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Game slows down after 120 turns

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8 years ago
May 21, 2017, 6:11:38 PM

Summary / Title

The game slows down after around 120 turns of continuous play.


Within the galaxy map sizes tried: large, huge, and colossal, when the game starts to reach around 120 turns it begins to become slow to respond to user interactions.  Clicking a button to dismiss a dialog window takes time, clicking on items to build within the planetary menu shows the animation of the icon being tossed into the build queue, but the build queue remains blank, the notifications come in batches that are within a few seconds apart, and it takes longer and longer as you continue to play between user interactions.  

When the game begins to slow down, you can quit the application and start it again, load the saved game and it will run fast again.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Start a new game as any race, using the default map settings

2. Play the game

3. Observe the game becomes slow to respond after 120 turns.

4. Save the game and quit the application

5. Restart the game, load the saved game, observe the speed is fast again



Expected Behavior

Game should not slow down.




I personally suspect this is a memory leak, which might be part of the UI system (notifications might not be garbage collected for example)

I am reporting this because I am very confident that this is the issue, and I have repeated it every game I've played - and I've been able to workaround it by quitting the app and loading the saved game.  I would like to know if this defect will be tracked and what priority it will be given as well, as I really, really, want to see this fixed. Feel free to ask questions if you need help reproducing the issue, etc.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 22, 2017, 8:25:22 AM

I have observed the same thing.

By turn 160 ES2 used about 7 GB private memory. After restart and reload from saved file, memory usage dropped by 2 - 3 GB. Game was still extremely slow - I am talking 5 - 10 seconds pauses on dialogues et. cetera. Warfare is hit the worst.

Turning off pirates delays the issue, but does not mitigate it altogether.

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8 years ago
May 22, 2017, 1:09:20 PM

Same here, running on my HTPC with "only" 4Go RAM it's almost unplayable near turn 150 everything need time, 10 second to nearly every click.

And I can't quit the game without killing the process.

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8 years ago
May 22, 2017, 10:10:29 PM

Same here. Running on an AMD Ryzen 7 1700X @ 3.5 GHz, 32 GB DDR4-3000 on a 1 TB Samsung 850 EVO SSD. The game doesn't stress my PC out. It just starts running slower for no apparent reason past Turn 120. It feels like trying to play a game with a bunch of BOINC tasks running at 100% in the background that's how much it lags. I thought having 8C/16T would've kept this sort of thing from happening.

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8 years ago
May 23, 2017, 11:17:42 AM

Hey there BulletMagnetEd,

since you have one of those nice new shiny octacore cpu, would you care to comment if the game is well paralellized? I am kinda hoping AI is, but dev didn't share any technical details.

I'm considering moving from my trusty old 3770K to either 1700 or 7770K and I am curious whether ESII would benefit from extra cores. I win performace wise either way, but you know MOAR CORES !!.

Waiting 5 to 10 second for AI just to evaluate diplomatic trade value, and adjusting trade amounts is pure murder I tell you.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 23, 2017, 8:07:04 PM

I suspect that the the notification system is one of the causes for a memory leak.  It probably is deeper than this though, stemming from certain causes that are yet to be determined.  As a developer myself, I can testify that memory leaks are the most difficult bugs to pin down because it is usually a problem with the game architecture, or one of its system architectures, rather than the code by itself.  

The reason why I suspect the notification system, is that when I turned off the notifications the game seems to last longer, but this could be confirmation bias.. 

I'm wondering if the QA team is aware of this issue and if they are able to reproduce it, I hope we get some information from them.

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