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the game is in such a poor state for a release version

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8 years ago
May 26, 2017, 6:53:59 PM

as much as I loved ES1 it pains me how much this game disappoints me. so little seems improved over the previous game and there are so many bugs!

just from the top of my head after playing a good while (I should've taken notes):

there are missing tooltips, there are random lag spikes during all aspects of the game. ending the turn takes ever longer until finally in the turn200+ range it just takes an indefinite amount of time. 

manpower and invasions is completely bugged with each invasion wiping out all the manpower on all your fleets in orbit even if you actually lost only a fraction in the assault.

at least once I've seen an invasion keep going every turn even though I've moved my fleet away

converting industry into dust/science/manpower is bugged as somehow one of my systems gets the -industry penalty even with no such instruction in queue, causing it to be unable to build anything and produce minus 100% production when I do queue an infinite order.

multiple messages pop up saying XXX is close to winning, even when that's sometimes not even the case

and there's much more that bothered me that I can't remember anymore

on top of this there's stuff that sure would be nice to have, like being able to tell the maximum population of a system - at least when choosing a destination of where to send population. or having an 'generic' auto-build setting as the current options are really poor. ffs, don't remove the +strategic resource improvement for the +production. that's just frustrating. riftborn pops also don't get auto-built so that's annoying. in fact, there's a lot wrong with the riftborn but that should be a thread all its own.

finally, we really need that anti-flee option back as getting spammed over and over and over across all my border with pesky fleets that just flee when engaged is mind bogglingly tedious. especially combined with the stupid guard order change that it only stops enemies for a single turn and the ever so slow auto-calc of a fight that's just people fleeing anyway that makes each turn such a damned chore really ruins everything. a setting that just auto-engages anything that enters would be nice too, as getting swarmed with alien explorer ships each turn is no less annoying.

all in all, I really can not recommend this game to anyone which is a god damned shame

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8 years ago
May 26, 2017, 7:05:49 PM
vaendryl wrote:

manpower and invasions is completely bugged with each invasion wiping out all the manpower on all your fleets in orbit even if you actually lost only a fraction in the assault.

at least once I've seen an invasion keep going every turn even though I've moved my fleet away

There are real bugs, but this isn't one of them. When you invade, a fleet drops all of its manpower onto the planet. There is a limit as to how much manpower is deployed each turn (about 300, but it can be increased via techs). 

Every turn, 300 of your manpower will battle the planet garrison. This applies even if you move the fleet away. If you dropped more than 300,  you might go through many turns of battles.

Anyway - not a bug.

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