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Endless Space Forum RP [Roleplay]

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8 years ago
Oct 2, 2016, 8:11:31 PM

Crossing her arms, Ylona decided to put a stop to the argument: "So it's an interesting expanding cloud of gas, fine. Assuming it's not just some natural cloud, it's still not going to be of any use to us. We're not here to look for super-weapons of any kind, we're here to find Tor, and that search can't start until we're in the Tianquitzli cluster." Under her breath, she adds while adjusting the trajectory slightly again: "Besides, this galaxy doesn't need more ways to kill. What it needs it more ways to stop the others from killing you."

"Given that you haven't yet given neither me nor the Captain a good reason why this is important because of more than curiosity, we're not going to stop there. I will plot a course that will bring us within a few light-hours so you can get some scans. It should at least give the science team a chance to calibrate their instruments before we reach anything important."

Of course, she could see that the Sophon wasn't about to shut up, so when he tried to open his mouth again, she sternly interrupted him: "If you want to change my minds, then you'll wait until the Chief Scientist arrives and discuss it with him, so that he can then discuss this with the senior officers. Insisting on things while you're the lowest ranking person in the room will not do you any good. Unless you have another topic you want to talk about, consider yourself dismissed."

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8 years ago
Oct 3, 2016, 9:53:12 AM

Without saying one more word, he turned around and returned to his Lab. He was confused. Without any use? More reasons than curiosity? What other reasons are there, except for curiosity? No Sophon would ever ask for more reasons... He realised that his time on this ship wouldn't be as easy as he first thought.

But at last he would be able to get his scans, wich was everything he wanted. After all, why did the pilot think that he wanted to stop the Ship? 

Slightly smiling under his helmet, he said to himself "certainly this will be an interesting challenge." 

(( And this whole argument just started because I wanted to give you an excuse for leaving the "conversation" with the silent Captain. And as he came back I thought "Oh well, now you need a reason for your course changes. Why don't make it Story relevant ". Didn't work that well XD))

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 4, 2016, 9:45:02 AM

"How does his ego fit inside that small body?", wondered Ylona quietly to herself while Dhanyl marched off the bridge. Sighing, she sat down and adjusted the course until it went close enough to that debris to give him an hour of two of scanning time while it was in sensor range. It wasn't going to cost them much, as it changed their exit and entry angles by a fraction of a degree and maybe added a few megameters to the eccentricity.

Once she was done, she sent the resulting acceleration schedule over to engineering, together with a call via communicator: "Bridge to Engineering. I've sent you the plotted course for you to check over. We'll be gently cruising for the trip, so unless I've made some big error, that shouldn't require even half engine power. Obviously, since this ceremony could go on however long, I'll do the orbital extraction manually. That's why the first acceleration node is a bit away from the planet."

((Don't worry, Darkon, it's all good fun. All the argument is in-character, since Dhanyl managed to step on some toes with that introduction. I'm very happy you are doing quite well with the roleplaying, and that you're so active that I've got to hold myself back with the answering to give the others time to get a word in. Which they still didn't. Where's everyone off to?

Besides, argument aside, you're getting what you asked for. You could still make it story-relevant.))

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8 years ago
Oct 4, 2016, 6:09:09 PM

Back in the safety of his own little Lab, he continued unpacking and eventually when it bored him too much (after around 1.5 minutes) he started setting up his hypehemium. It would be at least a few days until they would encounter anything interesting, in bored-sophon years that is like a whole month, so he needed something to kill the time, and music was just the second... no, wait... third best way to do that.

(( I was a bit worried if I would annoy someone, after all, this argument lasted three days.... but about the activity thing, why were we the two persons writing in this last tree days? Where is everyone? You don't have to wait for us, this thread is big enough for two conversations at the same time :) 

I think...))

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 10, 2016, 3:12:01 PM

“Ah, how curious.”

The ancient robot had renewed itself ever since it had awoken. New pieces of armour, a bit of paint over and there, and a good amount of polish to keep it clean and shiny.  The legs were removed and replaced with stronger, sophisticated material that looked as if it was built by a unholy mixture of Sophon and Vaulter tech with the Vaulter tech having more influence over its appearance. A heavy equipment that looked similar to a cross between a engine and a piece of armour was attached to the chassis of Laudmas.

As the ancient robot focused onto the little robot that had just entered through a rather small door, the ancient robot noticed how twitchy and sulky the little robot was.  “I will assume that he had too much to argue.” The ancient robot chortled. Amusingly, in his zeal for vengeance, the smaller robot robot failed to notice the large hulking contraption hidden beside him. “I suppose it is a good time to make a grand entrance.” The ancient robot smiled and emerged from the shadows. The little robot flinched, only a flinch, as years of dealing with high explosives had made him resistant against loud noises and tremors. 

