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Endless Space Forum RP [Roleplay]

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8 years ago
Nov 29, 2016, 4:38:16 PM

"It's quite amazing. An Automaton would have several serrated edges moving at high speed. You managed to avoid heavy damage by colliding with the slowest and bluntest one." The ancient robot remarked. "You sure are lucky." 

Laudmas then slowly and carefully propped the IT specialist. He then tried to gently examine his jaw although robots were not known for their tenderness.

Quite fortunately, there were no serious injuries though he expect the IT specialist to have a minor aching feeling just below his mouth for a short period of time.

The ancient then heard a familiar voice and faced where it came from. It seem as Dhanyl had caught up with him. Hopefully he wasn't very angry at the ancient robot for leaving him behind.

However, upon further inspection. Laudmas noticed that Dhanyl was in a conversation with Zeros. They both seem as if they were enjoying each other's company. The ancient robot smiled, it was good to see crew-members mingling positively with each other. Laudmas hoped that the crew will continue to act like the example given by Dhanyl and Zeros.

The ancient then took attention back to the IT specialist. 

"I suppose you want to know more information about the current situation on-board the ship. I recommend going to the bridge and ask the person known as Ylona about our current status." The ancient robot said to the IT specialist.

"If you need help about the whereabouts of the bridge, if Zeros is willingly," He inclined towards the Automaton. "He will guide you towards the bridge."

"Hopefully, there will be no further incidents this time." He faced the IT specialist and grinned at him. 

The ancient robot then stood up and headed towards the corridor. 

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 29, 2016, 6:04:43 PM

That was even bee than Dhanyl expected, not only seemed zeros to be more of a Sophon than anyone he met on the ship so far; he also was the first non-sophon who seemed to recognise the full genius of Dhanyl's species.

"Hah, finally someone seeing the Sophon intellect as what it really is. About my rank, I would say that it is settled below the chief Scientist but above regular Scientists but I have to admit that I don't know how this affects you. About the anomalies, that would be everything irregular, unlikely or implausible. Both in interplanetary space and on planetary surfaces. Also, I can help out where ever I am needed, after all, I am an expert in all kinds of Anomalies", biological, medical, physically and in the field of chemistry.

I would really like to continue talking to you I think that Laudmas wanted to show me something. If you would have time I hope that you would answer some of my Questions later, I'll send you the address of my lab to your communicator."

With that said Dhanyl turned around and talked to the man on the ground. Quite a rude introduction, but that was nothing Dhanyl should judge about.

"Mr Ladderman, you will have to remember that there is nothing that doesn't Interest a Sophon. You cold have just said that you had an accident."

And then looking at Laudmas

"So now that this has been cleared I think you could show me what you have found. But this time please pay a little more attention to your tempo."

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8 years ago
Nov 29, 2016, 8:38:38 PM

"I'd be delighted to converse with you when we both have more free time. For now though, I will be honored to assist our shipmate locate the bridge. This mention of a "New Captain" has intrigued me, and if Ms.Skeler is still there as well we can fix two cracks with one weld by reporting in to her. What say you Mr.Ladderman, shall we proceed in that direction together?"

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8 years ago
Nov 29, 2016, 9:08:15 PM

Martin looked at Dhanyl once more. That Sophon was very bold, he thought. Well, he forgot about the legendary curiosity of Sophons. 

-I didn't mean to harm you, Mr Abmaha-he replied with a little of laugh-I wanted to say that our accident wasn't something that would interest a typical anomaly expert. I still have experience from the Navy. There, each crewmember was concerned only with things that was directly linked with his post. Well, I will have to get used to working in the other way.
Coming to our... meeting, Mr Zeros-Martin continued, looking on the Automaton-I will let you know as soon as I'll find something interesting. I guess that, as an assistant engineer, you're my superior. It's a pleasure for me to work with a member of a race I heard is famous for engineering skills-

The last sentence wasn't true. At least, not at all. Martin have never met an Automaton before, but he spent some time in docs of Oretho II, where a few of them worked as conservators. Since they were employed, nothing have broken down.

