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IA spamming diplomatic message after peace pact

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8 years ago
May 25, 2017, 12:28:18 PM

Summary / Title

IA spamming diplomatic message after peace pact


After I make a peace pact with Horatio IA, he start to spam me with same diplomatic message during 2 turn.

Steps to Reproduce

Never had this before, only stay during 2 turn but it was really annoying, if it was staying longer I think I stopped this game.



Expected Behavior

IA doesn't have to spam us. :p


1.0.5. Public




I reloaded it 3 times, the bug happen everythime.

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8 years ago
May 26, 2017, 1:35:06 AM

Just got this for the first time. Attaching SAVE.

I had JUST restarted about 20 minutes prior to this because of stuttering. 

I tried posting the diagnostic file but I keep getting an error.

This ZIP has both save file AND diagnostic file.

Horatio diplo repeat (2).zip

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 26, 2017, 7:28:13 AM

I've got a similar issue here. It's rather amusing at first I must admit, although... It quickly grows to become a nuisance.


AutoSave 754.zip

As far as I can tell, the actions that may have caused an influence that ended in the bug occuring:

  • An Alliance Member going to war with another faction
  • Peacing the faction that bugged out as this occured

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8 years ago
May 26, 2017, 7:32:38 AM

Same here... ( but I did not keep the save :/ ) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/777280951075758936/65934B90B22E39C351E044B0E33F32FE3B2F9299/

It was after 3 or 4 turns of a cold war ( finishing a war of at least 20 / 30 turns ), I asked for peace + commercial agreement, that's when spamming began. The spamming didn't stopped after 3 turns so I reverted to cold war. Spamming stopped :)

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 26, 2017, 9:13:09 AM

I had the same with the Horatio.

During a quest with Horatio in my team, I made peace with them to cross their territory.

They accepted and startet to spam with these messages.

After skipping two rounds, the spamming stopped.

Sophons - Horatio Bug.zip

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8 years ago
May 26, 2017, 12:41:11 PM

Hello folks,

We are aware of this behavior, it's in our bug database so expect us to work on it soon! 

Thank you for the report and for your help,

Cheers! :D

Updated 8 years ago.
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