“Good Day” the ancient robot announced, “I am Laudmas Acromb, and I am pleased to meet you.”

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 5:29:24 AM

As Rolak discussed the training schedule and team composition with the Captain, he heard a chime go off in his ear. "One moment Captain. Ven-Vitto, what's going on?" As he listened to the crewmember on the line Rolak gained a somewhat worried look on his face. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention, have two men on standby at the entrance and continue to observe." Facing the captain once more he briefed his superior on the situation. 

"Captain one of our cameras has spotted movement in one of the sealed storage bays, I'm about to make my way down there to check it out. Do you know of anything that could be the cause?"

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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 9:35:38 AM

"No, nothing should be moving in the storage bays. There better not be some Sophon down there who just had to examine something that caught his curiosity." He shakes his head as he takes another moment to think of an explanation, but the sealed bays were supposed to be  just that: Sealed.

"This could be a serious issue. I'll come with you. I'm sure Ylona can handle the bridge on her own." He motioned for Rolak to take the lead. As they left the bridge, he spoke up again. "Are you armed right now? Who knows what kind of live cargo they might have misplaced down there."

((Sorry about the long absence. Partly I had been waiting for a reply from Rolak, partly I have been busy. As it turns out, I may not be able to keep up at all in the future, and may end up writing myself out soon. I'm sure I can concoct some reason why the Pilgrim leadership would pull him off the mission at the last moment.))

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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 9:48:11 AM

Rolak smirked at the Captain's question, "Sir, a Lumerian is always armed. No matter how well dressed they are."

((I would also like to apoligize for my absence. With Halloween and Thanksgiving around the corner I've been more busy at work than usual.))

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 10:29:26 AM

"Good. Let's hope we won't need bigger guns."

After that, he remains silent as they make their way to the sealed storage area, mulling the different possible explanations over in his head.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 12, 2016, 7:39:54 AM

"Sure, Captain. I'll keep track of things from here", Ylona assured him as they left, changing her console to display the camera feeds of the storage bay in question. They didn't show much except for stacked crates, and no movement on any of the many frequencies monitored.

"Bridge to engineering", she called into the comms, seeing that backup was needed, "Alice, can you get one of your drones over to the port aft storage? We have a situation and need another set of eyes on the scene."

((Welcome back, all of you. Please, please remember what I wrote. I know people can suddenly be very busy for a week, but please just find the five minutes to pop online and write "I'll be busy for a week" into the recruitment thread, so that I can stop worrying about the lack of activity. I was close to calling this a failure after a week of no posts.))

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 12, 2016, 10:39:29 AM

Of course, Dhanyl was quite surprised when the big Robot jumped at him out of nowhere, had to be a misfunction, no Robot should be allowed to be so sneaky. He would have to find out who was responsible for the maintenance Robots on this Ship and talk a bit with this Person. But whoever designed the Voice Interface did a really good job, it perfectly sounded like a human Voice and the politeness protocols seemed impressive as well.

"Laudmas? Strange name for a maintenance Robot, also I have never seen a model like yours. What is your function on this Ship and why are you in my Lab?"

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 13, 2016, 1:29:36 PM

"Acknowledged,"   Alice's reply only sounded vaguely annoyed as she cut the link.     The engineer sighed; true she was getting tired of running these checks, but distractions meant delays and delays meant lost profit.

After a few taps on her control bracelet, one of her spherical drones exited the relay of charging receptacles she'd installed in her office and, with a few playful beeps, started gliding towards the source of the disruption.

Alice stretched out in her seat, turning off the heat sensors as she lit a cigarette.   It was one of the few vices the ex-pirate allowed herself these days.

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8 years ago
Oct 13, 2016, 3:44:36 PM

The Automaton: Unit 0000 steadily ascended the ramp toward The Savior 's forward loading doors one clanking metallic step at a time. ["Such a pretty hull it wears, the builders certainly had class when it came to aesthetics. And the engines!"] At this thought The Automaton Unit paused in it's stride slightly, It's gaze drawn down the length of the ship toward the rear thrusters. ["So much raw power!"] The pulsing thrum of the engines pulled on Unit 0000 sending a shiver down it's frame and a blast of longing through it's mind. {"So close, and yet so far. What harm could a small taste do?"} ["No!"] The Automaton forcibly pulled it's gaze back toward the top of the ramp. ["I can be stronger, I must be, otherwise I could unwillingly doom myself again."] Unit 0000 squared it's shoulders and stepped forwards, setting in motion an irresistible chain of steps that culminated at the top of the incline. ["This is it"] The Automaton thought to itself as it exchanged a brief back and forth with the ships com systems. ["Showtime"].

