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What kind of alien races do you generally play as in games? (multiple choice poll)

High-tech, organic, militaristic aliens – Protoss (SC), Covenant (Halo), Vasari (SoaSE)
High-tech organic pacifist aliens – Psilons (MoO), Torian Confederation (GCII)
High-tech, cybernetic/machines aliens – Meklar (MoO), Borg (ST), Yor Collective (GCII), Cravers (ES)
Low/medium-tech, organic, hive mind aliens– Zerg (SC), Xenomorphs (Alien), Tyranids (Warhammer)
Others (explain)
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 5:08:35 PM
I love two extremes, pure robotic races and pure organic races. Basically races like the Geth(I have never played an rts or tbs that has something I like for this extreme) and races like the Zerg.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 6:43:48 AM
I always had something with xeno's in movies and games. so i will be using the cravers here alot consuming planets is so much fun to me.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 7:40:31 AM
I tend to go for the "sleek, quasi-iPod, pleasing-to-behold faction that tends to be either science-based and/or a xeno-based religion."
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 7:48:55 AM
cybernetic/machines aliens all the way!

The cyber stuff itself i do like , perhaps that's why i enjoy them ^^
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 8:24:13 AM
VieuxChat wrote:
I would kill for an hybrid race between protoss and zergling : some cross-over between a hive mind and some technology. A bit like the reapers in Mass Effect.

Now that is an interesting concept... I myself however prefere making a empire with an large wealth and through diplomacy and money controll everyone else.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 9:03:16 AM
Usually going for xenophobic technocrats. Generally pacifist and doing my best to have others fight my wars for me. I do like having a huge technological advantage over enemies to scare any potential invaders off but on the other hand I tend to neglect the expansion part quite often.

In SotS however I usually went for Hivers and built an impenetrable empire by utilizing the ability to move defense fleets quickly and overwhelming enemies by sheer mass of ships. I loved those flying bricks smiley: smile

One thing I actually liked and am missing from MOO3 were Harvesters. Not that much fun to play but excellent as galactic threat. I remember times of panic when I found out that I have Harvester population on my own worlds. It might be fun to play some race that could be categorized as a scourge one day... who knows maybe in Endless Space smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 11:14:36 AM
In all honesty. I usually go with whatever race is the "shiniest"

Such as for Warhammer, I started off with Tyranids because it was just love at first sight. Then I stated learning more about the story and started to like a single faction of Space Marines. Then a built an army of Guard because Guard are just awesome models and I am currently onto the Tau. But Tyranids will always be my first and favourite army of 40k.

For ES though. I am leaning towards Cravers currently. They just feel right. A snug little fit. Like being wrapped in a hug the whole time.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 11:21:28 AM
I like to play as Silicoid species. I generally always took the Lithivore trait in Master of Orion 2 and if the option is available I try to take it. Otherwise, pacifist high tech biological species are my second choice as I dislike managing large fleets of vessels.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 12:41:40 PM
High tech with high mobility, exactly like the Vasari in SoaSE!
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 12:43:42 PM
It might not be to everyones taste, as everyone I've spoken to have kinda shunted and booed me away, but to me there is just something about the Necrons from Warhammer40k that just makes me tick.

I felt bad for going and buying more of the new models weekend gone. D:

At the end of the day i'm still going to prefer the ancient machine races.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 1:07:41 PM
i would like to see an option for custom race as for me it's what i want to see as a race in my eyes smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 1:26:49 PM

Nothing wrong with the Necrons. Especially not the new ones. I was just debating with myself on if I should get them or the Tau. As I said earlier, I go with what is shiniest.

But machine races are cool. There's a good sense of mystery that can be added to them. Like the Reapers from Mass Effect. But the Geth are my favourite machine race currently, with the Cravers moving in for a solid 2nd, and even close first.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 1:43:09 PM
I usually like to try and play everything (try different strategies with different races). Did not Sun Tzu say "know your enemy" in the "Art of war".

In terms of aesthetics is usually like to be able to choose my race amongst harmonious ones (both in cases of scary ugliness or lethal beauty as long as it's consistent), if the portraits of a race are nice but the ships are ugly (or the opposite), I will probably have to force myself to play them and most likely I will give up shortly. After all, I will spend a lot of time looking at them so they have to provide me some kind of good feeling (identification process, RP, feeling of might, feeling of beauty, whatever) when I do so.

Typically since the SC/SC2 universe is mentioned here, both zergs, protoss and terrans have many many units. Each unit is detailled and has it's own "personality" and none of those "personalities" conflict with each other within a faction/race but are really part of the group identity. I like that and I bet most players do too (even bad taste must be consistent should I say).

