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Pop. FIDS bonus, (50 pop) faction traits, food conversion, Horatio broken

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8 years ago
May 20, 2017, 6:38:59 PM


These bugs apply to all factions, but due to gene splicing with the horatio it is more noticeable.

Started with a clean install and removal of both old safefiles and the mentioned registry file. 

Do note my registry file was in numbered subfolder at the location mentioned by the devs.

I found a  2nd reg file in the main section of the game. There seem to be two locations the game stores this file, can a DEV tell us what these do?

The other one is in the main game files (.exe)

There seem to be two bugs, forced food conversion without the required technology and population bonuses missing.

1. Description Missing Bonus

Initial observed error: 

I do not get the fidsi/ attributes at new planets (they are not ecstatic, while I get +2hot and +4 approval per horatio)

I only noticed this on my new colonies.

Further observations:

Initially it seemed to work, but now I kind of suffer from the lacking bonuses. If your strategy involves +100 approval and you don't get it... With increased food consumption and dropping empire approval and in local systems (note the % scores are big). 

Further analysis:

It seems the Fidsi bonus only applied to my current or old horatio. With no bonuses present on new colonies or population units after the splicing. 

I also did not get the 50 population bonus (trait).

Furthermore all food is converted without any tech (like convert to industry) at full systems/ planets. This has seemed to make me lose the food quest.

When assimilating the haroshem food consumption in systems did not seem to decrease, so minor faction trait from assimilation does not really apply.


Starting a war vs cravers and riftborn to add them to my gene pool, will update if this changes the status of systems. 

2. Description Food Conversion

Initial observed error: 

Food gets converted to industry when population is at max, I do not have the required technology. 

3. 50 population faction trait unlock

Initial observed error: 

Achieve 50 population, do not get the trait/ bonus. Message does pop up it is unlocked, values are clearly not applied.

Steps to Reproduce

1. New game? 

2. Every new colony and population does not add up on bonus per system.

3. Food is converted on each system always at max pop.


5/5 (new game also corrupted)

Expected Behavior

1. Get full bonus of all fidsi/ bonus per population.

2. No food conversion unless the proper tech is researched

3. At 50 population unlock the faction trait. 


1.01 s5 GOLD Public


Missing racial trait at 50 population.

New system no bonus at all (approval)

Midgame/ lategame system (numbers too low do not add up).

Oldest home system, why I need my bonus pls! (note food)

Science not adding up (too low)

Food issues

I do not have this tech


Start save file:  horatio 1.zip

Latest save file: horatio 46.zip

Diagnotsic file: can't upload

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 22, 2017, 2:02:43 PM


1. Still no 50 population bonus/ faction trait.

2. Still troubled by food conversion (completely op to have)

3. After craver being added to the genepool I still do not recieve the horatio population bonuses. I don't recieve science (+2 /pop and +5% /pop)

4. I do not get approval. 

I don't know why some systems don't get bonuses and why others get bonuses partially it seems willy nilly. Perhaps after x pop or systems owned it stop calculating faction trait bonuses and fidsi bonuses correctly. My original system as soon as units get spliced seem to buff in science and dust. A new system gets nothing. I really feel that at some point in time the calculation broke and new units or entities created after that point don't benefit form bonuses, science etc. properly.

Original system pre craver splicing:

After cravers:

New system not getting any bonus apart from the +2 approval on hot.

New system same turn cravers spliced.

New system 1 turn later, cravers spliced.

Save files: you can splice at this moment and see all numbers change, change incorrectly or not change at all for yourself:

horatio 52 test.zip

horatio 52 test2.zip

Here are some diagnostic files:

Uploading these seem to fail all the time :(

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 24, 2017, 11:05:47 AM

The convert food into industry bug seems to "work" on all races. We had an unfallen-player with this bug last game.

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8 years ago
May 24, 2017, 12:58:02 PM

Didn't have conversion problems in my Horatio playthrough. After unlocking 50 population collection i started getting influence with "conversion" tag on every full system. Also after unlocking tech for food to industry conversion, both types of conversion were going on at the same time: i've been getting both influence and industry bonuses (that's nice, since i've been doubting what conversion will be priority).

Can't say anything about splicing problems since i didn't closely monitor FIDS increase before and after splicing. At total before victory i've assimilated 9 races and at least dust bonus worked (since it's clearly visible on main panel). 

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8 years ago
May 24, 2017, 3:50:57 PM

Edit:  1.05 as new build. Trying old safe see what is improved and provide feedback. All listed items are in the patch notes I will give feedback if it impacts the old saves. If it does not I will try a new run with horatio for the sake of bug testing.

Old 1.01 reply:

If there is a stable new build I will do another run. A lot of things are getting patched and I don't know if it useful to keep collecting bugs from this play.

I re-produced some kalgeros in one system and they give +6 approval on fertile planets per population. So it definitely has to do with splicing. 

I have 3 new bugs (I think all related, since they occur around the same turn) that occurred today in this play-through. 

1. At some point technology got out of synch (not really but it looks like that) and it would not progress. However I did get the upgrades that came with it, when I re-order the technologies the ones already researched disappeared from the research queue and showed properly again. 

2. One system has a structure finished, but it is still in the queue with red marker on it and greyed out. When I remove the structure, the one in the que stays and you're able to rebuild it for the destruction costs and repeat. No other structures can be finished, it always moves to the top. I only managed to swap it to another structure, but basically the system is stuck now. 

3. I feel my buy-out is bugged also, Inever had it this high in a game, the average buy-out is between 30k to 60k dust per building. Anyways I mass sold strategic and luxery resources to upgrade a new system (130k), but none of the structures complete. They all stay in the building queue at 1 turn (not like under point 2). 

The bugs are kind of mounting in this play-through that I plan on calling it quits for this one, not sure if I should share these latest 3, I got saves before and after though. Perhaps if a Dev is still interested in these new bugs from 1.01, I will make a new post.

Updated 8 years ago.
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