"This is The Automaton: Unit 0000, it also answers to 'Zeros' if you find that more convenient. Chief Communications Officer and Assistant Engineer. The Automaton is reporting for duty and requesting permission to come aboard. May I proceed to board?"

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8 years ago
Oct 13, 2016, 4:36:43 PM

"Permission granted, Zeros. Check in with the Chief Engineer down at Engineering, near the power core. She'll be responsible for your work schedule and tasks." After a second of thinking, Ylona adds: "I don't know if you need a bunk, but if you want one, you might want to claim one now before there's only the one left below the fat guy who's snoring loudly. Bridge out."

Sighing, Ylona leaned back in her chair. This wasn't at all what she had imagined the start of the mission to be like. Chances were, the ceremony would start while the Captain was still downstairs chasing whatever rodent was hiding in that sealed storage area. For a second she wondered what would happen if Rolak actually had to fire his weapon while the Pilgrim big-wigs were doing their speeches in front of the ship.

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8 years ago
Oct 13, 2016, 10:45:36 PM

The doors slide open and Zeros transitioned from the stark white exterior into the main corridor of the ship. Calling up a map interface to re-orient it's bearings.

"Roger that, I'll bring my gear to the crew quarters before reporting to Engineering. The comfort afforded by a bunk won't be entirely necessary for this unit, no nerves after all, but it will be useful to have a place to cycle down and rest my processors occasionally. I'm sure it will be a delight working with you... Oh! I'm sorry, I stated my designation, but I never inquired after yours. To whom do I owe the pleasure?"

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8 years ago
Oct 14, 2016, 10:36:09 PM

((I'm going to be busy with work and some other stuff for the next 2 days. Just letting you guys know like alien asked us to do.))

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8 years ago
Oct 15, 2016, 5:00:47 AM

                Decius steps on to the ship, stooping to fit his large form through the small aperture and stopping for a moment to pull his carry-on in with him. Straightening out in the main corridor he bumps his head upon the low ceiling. Brushing past an annoyingly talkative robot he weaves his way through the hallway; past staring crewmembers and the urgent captain rushing to staunch an incident followed by an equally urgent Lumeris officer. Finally reaching the bridge he slides open the door, revealing sleek pits and chairs, some still covered by protective plastic wrapping.

                Making his way to the corner he finds his pit, it’s chrome sheen unmarred by touch. Setting his heavy burden on the floor, he moves across the room to find his dwelling. Sitting down in the indentation he manipulates the controls, hands slick upon the responsive sticks like an old friendship rekindled. Noticing a Vaulter sitting in the pilot’s alcove eyeing him suspiciously, he turns to her.

                “I am Decius. I am here to fire the shipboard cannons and provide security assistance," He says gravely.  "Where may I stash my weapons and locate quarters?

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 15, 2016, 8:34:42 AM

"Oh shit", Ylona mutters to herself as she sees the Craver squeezing itself through the bridge door. While she watches the alien carefully for any sudden moves, she carefully raises one of her feet and places her hand on the knife hidden there, hoping the movement to be obscured by the console. It was the only weapon she hadn't checked in at the Armory, because she hardly considered it a weapon. Right now, she wished she'd ignored protocol and just kept her Bolt Caster. But a treacherous thought told her that even with that, she'd be dead, fighting a foe with nearly twice the height and twice as many arms.

However, the creature didn't attack. It look at her, at the control consoles, and then sat down. As she eyed the door, judging whether she'd manage to make it there in time, it suddenly started to speak.

"One moment", she answered as Decius asked about the ship's weaponry. With one hand, she quickly pulled up the crew roster on her console, the other hand still on the knife. There he was. Decius, ship gunner, as he said. She relaxed slightly and put her knife away. Maybe she should have taken the time to actually go through the crew roster when they told her she'd be first mate, so that she could avoid nasty surprises like this.

"Ajandek Ylona, First Mate", she introduces herself while raising her fist to the shoulder. "The crew quarters can be reached with the elevator down the hall. I'm not sure if we've got beds big enough for you, but at least the lockers should be big enough." Eyeing his rather large and misshapen bag and being reminded of her own, she adds: "All weapons that shouldn't be used inside a hull need to be checked in at the Armory, which you'll pass on the way. You technically should also report to the Chief of Security, Rolak, but right now he is busy with a ... situation down in storage, and I'd rather not spook him by sending you as reinforcement. No offense."

