I started playing strategy video games and strategy tabletop games at the same time, twenty years ago now, and they're still two of my top favorite hobbies to this day. In the meantime however a sorry event happened: Warhammer Fantasy got "End Timed" and turned into a superhero skirmish game with (in my opinion) senseless rules and lore, called Age of Sigmar.

But fortunately when someone disappoints you there always someone else to cheer you up in the magical land of Internet. A bunch of veteran players got together and decided to make a spiritual successor to the 8th edition of Warhammer which they called the 9th Age. It's better balanced that Warhammer ever was since it's not managed by a company which wants you to buy the latest army or unit, and it supports all miniatures made by GW before Age of Sigmar, including the End Times units, the Chaos Dwarves army and even some Dogs of War units such as Ruglud's Armoured Orcs (a stand-alone dogs of war army is actually planned). Since GW's IP can't be used, a new fluff was developed for the 9th Age and I have to say the level of quality is astonishing for a game designed by players for players.

The game has released its second edition plus a large update to the Daemonic army for Christmas. If it sounds like something you might have the slightest interest in, have a look: https://www.the-ninth-age.com/news/index.php?news/823-the-9th-age-proudly-presents-9th-age-version-2-ruleset-gold-edition

If you need help identifying the new name of your army (as I did when I started) check the army table on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ninth_Age:_Fantasy_Battles

Which tabletop games do you play?