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Endless Space Forum RP [Roleplay]

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7 years ago
Jul 14, 2017, 9:37:14 PM

"You mistake me, Ylona. Comm beacons are a part of exploration protocol."

Stepping towards the back of the cargo-bay, Valorum roots around in the boxes back there before finding what he was looking for and holding it out to the team; a white and blue, elongated trapezoid with a screen and buttons on the front and more buttons on the left and right sides. With a tap of a button, four little legs unfold out of the corners of the little device, tipped with what appear to be magnetic feet. Valorum speaks up so the whole team can hear:

"The Pilgrims and Vodyani share near identical methods for exploring subterranean ruins, so allow me to explain; between the possible depth of the ruin and the composition of metals that construct it, normal communications with the surface will deteriorate swiftly as we descend. So, per the normal protocol, we lay a trail of these comm beacons as we go to create a line for our signals to follow back to the surface, as well as a 'trail of breadcrumbs' for the team to follow once we're ready to return to the ship. If we want to be able to contact the ship in case of an emergency and call for assistance, the appropriate placement of these beacons is a priority. Is that understood?"

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7 years ago
Jul 16, 2017, 6:51:03 AM

"That doesn't change a thing about you not having asked during briefing. If those things had been in a crate in the hangar, what then? Fly quickly back up and grab it?" Ylona shakes her head. "Anyway, in case something goes even more wrong, here's some Vaulter back-up tech to make sure you find out of the cave. Be careful with it, Laudmas, this is a very delicate and complicated tool. Where was it? Ah yes." She patted several of her pockets while speaking, then pulled out a piece of chalk and handed it over with sarcastic seriousness.

Turning to Dhanyl, she said: "If you wouldn't spend so much time with the head in the clouds, then you might have noticed that we have a probe in the area that sends seismic data. Which tells us that whoever built these ruins wasn't stupid. They're in solid bedrock. No worm will chew through that."

Once the preparations seemed to have died down, she asked: "Everything cleared up now? Then let's go." Then, Ylona opened the rear hatch and let everyone out into the freezing wind. Once they were all outside, the hatch closed again and the shuttle took off. It had only risen for thirty seconds before it was invisible among the dense flurry of snowflakes and ice crystals that was blown across the barren terrain by the howling wind.

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7 years ago
Jul 16, 2017, 4:43:31 PM

"I suppose I misspoke, then. I just wanted to know where the beacons were on the shuttle."

Seeing the back door of the shuttle open, Valorum returned the beacon he was holding to its dormant state, put it back in the box, sealed it, and grabbed the whole thing to carry under his arm. Picking up his briefcase with his other hand, he discreetly informs Ylona:

"Oh, and I've uploaded a copy of the weekly report into the Adamant's computers for you to finalise. There's still a few hours before its transmission is scheduled, though, so there's no need to rush."

And with a bow of his head, out of respect to his pilot if nothing else, Valorum steps out into the storm.


The terrain outside was exactly as Ylona described it; a flat expanse of densely-packed gravel with a short mound barely 40 feet ahead. The wind was howling all around, but there was no snow anywhere near the ground. It was all about 100 feet above the party, churning like a cauldron of mist in the raging storm. Though there was no slippery terrain to worry about thanks to the nature of this world's weather, the harshness of the wind was still an issue, as Ylona previously described. Fortunately, thanks to the added weight from the armour beneath his cloak and the box he was carrying, Valorum was far too heavy for the wind to topple him, even without any cleats or stabilising spikes on his feet. Still, something about the ever-present noise and unstable environment made an old instinct click in the Vodyani's head. Looking back at the rest of his team, he called out over the roaring storm in a commanding shout:

"All units, forward!"

And he began to lead the sluggish march towards the entrance of the ruin.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 16, 2017, 5:26:48 PM

The sower floats out, as soon as it sees the surface of the planet a familiar feeling comes up.
<This is unclaimed, unbuild, untouched land ... a whole planet to explore... >
Blueprints were filling its mind and its scanners started to gather data, its view was filled with imaginary structures.
<The wind could be harnessed for power, communication Surface-to-Surface should be done underground, the worms are problem, but not he->
Its subroutine driven Thought-Patterns got interrupted by Valorum´s shout, it hovered over, next to the captain.
The floating Ball of Metal was slower than usual as its Graviton device also needed to cancel out the strong winds of the planet,  it finally caught up with the captain, while scanning the terrain around and in front of them.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 16, 2017, 8:12:18 PM

Immediately after Dhanyl stepping out of the shuttle the wind began furiously pressing against him. Even though there wasn't a lot of body area the air could pull at and he was anchored to the ground it was hard to stay upright. 