Then, Martin looked at the walking robot. He forgot to ask him for a name, but in the first moment curiosity and shock made him to stay like a rock. It was the first time he had seen a robot with such an advanced AI.

-I'm curious when and how did he get on the board-he thought. However, the answers had to wait. The most important thing was to report to the captain.

-Mr Zeros, I'm sure that meeting the captain is what we all shall do. So, as you said, let's proceed-

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 30, 2016, 1:24:51 AM

The Automaton's eye brightened considerably and it emitted a small chuckle. "There is no need for such formality with me. Whatever I may be, I am no "Mr.". Just "Zeros" will work. And you should consider us equals." The Frame rested its right elbow on its left hand, and rubbed the underside of its head. Pensive for a moment. "However... Should the event occur where I need to pull rank, unlikely though that may be, I would appreciate your deference. For the moment, let us proceed in our journey and leave these two to their work." The Automaton waved farewell to the two scientists and gestured for the human to walk beside it. "By the way  is there anything you would like me to call you that is less formal than"Mr.Ladderman"? Also, if  you have any, feel free to ask me questions as we walk. As I implied earlier, I enjoy getting to know others." [And often the questions they ask reveal more than anything else they say.] +Accurate.+

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8 years ago
Nov 30, 2016, 4:07:06 PM

The ancient robot stood and watch as the two motley pair left. He wondered why him and Dhanyl first encounter with Valorum couldn't have been like this.

Before they left, the ancient robot wave them goodbye and wished them the best of luck.

Laudmas wondered what will happen next.

The ancient robot's attention focused towards Dhanyl.

"Ah. I am sorry. I will try to be slower next time." Laudmas apologized politely. "Remembering that I am also the physician on-board the ship, it seems vital that I arrive to any unfortunate incident in the fastest possible time."

The ancient robot then beamed enthusiastically at the smaller robot. 

"Let us head off to the store-room. I believe it will be vital in helping me find clues to why I lost my memories."

Inside Laudmas' mind, sparks flew and feelings of bliss rose. If he was to be honest, the ancient robot doubted that he would find anything that would help regain his memories. 

However, when he first saw the storeroom what he remembered was that the storeroom was where most of his equipment, contraptions, and all sorts of clutter was stored. 

Perhaps his pet cephalopod would even be still alive or the terrarium he bought from a shady Lumerian would finally grow the plants and eggs he planted. 

And of course, hopefully the drone some young Sophons he gave to him would still be working. The ancient robot couldn't doubt that it was quite entertaining at times.

Remembering all this seemed to have unlocked a forgotten memory of Laudmas.

"The Battledress. That would impress plenty." He thought to himself.  

Why the ancient robot wanted to go to the storeroom was simple. To simply delight and entertain. 

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 30, 2016, 6:31:59 PM

-So, as you wish... Zeros-Martin replied-As for me, I don't mind if you stay with ,,Mr.''. And, well, do you know how and when that robot got into our ship?-

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8 years ago
Nov 30, 2016, 7:29:53 PM

All Valorum responded with was a concurrent 'hmph', as if to say he agreed with his pilot. He remained reading the crew roster before leaning out from behind the screen and looking at the main display of the ceremony below.

"I honestly couldn't say. Mock me if you will, but I can't tell one human from the other. The faces throw me off."

He went back to looking at the roster, trying to mask his discomfort. It was a little embarrassing, but in all honesty, Valorum was used to reading the patterns on a Vodyani's body to determine who they were. Having to read facial features with that experience was like reading scripture off the arms of a rotating gyroscope. It almost sickened Valorum to even try, watching as every single part moved. Lucky for him that everyone on board was so immediately different in their dress and physique that he'd know who he was talking anyway.

After a few moments, Valorum makes a frustrated noise. It sounds something like a grumbling 'hmmmmmm' and there's definitely a layer annoyance underneath it. Looking around the bridge and seeing that it's only him, Ylona, and Angela present, he swiped down on the captain's monitor to make it deactivate. Looking at the two women present, he steps into the centre of the bridge, clears his throat and says:

"If it's not too much of a bother, I'd like to confide with the two of you for a moment."

