(Originally posted in the Endless Space forum, my bad.)

During my Unfallen playthrough, I noticed the following  minor bugs. They're mostly only visual bugs, so good job AMPLITUDE  Studios.

1) My ground armies do  not reflect the troop composition accurately. The units are infantry,  although I've set my armies to 100% armor. The models do not look like  Unfallen either. I do have minority populations other than the Unfallen,  but they are very marginal. When I think back, the first ground battles  did show Unfallen troops, but at some point I didn't see any Unfallen  troops. The bullet hit animations also disappeared from my side. This probably was fixed, I haven't experienced the same bug in my latest game.

2) The Sophon hero that I recruited didn't have a proper thumbnail, only a white rectangle.

3)  I had exploration ships that were stuck behind other empire's borders  and there wasn't anything to explore there. I didn't want to piss the  other empire off by moving them through their territory, so I decided to  disband them. After disbanding them, I clicked through the ships that  didn't have orders. The exploration ships that I disbanded were still on  the list of ships that didn't have orders and an error message popped  up. Unfortunately, I didn't take a screenshot of the error message, but  it was something along the lines of "visual asset not found".

4)  Clicking on a singlularity that is in my inventory does nothing  currently. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, I haven't played as the  Riftborn. EDIT: Using a singularity works when I'm in the galaxy map, but clicking on it in a system view still doesn't do anything.

5) The game won't progress past the PENDING stage of end turn. I got past the bug by loading an autosave from the previous turn.

Dropbox link to save game.

6)  The Riftborn Prime class ship has bugged animations. In the ship design  window, the warp in animation keeps playing over and over and missiles  have erratic behaviour. When I entered battle with a single Prime class  ship, after the first warp in animation only the engine exhausts were  visible. After a couple of additional warp ins, the actual ship became  visible. After I won the battle, everything was invisible on the galaxy  map screen, except for the background and ships models.

7) This quest was impossible to complete, since the planet only had one space for additional population.

8)  The Cravers got their home system (Naos) back via influence. The queue  with systems without build orders wasn't updated after the system  changed ownership. Naos has %SystemImproveme. as it's next construction  (screenshot).

9) This one is pretty serious, I didn't win after building the required amount of obelisks. Edit: This isn't a bug, but the information given to the player could be more clear. Apparently I needed to build more obelisks, the popup phrasing can be interpreted as though I had built all the obelisks I needed.