Summary / Title

Expert tutorial cannot advance beyond "It's a Matter of Influence" in the technology section for the United Empire.  Other issues exist with tutorials for different factions.



As the United Empire using the Expert tutorial option, the fourth stage of the tutorial is not possible due to lack of inluence at the time.  As the tutorial requests you click the Buyout option on a technology, it will not advance until the button is clicked, requiring several turns worth of influence


Steps to Reproduce

1. Start a new game as United Empire with the Expert tutorial option enabled

2. Advance through the initial tutorial screens until reaching the Technology Screen as directed

3. Select a technology as directed by the tutorial.  In this case, "Multi-Thread Management"

4. Tutorial will instruct the player to click the dedicated Buyout Button, which is unclickable due to a lack of influence.





Expected Behavior


The tutorial either directs attention to the Buyout Button and moves on, or the tutorials feature an option to continue to the next stage.  The buyout tutorial should not appear until the option is completable.



v1.0.0 S5 GOLD-Public



"Next", "Previous", and "End" options for tutorials would be welcome.


Additionally, launching as Horatio shows similar behavior in the gene window, as the tutorial as the "Splice Genes" option be clicked before enough population is available.  The Horatio tech tutorial seems to end at a strange dead end, as well, with no command given to "complete" that tutorial ("Tech Savvy").  Tutorials really should not end up at dead ends without some button to softly end that part of the tutorial (e.g. an acknowledgement button ending the Tech tutorial section).  Tutorials should also be context-aware.  The buyout tutorial for UE should not pop up until the player has enough Influence to use that option.