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What is your favourite role playing game?

Dungeon and Dragons
Star Wars
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12 years ago
Jul 2, 2012, 12:26:47 PM
Alderbranch wrote:
Two swedish ones... Drakar och Demoner (Dragons and Demons is what it translates too)... its what Dungeons and Dragons should have been...

One can die in one hit regardless how far into the game... even a peasant could lay a close to fatal wound to ya... Magic is HARD... there is no thing there like learning how to forget more spells per day there. Each spell is a skill.

Then we have Kult which translates to Cult

Its been translated and is availble in english is perhaps one of the greatest RPGs made. One doesnt go into fights in that game. A gun can kill you. Period. Doesnt matter who holds it. It can easily make a deadly wound right off which means bye bye, make a new char. Add to that: Horror theme!! smiley: biggrin

Now its just too brilliant. smiley: smile

I wish typical D&D was like Drakar och Demoer...That's my bigger complaint with the games, that I can call a shot, put an arrow through an enemy's head, and he still has enough life to last long enough to kill the party.

I'll have to look up Cult, though...I have some friends who are really into Lovecraft stuff, and even if Cult isn't using him, just a horror themed game should get their interest. And if you actually need to be that careful/realistic with fights...yay smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jul 8, 2012, 1:19:24 AM
It's a pity most modern RPGs need to implement game mechanics that cannot fit into a PDF. If I ever get one of those bootlegging freeloaders into my fingers... >smiley: frown
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12 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 11:47:07 PM

but mostly the games based on D&D like Baldurs Gate and Neverwinter. Planescape Torment was also really really good but i prefer the BG-sage.
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12 years ago
Jul 6, 2012, 3:59:07 PM
Rêve de dragon (Dragon's dream), a french RPG that is very good. The pitch ? Your characters don't exists, they just are the dream of a dragon and dieing just means your dragon awake. After that a new adventure means your dragon just felt asleep smiley: biggrin So you can travel dreams and encounter lots of strange (or not !) things. Combat isn't central at all as it's really deadly.
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12 years ago
Jul 6, 2012, 1:52:13 AM
The WoW tabletop RPG game I played wasn't too bad, but it lacked lots of stuff from the universe, considering how extensive it is. I liked it though.
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12 years ago
Jul 5, 2012, 10:06:05 PM
Executus wrote:
Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition!!!

Loved that game back in the day. That, and Star Frontiers.

InFlamesWeTrust wrote:
Doctors and nurses smiley: wink

Best. Game. Ever. lol
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12 years ago
Jul 5, 2012, 6:28:02 PM
I still have my Star Wars Saga Edition books since I love Star Wars. Still keen to play it, but I do hope someone can bring out a new game that is updated to the lore.

I play Pathfinder because well....4th ed sucks! (My opinion, sticking to it.) Mind you, I've play-testing the 5th-ed D&D, and am happier with that incarnation so far. Might bring me back.

As for others: I play Rogue trader And Black Crusade from the WH 40K RPG systems, and I have Death Watch and Dark Heresy. Looking forward to Only War!

I've also dabbled in Dragon Age (the AGE system), Savage Worlds, and the old Serenity Roleplaying game.
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12 years ago
Jul 3, 2012, 10:54:10 PM
In terms of setting - the Iron Kingdoms (D&D) kicks ass.

Sadly, Neuroshima is available only in Polish language and Vampire: the Masquerade seems to be underrated.

Just my opinions.
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12 years ago
Jul 3, 2012, 6:43:23 AM
My favorite ever was a setting based on DnD 3.5 caled Arcanis. They built an amazing world + lore & they grew it with the 'live' modules you could play as a group. Could just hop in a game with a random group of people with your character & go. With 4e they made their own system but I haven't played it.

Didn't like 4e much, played it at the beginning a bit but then sold all my books.

Recently played a game of Rogue Trader that I enjoyed. Haven't gamed at all this year sadly, just don't have friends who play in close proximity.

Pathfinder interests me but haven't had the chance to try it.
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12 years ago
Jun 23, 2012, 7:48:59 AM
What is your favourite role playing game? And i am talking non-computer game here? Its multiple choice.

Personally I play Traveller and D&D 4e but my favourite has always been Traveller. I originally played Classic Traveller (CT) way back in the 80s firts with my family and thenat Poly, but mostly just designing things. I still have a massive fondness for it. My black box is looking a bit battered though I must get e new set but with them now going on Ebay for loads its difficult. CT though is quite difficult to play compared to the recent streamlined Mongoose Traveller due to the amount of DMs you need to remember and all the miillions of rules etc spread all over the place eventually put me off CT. Now with Traveller 5 coming out in December this year Traveller has never looked better.

I got into D&D 4e recently to see what it was all about, by trying out a few Encounters sessions. I got it mainly to play a bit with my young kids. Its ok but it never grabbed me as much as Traveller. Probably better to play than to DM.
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12 years ago
Jul 2, 2012, 10:04:44 AM
Two swedish ones... Drakar och Demoner (Dragons and Demons is what it translates too)... its what Dungeons and Dragons should have been...

One can die in one hit regardless how far into the game... even a peasant could lay a close to fatal wound to ya... Magic is HARD... there is no thing there like learning how to forget more spells per day there. Each spell is a skill.

Then we have Kult which translates to Cult

Its been translated and is availble in english is perhaps one of the greatest RPGs made. One doesnt go into fights in that game. A gun can kill you. Period. Doesnt matter who holds it. It can easily make a deadly wound right off which means bye bye, make a new char. Add to that: Horror theme!! smiley: biggrin

Now its just too brilliant. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jul 1, 2012, 12:49:02 PM
Pathfinder is my platform of choice - I've tried 3E, WoD and a few others. But I always return to PF. lol
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12 years ago
Jun 30, 2012, 1:09:59 AM
HMm, most likely ADnD 2Ed if any, after that we have german-centric TheDarkEye(DSA) and Shadowrun. Too sad that I can´t find a decent ADnD-table anymore seeing as no one around here plays it anymore. Too oldschool for most xD
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12 years ago
Jun 27, 2012, 12:56:48 PM
the site with the rules is amazing and you can even create monsters and if i remember right maybe items too not sure. We use PCGen on a laptop lately for creating monsters and for soundtracks smiley: cool
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12 years ago
Jun 27, 2012, 8:28:14 AM
I am very interested in D&D, but never had chance to play it for real. Been trying to get into the books, but it's so much material. Have watched people play though. That would be my favourite of all the tabletop I have seen.
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12 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 8:16:51 PM
I've been having fun with pathfinder. Running my first ever campaign in it, mostly so one of my players who is a big 3.5 fan can't tell me what I can and can't do. Even now, that guy gets upset whenever I throw in custom house rules or items not found in the books. Really liking how nice they have the combat system laid out on the pathfinder website though. Makes it really easy to look stuff up quickly, and I didn't have to start a large book collection or do a ton of downloads to get started.
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12 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 4:26:19 PM
I am playing Pathfinder 3.75 right now. Its fun but cant agree more 2nd E was far better. A little less balanced but far better in general with more options it the "RP" element.
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12 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 3:47:38 PM
Executus wrote:
Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition!!!

This. I've played D&D 4e, and after the games I've been through with the guy who got me started on D&D...4e is just so boring, in my opinion. I was able to be a lot more creative in the 2e. Although, how much of my opinion is based on my old 2e group (very fun, very good DM, awesome people all around) compared to my 4e group (more or less the opposite of the 2e group...) is unknown. :P

I'm really going to miss my 2e games...
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