That is why I love customization options also, and love to play custom races being able to choose portraits, fleet design AND most importantly customize my stats.
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 2:54:54 PM
I prefer what I call "Nanoslimes", which are colonies of nanobots that assume the shape of other lifeforms. They tend to use the skeletons of other races as a sort of rack from which they hang onto, otherwise they become unstable. They enjoy integrating into other races, but tend to eventually supplant them. If you discover a colony of natives and absorb them into the empire, the joke would be on you in a couple hundred years, as they are in fact Nanoslimes.
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 3:15:55 PM
I always go for gritty, underdog species, usually human.

The ones who uses missiles and kinetic weapons instead of fancy lasers and plasma, whose ships look more like an industrial colossus than a sleek space fish and can take a shitload of punches. Usually they're also pretty new in the galactic community but are having success due to unorthodox tactics and so on.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 6:41:36 AM
I usually play as human factions, admittedly, but I try to lean them towards being an economic and industrial powerhouse. I don't really go to war, but rather colonize and secure what I need. Picture TEC from Sins of a Solar Empire.
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 5:47:41 PM
When I have to choose a race to play with, I automatically go for the Human (If possible) or the most militaristic. If humans are possible, I will always play as them. It is like that with all games with me. I cannot play with female characters either, do not know why..
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 6:04:35 PM
I like science/ economic. about 40/ 60. Doing that tends to allow my enough cash to build up my civilization AND give me enough tech where I hold my own.
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12 years ago
May 17, 2012, 12:00:01 AM
High Tech, Lithovore, Physically Weak, Terrible government. Gives me wins every time in MoO2
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 9:29:42 PM
I generally hate the human race so try to always play as aliens.

I like mech races a lot, but for some reason the hive mind races are always so much more appealing. Probably something to do with my being a huge Alien fan when I was a kid (talking about the Sigourney Weaver movies here)
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 7:39:11 PM
Gotta go with No. 1, although I'm not necessarily aggro kill everything, I'm no pacifist. Prefer to research and upgrade while slowly expanding and building up, only to crush my opponents with severe firepower.
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 7:52:03 PM
Will there ever be a peaceful robot race? I like to win with economic power. I like buying without a care in the world, lol. Having enormous amount of land isn't bad neither.
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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 8:52:50 PM
smiley: biggrin I love it how the "M O O" in the poll choices turned to "MoO" with the addition of the new smilies.
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12 years ago
Jun 4, 2012, 2:14:14 AM
Flesh is a design flaw.
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12 years ago
Mar 31, 2012, 8:48:47 AM
Raptor wrote:
The thing is there aren't a lot of pacifistic aliens in games or movies. The ones that are present usually get pwned by some other militaristic conquistador-type of aliens smiley: smile And in games I have yet to see an alien race winning with pacifist methods, the lore is one thing the actual gameplay is pretty much the same, with the peaceful nature being manifested in a diplomatic relationship bonus or something like that but you still have to destroy the enemy through military power.

If your race has got a huge scientific bonus, it is in your best interest to stay peaceful for a while. Afterwards you simply shoot everything to oblivion with your huge technological advantage.

I admit that this is only conditionally peaceful...
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12 years ago
Mar 30, 2012, 4:01:32 PM
I would kill for an hybrid race between protoss and zergling : some cross-over between a hive mind and some technology. A bit like the reapers in Mass Effect.
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12 years ago
Mar 30, 2012, 4:14:24 PM
Raptor wrote:
damn you with your bugs smiley: biggrin

How daring and yet how ill-advised to insult the swarm.
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12 years ago
Mar 30, 2012, 4:16:55 PM
Ogrette wrote:
How daring and yet how ill-advised to insult the swarm.

smiley: cool the swarm is good for new weapons testing purposes though
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12 years ago
Mar 30, 2012, 6:28:34 PM
znork wrote:
well i used to play custom race!

all the time? you don't have a favorite alien race?!
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12 years ago
Mar 30, 2012, 6:46:17 PM
I usually play as the human/Terrans, though I had fun playing as other races when I played MOO2 in the past.