The micro generators began directing more energy towards the exoskeletal support structures and if it wouldn't have been for the howling of the storm it would have been one of the rare occasions that one could hear Dhanyls suit working. After a few moments, he was able to stand without much effort and the hard part began.

Slowly he set one foot before the other. Small steps, arms crossed before his chest, and his wipers constantly cleaning his visor from particles, making him look as if he was blinking.

 As he was slowly marching towards the entrance, he was happy about not feeling the cold. Hekim was a good place to prepare one for storms like this and his suite had the best isolation one could buy without having a life debt by one of the lumeris families.

He gripped the tool kit he had hanging from his waist and marched further.

Suddenly he realised that he was looking to the ground most of the time. An unnecessary reflex passed down to him from his long dead ancestors. He swiftly decided that this posture was beneath his dignity and lifted his head. 

Dhanyl stopped. He realised how long he had been sitting on that ship, just close walls or endless voids. He realised how much he missed to have the horizon before him, a sky above him and a goal in front of him. After he soaked in this clean, white beauty he began marching again, but now with twice the determination and speed.


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7 years ago
Jul 19, 2017, 3:18:40 PM

After quite some time 7-4-1-N-7-3-D  saw a shadow in the storm, the upper part of the ruins, just still covered behind the blizzard.The sowers Subroutines already start to analyse the structure, and as they get closer it is obvious that this is not only a normal entrance but also once was a big tower-like structure, maybe a Port for spaceships, maybe just a fortification or something completely different , but now most of the upper structure is missing only some still standing walls and supports show that the building was higher in  days gone.

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7 years ago
Jul 20, 2017, 5:56:07 PM

Valorum could see it too; what was once a tall black tower had since had its upper levels sheared off; whether by the world's storms or a deliberate attack,  nobody could say for sure, but there it was, jutting out from the ground a long distance ahead, barely 10 metres in height. Looking back at his team, he shouted over the storm:

"There's the entrance! Keep moving!"

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 21, 2017, 9:44:03 PM

The entrance was some kind of automated door, the door was deep black, even after the many years it probably was here the material was still reflecting like a mirror instead of getting dull, multiple interfaces were next to it.

Tainted dashes forward as they are only about 15 Meters away.
"Familiar Blueprints, but inefficient, still known ..." It floats to the interface, its glow was dim and also for the ones which didn't understand the displayed language (it's endless) it is obvious that an error is displayed
"This Unit could try to connect, alternative possibilities recommended."
 it said as it knows that connecting with unknown systems can be very dangerous.
"Probability of endless Structure ... 87%"
 the robot said with its limited knowledge about its creators.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 22, 2017, 8:48:44 PM

Frame retained its humanoid form as it made its way through the deep snow and blustering wind, a biting chill that pierced into 0000's core.

<Initilizing warming coils.>

The snow by Frame's feet began to steam as 0000 made it's way through the powder, leaving a trail of steaming footprints behind as it walked. 

Eventually Guide began to pick up some commotion from ahead, and looked up in response, noting an ominous black mass barely visible through the snow. 

(There is a stucture up ahead, likely our objective.)

As the thought ran through 0000's processor a particularly violent blast of wind cleared the view briefly, revealing the structure in more clarity. The shattered remains of the towers upper half standing out in stark contrast to the sooth white snow, the exterior cravings long since worn down by the howling winds.


{What is that fool doing?}

Zeros shifted its view toward the rapidly shrinking Sower that was heedlessly accelerating towards the ruin alone.

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7 years ago
Jul 25, 2017, 12:47:35 AM

Seeing 7-1-4 begin to rush towards the structure, Valorum's priorities shifted. If this structure was a military installation of some kind, and still retained even a bit of power, 7-1-4 would be rushing to his death. Needless to say, Valorum wanted to avoid that possible outcome, so with a short growl of frustration at his crewmate's recklessness, the Vodyani barked to his team:

"Pick up the pace! Move, move!"

And he picked up his pace into a sudden sprint after the runaway Sower.


It didn't take long to reach the tower, at which point it could be used as shelter for the whole group against the raging winds. Valorum caught his bearings after the long sprint and visually examined the structure from where he stood. It looked big from a distance, but up close, it was even bigger; about 80 metres in diameter. A structure this large had to be reinforced, so it was either a bunker of some kind or an observation post or some kind of air-traffic control tower. Seeing 7-1-4 already at the base of the structure, probably analysing it, and hearing the rest of the team reaching shelter behind him, no doubt worn down by the unexpected jog, Valorum kept a level tone as he spoke:

"7-1-4, our chances of survival suffer greatly when the team is divided. Do not break formation in the future, for everyone's sake."