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8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 1:03:21 AM

"No problem, Captain,"  Alice replied, discretely hitting a control on her wrist that would temporarily seal the bridge door, "Something on your mind?"

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8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 10:37:23 AM

Rolak nods to Decius as the Craver finishes talking and the two continue on to the security barracks. As the door slides open Rolak can only groan in exasperation. A trio of pilgrims are gathered together around a small table talking to one another amicably, their belongings weren't even packed away properly yet! Luckily at least one of them noticed his and Decius's entrance, as they quickly motioned the others to stop their chatter and stood with a salute. 

"Well well well," Rolak said, motioning Decius to the side of the room, "Looks like there was a good reason for my employers to be worried after all." he started pacing back in forth in front of the small group, before stopping in front of a cadet who was taking glances at Decius with a nervous expression.

"Cadet why are your eyes wandering when I'm standing right in front of you?" Rolak growled.

He chuckled internally as the kid blanched and stammered out an excuse 

"S-Sir, why is one of those m-monsters on board the ship? They don't deserve to be a part of this holy mission!" Rolak could only frown as the kid's voice became more confident and arrogant as he spoke. Damn pilgrims had put a fanatic on a multi-racial ship, idiots.

"Cadet what's your name?"

"Chidi Tehik Sir!"

"Good good, and what do you see standing there in the corner hmm?" he said, accentuating the question with a wave of his hand.

"A Craver sir!" Chidi said with conviction.

"Yes, cadet Tehik, that is indeed a Craver. Now I'm sure you all know what a Craver is, and what they are known for. I'm also sure that all of you are most likely veery uncomfortable with Decius there being on this ship with you. That being said, suck it up and deal with it." he hissed.

The cadets all looked taken aback at his statement, but before any could speak Rolak continued.

"As of this moment I am your commanding officer. And as your commanding officer, your job is to listen to ME. NOT your personal biases. I have worked on more planets than any of you have ever seen. I've worked with what are generally considered socially acceptable sepcies such as other Lumerians and pilgrims like you many times. But I have also worked alongside many species considered unsavory by the majority of galactic society as well. I've had dinner with Vodyani turncoats, shared hauls with Hissho corsairs, and one of my old crewmates was also a Craver."

Rolak pointed at Decius as he watched cadet Tehik's face pale, "So if I hear that any of you or any other crew-member has decided to speak badly about another sentient on this ship on a basis of species ,without getting to know them first, I'll have you removed from this mission faser than the speed of light. AM. I. CLEAR?"


"Good. Now, I want all of you to report to the armory immediately for weapons testing. Now." The security personnel quickly scrambled out of the room in a bid to escape the frustrated Lumerian. Before Decuis could make his way out Rolak Motioned for him to stop and listen for a moment.

"Decius, I want you to understand that I didn't chew you out on the bridge because I prefer to due such things in private if possible." sighing Rolak took a seat in a nearby chair and crossed his arms. 

"You need to control yourself. Plain and simple. I understand that you didn't do anything wrong but you also have to understand that this ship isn't built up to the durability standards of your species. I want you to know that I don't fault you for getting mad, but others on board may see an accident as purposeful destruction and take appropriate action against it." he sighed

"Please understand that I'm not mad at you. One of my good friends was a Craver as well, I understand more than a few of the problems your species has when interacting with other races. If you need help with something I someone you can count on. But if you aren't careful about what you break you'll get yourself into trouble I can't get you out of. I know you'll be an excellent gunner, and I know that with time the crew will come to value you as a member of this team. But right now not many of the regulars are going to hold you in high regards. I'd like to see you prove those thoughts of theirs wrong." Rolak stood up and walked over to the door, turning to Decius one last time before leaving.

"I already know you won't need much time to get acquainted with the weapons we have on board, if you need to do anything before practice then now is the time to do it. Just be sure to make it quick and meet me in the armory when you're done alright?" 

With that said the door closed as Rolak walked on towards the armory, hoping that the cadets weren't acting like idiots in front of the Lumerian engineer he made sure was stationed there before the trip. He really didn't need to be mocked by that asshole right now.

((It's 4:32 in the morning where I am, so if this post reads like some kind of crappy middle-school level essay I apologize.))

