly headed for some terminals to scan .

After some time of doing so it heads for the exit .

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