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Battle unable to start after pressing "Fight" button

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8 years ago
May 27, 2017, 4:09:44 PM

Yep, mercenaries bugged af. Reloaded save about million times.

So when you as mercenaries w/o "Privateer" active enter system guarded by pirate flee, they will not attack you this turn. Three possible ways.

  • If you attack them and win, next battle will be stuck with AI choosing tactic.
  • If you attack them and lose, game is ok.
  • If you dont attack them and end turn (you cant leave, cause they guard system), they will attack you next turn with AI stuck.

If you as mercenaries w/ "Privateer" active enter system guarded by pirate flee, they will not attack you, nor you can attack them, until its your home system and you can set off "Privateer". Three possible ways further.

  • You stay in the system and end turn. Game bugged.
  • You enter system and leave before turn ends. Game ok.
  • You pass by w/o parking in system. Game bugged.

I hope this will help. Please make a real update, cause one you did i consider a crime.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 29, 2017, 5:09:18 PM

After the  [1.0.52] Hotfix, it seems to work. Thank you all^^

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8 years ago
May 28, 2017, 3:57:49 PM

I think this is an issue caused by workaround you guys did for "pending".

I tried proceed the game without pursuing the fight, and  AI just did nothing on the turns followed.

eventually landed in a 'pending' error.

Just as a side rant,

played this game total of 63 hours. and 3 out of the 4 gameplays, it ends in a bug around turn 100.


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8 years ago
May 28, 2017, 1:51:18 PM

Summary / Title

Endless loop when trying to fight battle


Battles are not resolved. The game gets stuck in an endless loop when I press "fight" in the battle screen. This happens in the attached save game, but it now also occurs when I reload earlier saves and/or try to fight battles in other systems, with other fleets, etc.

Steps to Reproduce

1. In the attached save game, select one of two fleets in the Matarca system.

2. Select the combat button and press "fight".

3. The game enters an endless loop. The hourglass symbol starts spinning and never stops.



Expected Behavior

The battle screen should load and a battle between the two fleets should begin.


1.0.5 S5 GOLD-public



Save game: Empire - war with Horatio 5 - Matarca siege.zip

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 28, 2017, 12:25:23 PM

Have had the same issue, in literally all of the (four) games I've attempted to play. I'm not going to bother uploading a save, there's plenty to go on already. Extremely disappointing to find a game-breaking bug of this magnitude that hasn't been caught and fixed before release.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 28, 2017, 12:10:53 PM

Same issue here.

I have a privateer fleet stuck in combat with an "unknown empire" fleet (from the colour, must be an E.N.F.E.R one).

Tried to load one turn before to move my fleet... same battle ... ?

Tried to load 5 turns before : same battle with the same fleets....

What ?

Ok my fleet is parked here since the dawn of times but the ennemy arrived at turn 254 and they are presen in my save at turn 250 ? They are timelocked ? Are they Daleks ?

Anyway this bug is reccuring. I alway have it in my games once i'm over turn 100. When the game tends to be slow and laggy...

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8 years ago
May 27, 2017, 8:06:47 PM

Unfortunately I have the similar problem. Ii cannot watch the battle. The game freezes after the loading of battle. AutoSave 66.zip

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8 years ago
May 27, 2017, 8:34:27 AM

Summary / Title

Battle unable to start after pressing "Fight" button


My fleet and an "Unknown Empire" fleet that spawned from a quest in the same system. However after pressing the "Fight" button in the Battle Screen the hourglass would stuck on spinning and never progress. 

Steps to Reproduce

1. Select my fleet in "Hydrus" system.

2. Attack the enemy fleet.

3. Select "Fight" on the Batttle Screen 



Expected Behavior

Hourglass would stuck on spinning and never progress, the battle never process.


1.0.5 S5 GOLD-public




Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 27, 2017, 3:21:58 PM

So, guys, I am almost sure this caused by mercenaries. For some reason they stuck in battle with pirates fleet.
Military tech tree. 4th tier. Prepped bases.

From my experience. I've got stuck with AI choosing tactics for battle. Reload 1 turn back. Still stack. Decide to found why. Reload 1 turn back again. Build and send ship to every system of galaxy to look for reason. There was only one system with 2 different emeny fleest. One was pirates, others was mercenaries know as "UNKNOWN EMPIRE".

I reloaded 5 turns back, occasionally found this UNKOWN fleet and destroyed. Problem solved for some time. Better I'd buy all ships from market LUL.

So, my theory is why its the mercenaries who ruins my game experience? They ruled by some UNKNOWN AI, so they dont really affect turns of races. That's why I can do such a thing as build and send ship to every system. Races totally ignore me, AI controling them still chooses tactics for battle 10+ turns before.

But no hope for you guys, cause on loading all units out sight of vision seemed to spawn randomly, pirates and unknow fleet as well.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 27, 2017, 2:53:53 PM

Same Problem here after 190 Turns. Please Fix it.

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8 years ago
May 27, 2017, 2:11:11 PM

I'm also encountering a similar situation with my saved game. Turn 79 and can't resolve either battle that have popped up during this turn.  Bugged.zip  

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8 years ago
May 27, 2017, 11:08:55 AM

I join you with same bug (and a save file linked).

I add after that : i can't finish next "end turn".

Bug happen even I quit game and reload the save.

It's a very serious issue, and Happening in late game, many hours of play wasted !


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8 years ago
May 27, 2017, 10:48:01 AM

It seems the glitch appears more frequently after 100~ turn.

I played 3 games after the release and 2 of them are ruined thanks to it.  

My 30 hours of gameplay is now gone...

Please fix it asap.

It also happened with 1.06 fresh-start game.

Below is the save file for 1.06 fresh-start game.

It is a multiplayer game with myself(red) and my friend(light green). The rest of the players are AI.

The glitch happens when my friend's moving fleet arrives and the enemy attacks at the system, which is located around 10 o'clock.

AutoSave 1364.zip

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8 years ago
May 27, 2017, 9:25:22 AM

Summary / Title

Battle unable to start after pressing "Fight" button


If I try to launch a figth or if the AI start a figth with me, wathever the option I choos (retreat or figth), the hourglass would stuck on spinning and never progress. If I do something else (reducing the battle popup) then if I reopen it, button are not grey anymore, but clic have no effect. All figth impossible due to "a fight already take place in that system" message.

Note that during one of my try, I manage to escape a fleet about to be engage, and notice that in some system the message "a fight already take place in that system" appear, without any figth in popup list.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Select any of my fleet.

2. Attack a enemy fleet.

3. Select "Fight" or "retreat" on the Batttle Screen 



Expected Behavior

Hourglass would stuck on spinning and never progress, the battle never process.


1.0.5 S5 GOLD-public


The game was started with v1.0.0 and played also in v1.0.1 (S5 GOLD-public).

Same for system land invasion battle.

Same with beta 1.0.6



Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 27, 2017, 8:55:14 AM

Off topic, but these pending turn/battle does not start bugs seem to occur so frequently. I am afraid they will soon start to make the forum hard to read due to clutter. Maybe it would be a good idea to collect them all into one large, sticky thread? 

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