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 4:19:18 PM

"I'm listening, Captain", Ylona answered and turned around in her chair to look at him.

((One small nitpick, BlackBird: Since we're assuming a crew size of about 20, and we're 8 players, there's 12 redshirts, which evenly spread between the tasks aboard gives you 3 security people besides Decius, not a dozen.))

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 5:59:33 PM
As the rest of the crew went on with their activities and assignments, the ancient robot and the Sophon reached the storeroom.

On the outside, there was nothing but a wide mechanical door that protected it. It had what looked like a advance and complicated piece of lock clasped onto it, requiring a individual to insert his or her hand into it in order to unlock it.

If the person was not recognized, the lock would contract and trap the hand inside it. A alarm would be activated and would alert the crew who would (hopefully) rush in and see what has happened.

The process was said to be painless, but it would be best for one to never temper with it.

Laudmas faced Dhanyl. He grinned at him upon doing so.

"Lets find out what's inside here." He simply said.

The ancient robot then inserted his hand to the lock. There was some whirring sound and then -

* beep *

The lock quickly flashed a blue light and the sound of uncompressed air was heard.

Laudmas withdrew his hand away from the lock as the door opened. 

He stood and watch, wondering what will happen next.

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8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 8:05:24 PM

"Thank you, both of you."

Valorum sighed and stood still, silent for a moment while drumming his fingers on the shaft of his glaive. Working up the humility to speak, Valorum eventually looked back up at the two of them, beginning:

"Just from watching and listening to the two of you, it seems to me that you have more worldly experience than most others aboard this ship, so I know nobody better to turn to. You know that I come from a markedly different society. Some things are valued more than others to different races and there's nothing wrong with that. I've lived that first hand. However...there are just some things that just aren't part of Vodyani culture that are...commonplace in other societies. So there may yet be situations where I...might not know what I'm looking at. Situations where a fundamental principle escapes me whereas others know it to be common knowledge. "

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 2:55:15 AM

Decius looks dazedly around himself as Rolak disappears into the hallways of the ship. The security captain had been much kinder than anticipated, much to his surprise. Momentarily occupied with the peculiarity of the situation, the Craver stands in the Barracks. His eyes glow dark, deep in thought.

After several minutes of contemplating his new camaraderie, Decius leaves the barracks. Maneuvering his way through the cramped passageways, he finds his way to the bunk room. Sliding through the door and reaching his locker in several paces, the large creature removes a small fabric bag. The cloth is faded and dirty, but still soft; fashioned out of a woman's stocking long enough to fit many small trinkets and coins. Closing his storage unit, he thrusts himself one again into the hall, this time heading for the Armory.

One bumbling journey later, the giant bull of an organism steps through the door of the armory. Long rows of shining gunmetal and tactical black tools of death deliverance line the walls, brightening the usually unexciting mood of the ship. Harsh lights burn down upon the shiny laminate floors and benches. Seeing his crate of weapons, Decius removes them from the wall and retrieves the two short swords he had deposited before. Although his two other swords were already on his back, his sheath felt the absence of it's two friends. He replaces the two swords to their mount with a hiss and unfolds a belt of power cartridges from his frame. Turning to Rolak, he speaks with thought.

"My weapons require a certain set of skills that I am highly trained in. I also require the presence of certain equipment. If I am to ever go into battle in the presence of an ally, they must wear one of these."

Decius pulls out a small smooth disk from his pouch; he red circle of glass-like chrome glints greedily in the bright light. Turning it in the fingers of one hand, he admires the medallion. Holding it out for the security chief to see, he rotates it slowly. On the rear of the disk a shiny dark metal encases the crystal, holding it on the sides like the enclosure of a watch glass. The front face is a red crystal that shines luminously like one of the Craver's eyes. Looking deeply into the crystal, one might see small lines and markings inside, pulsating with energy. Pressing it into Rolak's hand and closing it, he speaks again.