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7 years ago
Jul 25, 2017, 1:19:16 PM

<This design fits the database, it really has to be en->
The robot stops in motion and turns around as it recognizes Valorum´s voice.
<I couldn't even hold back myself till we are in the ruins.>
"Acknowledged, This Unit needs to adjust to Non-Sower operation standards. It is usual for exploration Units to go ahead, possible dangers will be detected and the Unit is " the sower stopped for a second there "Replaceable"
Then it floated back to the Captains side, filled hatred and shame that it even felt curiosity , which made it worse as shaming and hatred are things which the Robot wants to ban out of its mind.

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7 years ago
Jul 25, 2017, 10:00:54 PM

Watching the subdued 'drone' return to its position beside him, Valorum nodded his approval before giving the structure before him another look. Neither he nor 7-1-4 had been shot at or blown up, so whatever this was, it was either unpowered or not a defensive structure. The door before him was imposing, but he had seen its kind before; big, shiny, and...inlaid with something. Thin lines had been traced all along the front of the door in what appeared to be some faded, gold compound. It wasn't writing, or any letters even the Vodyani could recognise, but there was definitely a pattern there. Before he could move to check it, though, he heard the rest of the team make it to the top of the mound on which this tower rested, no doubt huffing and puffing from the run. Setting down the crate of radio beacons he was carrying, Valorum looked back and called out:

"Apologies for the impromptu exercise. Catch your breath if you need to, but make it quick. This is the ruin's main entrance, and we must determine if it is still viable."

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 28, 2017, 7:43:15 AM

The Captain shouted and Frame ran. A small metal orb burrowing a hole through the snow. Sprinting past the rest of the group, it barely made it to the entrance seconds behind Valorum.



{That damnned...}


"7-1-4, ... suffer greatly ... divided. Do not ... everyone's sake."

+Seven-One-Four?... A name!?+

"Apologies for the impromptu exercise. Catch your breath if you need to, but make it quick. This is the ruin's main entrance, and we must determine if it is still viable."

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 30, 2017, 4:43:16 AM

(Since Blackbird's taking a while, I'm just going to take control of Rolak for a second.)

Chidi Tehik sits down, catching his breath from the run. He hadn't been expecting that, but he followed orders and pursued the Sower, all while scanning his surroundings and keeping proximity to the Sophon. It would have been bad if the little guy had blown away in the wind. Seeing the soldier take a break, Rolak rolls his eyes and approaches Valorum, who's staring at the structure before him.

"You mind sharing your thoughts, sir?"

The Vodyani glances at his acting second-in-command.

"Not tired from the run, brother?"

The Chief of Security scoffs.

"I'll live. You don't make a name for yourself as a merc by being soft."

Satisfied, Valorum nods, and replies while staring at the building before him:

"Ylona mentioned to me that there's a chance this ruin isn't of Endless origin. We seek Tor, ultimately, so if this ruin isn't Endless, then it isn't necessary to explore it; we could be jeopardizing this team for the sake of knowledge that ultimately means nothing to us..."

Rolak made a short 'hmm' noise while looking up at the broken, yet imposing structure.

"Is there any way to...y'know...check? Without turning something on?"

Valorum is quite for a few moments before saying:

"There is something I can do..."

Setting his briefcase down, Valorum approaches the looming doors of the ruin. Now right next to the door, Valorum holds up his free hand to its surface, as if using the shade it cast to examine the door itself. Seeing nothing, he walks along the length of the door, scrutinising the door while at different heights, now clearly showing that there was some method to his actions. It was only once he neared the door-frame, close to one of the consoles, that he stopped, staring. Curious, Rolak approached and saw what Valorum had found; a faintly glowing, golden line, like some kind of circuit, with one part going straight up along the doorframe while the other bent to the right, towards the console. It was completely invisible before, but had somehow been revealed once Valorum approached it. Rolak was taken aback.

"...the hell?"

The captain's voice sounds satisfied as he explains:

"It's a leyline, or a circuit as you might know it. It's a conduit through which Dust is channeled like power. There can be no doubt now; this ruin is of Endless make."

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 31, 2017, 9:32:02 AM

"How do we enter? If no possibility to open the door is found, this Unit could attempt to find a hole in the upper parts and enter."7-4-1-N-7-3-D said

 <Unlikely that I will enter through a small hole though, aiming and precise movement in a blizzard is hard>

Its sensors gathered more data about the building and it tried to find structural weaknesses, a hard task as it needed to apply its architectural programming in a completely different way than what it is used to.

