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List of Master of Magic Related Games & Mods

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8 years ago
Nov 28, 2016, 11:13:24 AM

Hey guys! :)

If there's any fellow Endless Legend fans here like me who loved playing Master of Magic (the game that inspired Endless Legend) back in the day then I could use your help.

Long story short, about a year or so ago I re-installed MoM in Dosbox and loaded my old savegames from 1998 and picked up right where I left off conquering Myrran and then invading the earth like world. I spent a lot of my teenage years in the 90s playing MoM so it was so much fun to play it again all these years later. When I finally finished my game I decided to make a tribute page on my retro website paying tribute to MoM along with listing the great many successful & sadly unsuccessful MoM related fan remake/sequel projects out there to make sure that they are never forgotten and can inspire talented MoM fans to create new MoM projects in the future. I also created a list of other games out there that are similar to MoM as there are many spiritual sequels these days (obviously Endless Legend made the list!). For these lists I collected pics, vids, demos, and information for as many of them as possible. I could use some help from the community with this list as I'm sure there's more I don't know about. This is my latest summary of the website list below.



(Note: Originally built in 2001 this website is still deliberately very late 90s early 2000s retro in design. So if you're not nostalgic for old retro websites with music, animating gifs & left click browsing then you probably won't like it)


Master of Magic Legacy Games list (Updated 2/1/2017) :
Official MoM Games
- Master of Magic
- Civizard - Majutsu no Keifu (Official Japanese Playstation conversion of MoM)
- Caster of Magic I & II
- Master of Magic Remake (New official remake coming in 2022!)

Very Similar Games
- Age of Wonders Series
- Master of Magic Civ2 Fantastic Worlds Scenario
- Worlds of Magic / Planar Conquest
- Elemental / Fallen Enchantress / Sorcerer King Series
- Endless Legend
- Warlock Series
- Eador Series

- Deity Empires

Similar Games
- War Barons
- Last Days of Old Earth
- Armello
- Thea: The Awakening
- Dominions Series
- Conquest of Elysium Series

Sort of Similar Games
- Lords of Magic - Special Edition
- Heroes of Annihilated Empires
- Celtic Tales - Balor of the Evil Eye
- Heroes of Might & Magic Series
- Disciples Series
- Warlords Series

Fan Games/Mods
- Master of Magic - Implode's Multiplayer Edition (HD)
- Leylines

- Caster of Magic I & II
- Master of Myrror - Civ3 Conquests Mod
- Master of Mana - Civ4 BTS Mod
- Realms of Hope
- Xarvh
- Master of Magic The Resurrection
- Magic Master Project
- Magic Master Java Shell
- Master of Magic Clone
- Master of Magic .NET
- Master of Magic Restoration
- Age of Magic
- Re-Master of Magic
- Master of Magic Java Emulator
- Taranthor's Master of Magic - Civ 3 Mod
- MoM 32
- Master of Magic Spin-off Project

If you know of a game series I've missed that's very similar to MoM, a fan game based on MoM, or a large scale mod project related to MoM please let me know! :)

Updated 3 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 2, 2017, 9:13:57 AM

Happy new year guys! :) I've been working on my site and have made the following additions to the MoM related games list.

New MoM related projects added:

Last Days of Old Earth – New game similar to Master of Magic

Thea: The Awakening – New game similar to Master of Magic without tactical combat

Dominions Series – Great retro looking series similar to Master of Magic

Conquest of Elysium Series – Retro looking series (created by Dominions team) similar to MoM

Armello – New game similar to Master of Magic without tactical combat

Disciples Series – Similar to MoM & HoMM with amazing gothic artwork

Warlords Series – Classic series similar to MoM & HoMM

Leylines – Very cool looking fan made Master of Magic style game by the makers of several QFG fan games I like, so have given a full tribute page!

Re-Master of Magic – Fan made master of magic remake added to RIP section. Unfortunately went dark before I could get any files or pics.

Changes made to existing MoM content:

General – Contents menu added.

General – All back buttons changed to utilise HTML bookmarks. Now users don’t have to re-scroll down the entire page constantly! :)

General – Fixed some missing slashes in code.

General – Added HD picture links, photobucket downsized all the old ones too much grr.

General – Added Steam & Good Old Games buy links.

Master of Magic: Implode’s Multiplayer Edition – Clearly the best fan made MoM remake out there so I’ve given it a full tribute page and recorded a gameplay video.

Worlds of Magic – Added Planar Conquest sequel details

Elemental Series – Added Sorcerer King Sequel details

As always, let me know if something is missing. :)

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5 years ago
Aug 9, 2019, 4:38:50 PM
I recently made a video touring what I feel is the best MoM fan project of all the ones I listed above, called Master of Magic – Implode’s Multiplayer Edition, a brilliant Open Source Java MoM engine rebuild that supports larger maps, up to 14 players (either Human or AI), and any modern resolution like HD 4K etc. The only it's missing is AI and some good bug fixing and polishing. Although sadly the project has been inactive for a while now.. :(

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5 years ago
Aug 9, 2019, 4:39:51 PM

However it looks like I don't have to worry about that unfinished fan remake anymore as it appears we've got an official Master of Magic sequel or Remake on way (courtesy of Slitherine who've bought the rights from Atari's IP dungeon and just made the announcement on their site)!!!

Guess this explains the mysterious Atari activities I noticed recently. Clearly they reacquired MoM so they could sell it to Slitherine for $$$.

I'm such a super fan of this 25 year old game that I run a MoM fans facebook group so as you can image I'm SUPER EXCITED about this news lol. I can't can't believe that after all these years a real sequel just might be happening now. Sadly most of the old MoM forums are long dead so if there's any fans here who know of a good old MoM2 wishlist/feature request list out there please let me know and I'll go post it over on the Slitherine forums (which I've just signed up to).

They've probably barely started the project yet so now is the time to get fan feature requests and wish list items in front of their faces. If the remaining fan base doesn't speak up now then god knows what sort of game we'll end up with. So now is the time to act!

Hopefully they take a whole lot of lessons from Endless Legend!!!!

EDIT: BIG NEWS! Slitherine have indeed spoken to Seravy as they releasing his Caster of Magic as an official DLC to Master of Magic on Steam and GoG!!!

EDIT2: On top of that Slitherine have also now setup an official Master of Magic forum! And they've kindly moved my ever growing MoM2 wishlist thread into there too. :)

And if all that isn't enough Seravy has hinted that he is working on a Caster of Magic 2! A full MoM rebuild in a new engine with all of CoM's changes built in and much more due to being free of the old games limitations. Eg full 14 wizard salughterfest games!!

EDIT4: Caster of Magic 2 has been released!


Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 10, 2021, 7:06:16 AM

Been a while so I thought I'd update the list..

Created a new Official MoM games section/category to better match the website now that we're getting all these official releases from Slitherine. Naturally original MoM itself was already there but now I've added the old Playstation 1 conversion Civizard, the new official Master of Magic Remake, and copied over Caster of Magic I & II from the fan section since Slitherine has made them official addons. By request I've also added Deity Empires to the very similar games section too.

Some of these updates haven't been made on my MoM website yet but I'll get to it eventually. At least this list is up to date again though lol!

Thanks to everyone who's contacted me publicly and privately with suggestions. :)

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