When playing a race, just for fun, I don't always think in terms of strategy or self-interest. I also try to "play the role" where my decisions would be based on principles or ethos. For example, I might play the role as enlightened explorers (e.g. Star Trek Federation) who will not wage war unless attacked, but will expand and colonize. On the other hand, I might act like the Borg or some race hell-bent on domination with hardly any diplomacy involved (e.g. "you ALL MUST join the New Order!!")
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12 years ago
Mar 30, 2012, 7:42:05 PM
znork wrote:
well it always lie the sicence racesmiley: biggrin

I always take the scientists, too. But I don't play them very peacefully...
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12 years ago
Mar 30, 2012, 8:30:36 PM
I usually like to play some underdog civilization, that's why on GC2 I loved to play as the Torians. Nevertheless I hardly ever play with stock species, most of the time I create my own species; with some nice underdog background like ex-slaves, former province of a larger empire or something else along those lines. Some form of role playing is always on my mind when I play a 4x title.
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12 years ago
Mar 31, 2012, 7:59:05 AM
I very rarely if ever play warlike species. Most of the races I've preferred to play so far were either pacifistic, scientifically inclined or both. Next on my list where aliens with unique biologies or preferences, such as such as species evolved on a frozen planet or plant aliens. However, if I have the choice to create a custom race I usually do so once I figured out how the game works. Hive mind aliens can also be very interesting to play. unfortunately, most of then tend to be highly aggressive, which isn't very appealing to me. A pacifistic hive mind alien species (or perhaps not a hive mind but a group mind, that is, all members retain their individualitiy even though their minds are connected) would be a nice change.
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12 years ago
Mar 31, 2012, 8:09:55 AM
The thing is there aren't a lot of pacifistic aliens in games or movies. The ones that are present usually get pwned by some other militaristic conquistador-type of aliens smiley: smile And in games I have yet to see an alien race winning with pacifist methods, the lore is one thing the actual gameplay is pretty much the same, with the peaceful nature being manifested in a diplomatic relationship bonus or something like that but you still have to destroy the enemy through military power.
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12 years ago
Mar 30, 2012, 3:52:48 PM
Since we don’t have any info on the remaining 6 races in ES (except for a screenshot of the 3rd still unannounced race) I thought I should start this survey as it will give a general idea of what kind of aliens people generally prefer and have fun playing as. The results could give a hint as to what alien races are the most anticipated in ES.

The poll choices include just basic race type-defining characteristics, which I assume can also be applied to all the races in ES, no appearance or other subjective features included.

1. High-tech, organic, militaristic aliens – Protoss (SC), Covenant (Halo), Vasari (SoaSE), Drengin Empire (GCII), Eldar (Warhammer)

2. High-tech organic pacifist aliens – Psilons (MoO), Torian Confederation (GCII)

3. High-tech, cybernetic/machines aliens – Meklar (MoO), Borg (ST), Yor Collective (GCII), Cravers (ES)

4. Low/medium-tech, organic, hive mind aliens– Zerg (SC), Xenomorphs (Alien), Tyranids (Warhammer)

5. Others (explain)

*The Cravers made it to the poll cause there is enough info released about them to classify them under 3.

My personal choice is 1. I've always loved to play highly advanced technologically alien races in games, but not of the peaceful kind smiley: smile What about you?
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12 years ago
Mar 31, 2012, 10:27:38 AM
Liked Alkari and Elerians in MOO2 for their neutral race bonuses (defence, psionics). Loved klackon for their stupidness. Made games on hard and impossible indeed hard and impossible without ability to pick up the tech you`ve needed (klackons got random techs from the tree, no choices at all).

Loved humans in SOTS for their fast type of travel and my modified models smiley: smile

Loved Tarkas in SOTS for their lizard-apeness and 'Warkona' thingy. Sounded nice.
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12 years ago
Mar 31, 2012, 11:23:17 AM
Raptor wrote:
The thing is there aren't a lot of pacifistic aliens in games or movies. The ones that are present usually get pwned by some other militaristic conquistador-type of aliens smiley: smile And in games I have yet to see an alien race winning with pacifist methods, the lore is one thing the actual gameplay is pretty much the same, with the peaceful nature being manifested in a diplomatic relationship bonus or something like that but you still have to destroy the enemy through military power.

I just hope that "kill everyone" won't be the only way of winning.
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12 years ago
Mar 31, 2012, 1:27:50 PM
VieuxChat wrote:
I just hope that "kill everyone" won't be the only way of winning.

These are the ways of winning as stated by SpaceTroll:

Romain: We’ll have 7 ways of winning the game, 5 of them that are archetypal: Dust, Science, Population, Warfare, and Building.

Then we added a kind of “King-of-the-hill” victory where you need to “collect” and control all the home worlds of the current factions.

