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Mass Effect/Endless Space Crossover Fanfic

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6 years ago
Dec 9, 2018, 5:51:47 PM

Hey guys what do you think of a crossover fanfic between the Mass Effect universe and the Endless Universe? I was thinking about how to do it and right now my best idea is is swap the Andromeda galaxy with the Endless Galaxy so that the Andromeda Initiative ends up in the Endless Galaxy shortly before the Academy war. As for the issue of humans already existing in the Endless galaxy I've come up with the idea that the Harmony visited Milky Way shortly after the cycle that wiped out the Protheans. The Lost influenced the Harmony into coming to thier galaxy and to bring along some humans. The Harmony drop off the humans at a planet that would eventually become the Mezari homeworld, however at this point the Lost have been defeated by the Endless. The Harmony then encountered Dust and you already know what happened to them after that, war with the Endless.

The basics of the story would invlove the interactions between the races of the two universes, also the existing characters from Mass Effect Andromeda that are part of the Andromeda Initiative will still be there, as well as characters from the Endless Universe, and some new characters too.

Updated 6 years ago.
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