Summary / Title

As a custom Riftborn faction with the Ship-Bound affinity, Original Pop dies on free Pop event


Original Population dies when I get a random event that adds (minor faction) population.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Load savefile, attached.

2. Note the new event: 2 Kalgeros pop are added to the Ark. Since the Ark has a cap of 3 pop, only 1 Kalgeros is added.

3. Cancel the production of "Machine Embodiment", since there's no space left.

4. End turn (vote for Science in the election, if it matters)

5. On the next turn, note the new "Population lost" message: my Orignal Pop was killed, not the new Kalgeros pop.

6. Note that the population of the Ark is now 2, which is 1 below cap.



Expected Behavior

Random population events should probably not occur for Ship-Bound factions. If you think they should, then they should at least not kill Original Pop.


V1.0.3 S5 GOLD-Public