And finally if you did not manage to win with one of these victories, the one with the best score wins at the end of a given number of turns.
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12 years ago
May 3, 2012, 10:19:28 PM
Alkari and Mrrshan.... was sad that the Mrrshan were killed off they kinda reminded me of the Kilrathi from Wing Commander. and Sillicod when i didnt want to worry about food
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12 years ago
May 3, 2012, 10:44:49 PM
Played as Space Marines in Warhammer 40k from a very young age so I normally roll the most human/military based race in these kind of games.

I do enjoy playing as 'nids in Dawn of War 2 though.
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12 years ago
May 3, 2012, 10:57:37 PM
I choose Others, because...

- I usually play the Humans (if they're available), especially when playing my first few games... Also true for games like Starcraft, Dawn of War, etc...

- Sure, I try to have as much Science advances as possible, and of course, food for everyone... ;-) But usually my #1 priority is a good, efficient Production/Industrial... And your poll don't mention Production...

- I love using the 'Custom race' option, if available, to fine-tune my 'humans' to my liking...
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 1:02:11 AM
hmmm, its different but last i played the Advent in "Sins of Solar Empire" most time.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 1:22:20 AM
Our current technology allows us too easily imagine a technologically superior race. I think the organic low tech races are more interesting and also more scary ! A really different race. Absolutly not human.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 1:59:27 AM
my favourite kind of scifi race are like the reavers (firefly), zuul (sword of the stars), cravers (endless space). that average tech, safety unconscious, semi-savage, space scourge that is as likely to eat your face and lay eggs in your leg as shoot you with a sniper rifle.

my dream race in a 4x would be the like aliens (from the alien movies) if they could fly spaceships. no less violent, no less chaotic. in horror movies the big scary thing is always beaten by chance or technology... "dust off and nuke the planet from orbit!"... i like it when the big scary thing is big and scary, and also just as smart as you.

that mix of technology and savagry is scary when done right.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 2:11:03 AM
Went with the other option here. One of the main things that I'm looking forward to with Endless Space is a fairly robust custom civilization editor, as that's almost always the path I take when choosing a race in a 4X game.

My play-style typically heavily revolves around slowly and meticulously building up a strong economy and tech lead in the early game, even if that comes at the expense of appearing weak or placating other, more violent races. The entire time though I have my eyes set on the long term and I love manipulating politics and warfare to my own advantage. Finally in the late game I roll out the big guns and adopt a "with us or against us" policy, alternately extending an olive branch or a gun barrel as need be.

So I guess in this case I'm the (typically) human civilization underdog turned galactic oppressor?
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 2:18:50 AM
Storyline is how I choose. I know it may seem odd to some but I like to fall into the illution/delusion of the genre. What the aliens look like has some bearing but mostly I like to be something that represents me. In RPG terms I am a chaotic neutral in life or atleast I try to be. My morals are loose and revised all the time. I like the flexability of a race. One day I can choose to be diplomatic but if you annoy me on another day I can gladly burn you to the ground. It seems alot of SC terms in here but I really loved Birth of the Federation. I loved it so much i kept a old pc for a long time to keep playing it. The Cardasions were great for bending the will of a concoured planet to my side but the storm trooper tactics of the Klingons suited me well also. I can work on tech but I can't be a flexible if my race is only war like or a whussy diplomat.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 2:20:15 AM
Personalty I like bug building races. The Klakon in MOO 2 or the Hivers in Sword of the Stars. Races that may be slow, but make up for it with strong industry and durability.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 2:58:19 AM
I'm a Psilon player in MoOII and like Thalans and Yor in GalCivII, Protoss in Starcraft and Tau in WH40k, but generally speaking there are some traits I like in alien races:

. ESP powers

. High intelligence and advanced technology, focus on knowledge, some cybernetic implants

. Honour-bound military, no mindless aggression but neither Federation-style pacifism

. Low population, low birthrate, long life - each individual is important

. a little religious or mystic overtone in government, but not fundamentalist

. dolphin or whale-like features, or wholly alien apparence like Hanar in Mass Effect
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 3:08:56 AM
I like races that are good at adapting to hazardous environments, peaceful, unified, growing and expanding fast, with more focus on research and overwhelming production than military power. I always went for the insect look because I love how ants work together that way to achieve great things with their hivemind, even though the single organism is weak and primitive, but amoebae or large alien bacteria would work as well.

Problem is, even though I love the concept, it's not really my playstyle. Somewhere down the line I'm neglecting all the expansion I should be doing, or fail to expand due to overly agressive neighbours, and get stuck with 4-5 really good systems and try to take the game from there.
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