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Two mandatory laws active at same time

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8 years ago
May 25, 2017, 11:32:00 PM


Not sure if this was a bug, or possible depending on your elections. After my last election scientist and industrialist get similar representation, but former won. Strangely the mandatory laws of both were active at same time.

Screenshot and a save of the turn I noticed this (and get the notification telling me about the law activation):

Two mandatory laws active.zip

If this is not a bug but a coincidence, please move to general forums, as I think is something good to be aware of.


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8 years ago
May 28, 2017, 5:13:13 PM

Sorry, I haven't.

I did nothing special before this happened. Just the industrialists and scientist get a very close result in election (think same representatives). Was supposed scientist won by minimum marge, and industrialist should get out of senate and go to 2nd place. But instead I got tow mandatory laws.

Not sure how to reproduce this election result, but I'm sure if you can someway manipulate a game to give two parties same representatives, then yo'll reproduce this.

Sorry, cause I have no way. Still if this happens to me again, I'll try to upload a Autosave previous to elections plus a save just after elections with screenshots and any info you want.

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8 years ago
May 28, 2017, 5:24:46 PM

To try and help with this, I have also experienced this which I thought would be awesome if it wasn't a bug because it seemed hard to do and haven't been able to reproduce myself.

I was also playing as the Empire and it was also industrials and scientists that were close for me too. 

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