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8 years ago
Oct 15, 2016, 7:33:40 PM

The Automaton had turned around as it re-oriented itself toward the back of the ship when The Craver entered from the ramp now in front of Zeros. 

[How did it get up the ramp so fast?], {Did I really miss that behind me?}

After making note of the lack of weaponry being pointed at The Automaton. Zeros attempted to communicate with it in machinetounge, inquiring after its shiprole, and trying to ditermine what direction The Craver was heading in so that Zeros could walk behind or around it, The Craver was facing bridgeside. Starboard on its left. The Automaton was positioned facing engineside. Larboard (Also known as port) on its left; and was, in fact, blocked in moving engineward. Zeros pointed that out, and received silence.Zeros wished to move around the looming being. but The Craver stood in its way. Then, as The Automaton began to move around The Craver, getting as close to the starboard hull as  possible in an attemptto slip past the stoic Craver. A feat that would be useless without The Cravers cooperation... Zeros sent one last request:

“If you move to the side for a moment, I can get past you. We seem to be headed in opposite directions.” 

and received pretty much the same reply as before, a flat, blank, stare. The Craver pulled in a massive bag, slammed its head into the ceiling, and marched bridgeward, assuredly, down the middle of the corridor. Making no similar attempt to avoid The Automaton, and bumping into it as a side-effect.


“Oh well, they won't all be pleasant.” 

Zeros muttered to The Automaton. 

“The being from Bridge can handle it without a warning, Zeros should send one, but The Automaton should call Our boss. Zeros really needs to learn more about the other beings The Automaton will be living and working with.”

Zeros peeled The Automatons frame from the wall and opened a line to Engineering as it strolled engineward, past where The Craver had been standing, 

“Hello, Engineering? This is the Communications Officer “Zeros”, The Automaton Unit-0000, reporting for duty as Assistant Engineer. Who am I reporting to? And how may I be of assistance in preparation for launch?”

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8 years ago
Oct 15, 2016, 9:38:30 PM

                Decius chuckles a rumbling, unnatural laugh not common to his kind. Thanking her for the information and the warning, he retrieves his luggage heads out of the room, back down the main hall. Pulling up his VHUD he accesses the map function and makes for the armory.

                The acrid odor of weapons, oil and grease fill the air, mixed rows of boxes holding armament to be shipped through space. Removing an empty container he opens his luggage bin and removes two small swords from the four sword mount, the lamination peeling with age and marred with scars of previous battles. Their dark blades glint with a thermal vengeance, open pommels free of their power cells. Placing them in the storage container and zipping his still hefty bag up, he leaves the room. The two absent swords seem to yearn for their companion set as the door closes behind him.

                Continuing down the cramped passage, he reaches a small lift. Upon the car’s arrival he realizes that he is much too large to fit into the confined space. Again accessing his data VHUD, he calls the cargo elevator used to transport pressure sensitive goods and large items between floors.

                “This is much better.” He thinks to himself as he finally stretches out on his short trip to the crew’s quarters. The lift grinds to a halt. Once again stooping to meet the small ceiling the Craver picks up his bag and strolls out of the elevator shaft. Moving through the cramped fluorescent corridor he quickly finds the crew’s quarters, a small distance from the luggage shaft.

                The door to the room slides open and the three occupants look back towards the doorway, paralyzed with fear at the imposing insectoid trying to fit itself through the port. Finally free of the hall, Decius makes his way to the nearest bunk locker, opening the luggage bag and begins stuffing the spare parts for his frame into the storage space. Finally he removes his sword from his bag: a wicked, solid length of shiny metal alloy, wickedly sharp and cool to the touch. Brandishing it he grins to himself watching the crew members at the back of the room; eyes leaping out of their sockets at the monstrous giant. Shivering whispers, fear and disbelief.

                “I won’t hurt you,” he exclaims. “If I wanted you dead, I could have destroyed the entire ship yesterday.” Pressing an indent at the hilt of the sword he folds it neatly at a recessed center joint to form one smaller broader sword. Placing the tool upon the back of his frame he shuts the locker and locks it, ready for use. Staring at the indentation that holds his bunk, his eyes compare it to his massive body. Shaking his head, he takes a quick look around the ship, familiarizing himself with it’s contents and preparing to find a suitable sleeping arrangement.

Updated 7 years ago.
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