I have now gone to the tech support forums, clearly you are already aware.

I found the fixed registry file online and it corrected the problem. You may wish to remove the note in your 1.05 posts about deleting the registry.xml file.

Summary / Title

1.05 Fix AMD Game Freezes at Startup


The game gets past the amplitude screen and does into the Endless Space 2 loading screen. The loading bar makes it to full, but then the game never progresses past that point.

Steps to Reproduce

1. 1.05 was installed.

2. The first load worked successfully and I received the alert to get the 1.05 Fix AMD version. I also noted in the forum to delete the registry.xml file to get a clean install.

3. I installed 1.05 Fixed AMD from steam.

4. Deleted the registry key located at C:\Users\Travis\Documents\Endless Space 2\Users\67632242

5. Once the game was reloaded, freeze issue began to occur.

6. Took additional steps to correct, see below.



Expected Behavior

Game should finish the loading screen and move into the main game window.


1.05 and 1.05 Fix AMD

Attempts to Fix

1. Tried to go back to 1.05

2. Did a computer restart.

3. Did a full uninstall and reinstall from steam.

4. Nothing has been successful.