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7 years ago
Aug 3, 2017, 12:29:51 AM

"Well, there is this console here by the door, 7-1-4. No doubt that would be the simplest means of ingress..."

Valorum stares at the inert mechanism next to him, pausing to look at his free hand momentarily before calling out:

"Zeroes! Your skills are needed here!"

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7 years ago
Aug 3, 2017, 5:04:16 PM

The robot supposed the flight was a bit unsteady and the landing could have been smoother. Valorum didn’t helped at all. The robot never thought that confidence would be this low that the Captain himself was already saying prayers. Apart from that, Laudmas was a bit disappointed that most of the passengers were a lot more boring than he expected. A big shame that most did not wanted to talk during the descent. Just as well, perhaps there will be more time to talk when they reach the ruins.


The ship landed with a proper thump. Laudmas took the piece of limestone (while shoving a robotic smirk) and quickly loaded up the important equipments on a trolley. The hover bikes were left behind on the ship (the weather was a bit too nasty) and one of the crates made an unsettling crack as another one was thrown on top of it.

Hearing Valorum’s bark, the robot quickly started budging along. The wind was a bit distracting but having a bit of cool air was helpful. Unfortunately, (due to the heavy load) by the time he reached the ruins most of his comrade were already inspecting what seems to be a metal door. 

Seeing that, Laudmas promptly lit up. 

“Perhaps my friends may need some help from someone less sophisticated.” 

And with that, the robot rushed to the door (bumping the Automaton along the way), twisted what appeared to be a knob and pushed forward with a bit of machine strength. The door gave out a large groan and slowly opened, revealing a pitch-black interior. 

“That wasn’t so hard.” The robot said as he looked jauntily to his comrades.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 4, 2017, 7:30:56 AM


{That doesn't look right...}

"That doesn't look right."

The darkness on the other side of the aperature looked noticably wrong  to the spectropic scans that Guide had requested Frame to conduct as soon as the Captain had beckoned. The darkness on the other side was scattering no light and returning no thermal energy from a seemingly invisible surface aproximately 2 meters from the door frame. The closest analogue Guide had was that of an event horizon, but this surface wasn't even emmiting gravitons. The faint stream of Dust that fed into the door multiplied into a myriad of pathways, all ending abruptly in the darkness beyond.

"Captain, I advise caution.Zeroes began. "I've detected a potentially SEVERE Spatial Anomaly.Guide explained the situation, and Zeros relayed it to the group.

"Now, we could try poking around with whatever that is... But I AM NOT going to be the one who does. However, before the good doctor approached, I did make note of an interesting facet in this situation."

Frame pointed to the stretch of conduit directly behind Valorum. At first glance it seemed indistinguishable from the others but, on closer inspection and with a little explanation, it could be noted that the Dust stream pulsed slightly as it was passing the Captain. 

{Some form of security?}

"I believe I have an explanation, but my theory could use testing. Captain, if you'd be so kind as to allow me to accompany you.Zeroes finished its briefing with a customary Vodyani deferential request and a gesture toward the flat screen beside the door.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 4, 2017, 11:18:41 AM

<I have to reset multiple thought patterns and logical routines the next time I recharge.> The Sower thought. After it tried to approach the problem from different angles Laudmas just opened the door with ease.

7-4-1-N-7-3-D floats closer to the door but stops far away from it to not look like it wants to enter, to scan the darkness and stars its different scanner protocols, most with no real result.
<Subject is not sending usable electromagnetic data, other data inconclusive, preparing Sonar>
And so, in a slow progress, the robot starts to send bursts of electromagnetic radiation with various wavelengths in the direction of the open door to gather data of what lies behind.

"This Unit is scanning , possible results available soon "

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7 years ago
Aug 4, 2017, 9:36:57 PM

Valorum was, at first, impressed. It appeared that a physical locking mechanism had been installed in case of a loss of power. Satisfied, Valorum prepared to step through the door. Then he saw the yawning, lightless void that now stood before him and his team and that stopped him cold. Hearing Zero's explanation, Valorum saw fit to ensure the safety of his team.

"Everyone...stand back."

That wasn't a suggestion; it was an order. Still, Valorum acknowledged Zero's request and approached the door console alongside his comrade, but he stopped well beyond arm's reach of the screen, saying:

"I have a feeling I already know what is going on here, Zeroes, but I remain open to suggestions."

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