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Planet Tooltips Blatantly Lying About Resource Output (1.0.3 preview)

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8 years ago
May 22, 2017, 1:33:41 PM

I'm early into a new Horatio game. However, my resource production doesn't seem to add up.

After gene splicing the Z'vali, my Horatio produce 3 food and 2 science each.

Planet 1: Horatio Prime.

Mediterranean, Hot. This planet lists its "base output" as 6 food, 6 industry, 5 dust, 3 science and 0 influence. It has bonus effects from "planet type" of 3 science and 2 dust. I have no system improvements that affect pop or planet resource output, only system output. There is no system governor. With 4 Horatio pops it produces 40 food, 24 industry, 20 dust and 20 science.

So, firstly either the "planet type" effects are not being applied to the planet, or they're included in the "base output" already. Secondly, it produces too much food for no reason I can discern. 6 base food plus 3 pop food times four pops equals 36. Why is this planet producing 40 food?

Planet 2: Pavo IV.

Atoll, Temperate, Fertile. This planet lists its "base output" as 8 food, 7 industry, 4 dust, 5 science, 0 influence. Its has bonus effects from "deposits" (titanium, hyperium and eden incense) of 3 science and 1 industry. Once again I have no governor and no system improvements that affect planet or pop output. With 3 Horatio pops it produces 24 food, 12 industry, 6 dust and 18 science.

Assuming generously that the "desposits" effects are already reflected in the "base output", this planet should produce 33 food ([8+11]*3), 21 industry (7*3), 12 dust (4*3) and 21 science ([5+2]*3). So it has somehow invisibly lost 9 food, 9 industry, 6 dust and 3 science. That is huge. It's insane. What's happening? Where is it all going?

Save attached.

AutoSave 871.zip

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 22, 2017, 1:51:14 PM

Okay, so the extra food on Horatio Prime was from an event bonus I'd forgotten about. That still doesn't explain why Pavo IV is so drastically underproducing, though.

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8 years ago
May 22, 2017, 10:02:45 PM

The Hardship Ready law applies a 50% penalty to planets you don't have the tech to colonize. As Horatio you start with the ability to colonize Atoll and other fertile planets, there is no tech you can get, but the law doesn't care anymore because Riftborn have said tech. So as long as you have the Hardship Ready law active you will suffer a 50% FIDS penalty on all fertile planets. Fun stuff, makes Horatio basically unplayable right now.

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