Summary / Title

Guardian population on Vodyani system prevents use of population slots on the system.


On my home system with Vodyani, an Unfallen scout came by. After the scout left my system, the system showed that it had a Guardian population on the left panel of the system. However, when this occurred I immediately had a unit of population (Vodyani) leave the system. I never saw the Guardian population unit appear on the planets. My system shows it will gain a unit of population in 3 turns but it never changes. I tried to un-anchor and re-anchor my ark ship to try to fix this. When I did that, another unit of population left and a 2nd guardian pop showed on the left side panel. The planet is now functioning as though it only has 1 unit of population and there is no population growth. My best guess is that the Unfallen scout explored a guardian curiosity and by doing so forced a unit of population off of my systems.

I am also running the religious law that states only the original population may grow. There may be some issue with the interactions between this law, the guardian curiosity, the guardian population unit and the vodyani.

Steps to Reproduce




Expected Behavior

I should either see the guardian unit of population, or I should not lose population due the a guarding being discovered by the Unfallen.


1.05 S5 Gold