"This is a badge of my solidarity and brotherhood. While one possesses this badge, I will not meaningfully harm that being with a weapon. This crystal will work in most all circumstances, below clothing and steel, even encased in the strongest of metals. The use of such a measure is necessary because of the nature of my skills: I slice so quickly that I cannot debate who I am slashing without concentration upon those who I wish to protect. These medallions act as beacons for my concentration. I am trained in sword skills, but can adapt to any weapon. That is why I can gun while not ever having fired a ship's cannons before. In any case, I would suggest the use of others for the ship's defense against invaders or in combat missions as I lack the ability to negotiate with others, and I am only to be used as a final defense weapon. In most situations, I will sit silent and wait for the order to attack. Once the order to attack has been given, however, I will terminate and obliterate all in my warpath until instructed to stop. I can provide further explanation or demonstration of my ability should you wish it."

Finishing his monologue the beast fishes around in his stocking producing several more less elaborate medallions, presumably for the security staff. He looks again to Rolak, gauging his expression and awaiting answer.

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 8:22:23 PM

Arriving at the storeroom Dhanyl immediately spotted the big and complicated looking Lock. Unusually complicated for a simple storeroom, Dhanyl estimated that it would manage to hold him back for at least twenty minutes or so. Unfortunately, Dhanyl was denied of this interesting challenge as Laudmas opened the Door by putting his hand in the lock. And after he opened the door... he did nothing, he stood there and blocked the view.... Great...

"What is in there? I can't see anything... could you move a little...." 

*BOOOM* Suddenly the door smashed open and something jumped out directly at Dhanyl. There was no time for thoughts, not even for the fast thoughts of a Sophon, there was just a silhouette and then something landed on his Face. It threw him backwards on the floor and while falling Dhanyl screamed.

"What is this?! AHHH!! Take it away!!! Take it awayyy!!!!"

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8 years ago
Dec 3, 2016, 3:08:41 AM

"Ah, that would be my pet cephalopod." The ancient robot chuckled and watched the poor Sophon try to remove his little companion.

"Now just stay calm. He is probably excited to see someone else besides from lab walls and gray contraptions." 

The little octopus-looking ball of goop suddenly realized that the person he was clinging was not his master.

He removed his rather elongated and stocky tentacles from Dhanyl and raced towards Laudmas on all 7 tentacles. 

The ancient robot bend over and scooped up the jiggling little ball.

He took one finger of his and tickled the little celphalopod plump and smooth head.

It squirmed in Laudmas's hand and chirped.

The ancient robot was rather satisfied to see his little companion once again.

Meanwhile, it seems as if Dhanyl didn't enjoyed being viciously hugged.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 3, 2016, 3:13:09 AM

Alice only smiled at the captain's unreadable mask.

"Of course, sir.  We're all in this together after all.   Now, if you'd excuse me I really should get back to my department.   I have final preparations to make."

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8 years ago
Dec 3, 2016, 11:00:14 AM

After the  octopod let lose of him Dhanyl managed to get up again wich was hard because his vision was slightly reduced.  

"Ugh, damn, his suckers left marks all over my visor. Is there something in there that I can use to clean it?"

With these complaints were out his curiosity took over again. He stepped nearer to the door but Laudmas still blocked his view.

"Anyways, what exactly is this cephalopod? I have never seen this species before. Also, is there anything else in this room I should know about before it jumps onto me?"

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8 years ago
Dec 3, 2016, 12:16:18 PM

The two engineers entered the section of the ship directly outside the bridge the Frame started toward the door. "I had assumed that it came aboard like the rest of us. That was my first time seeing it in all honesty, and nothing about it struck me as amiss. Why? Did you have another hypoth-" Zeros was cut off mid sentence as the Guide emitted an audible "*Chirrup.*". The Frame halted immediately, its hand inches from the switch that would open the door, as the Automaton's view flashed red.   "What?". +The door has been sealed by those inside.+ "Oh." The Frame put its hand down and rotated its head back toward its companion. "Well Mr.Ladderman, it appears our entrance is not currently possible. Whomever is inside must desire privacy at the moment." The Frame shrugged then hunched down on the floor. One leg was tucked underneath it, the other upright and cradled by an arm.. "Nothing to do for it but wait out here. If you don't mind my changing the subject from Mr.Acromb, one can only speculate so much after all, I'd like to know more about yourself."

Updated 8 years ago.
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