Summary / Title

Elections screen empty and cannot skip


If one wants to go fast through the election screen it may result in a loop on the "votes breakdown by stystem" where the screen becomes empty. While clicking on "skip" button the confirmation screen appears and when accept is clicked the user is sent back to "votes breakdown by system", thus entering an infinite loop. When clicking on next NOTHING happens, the user stays on the same screen.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Start elections and go to votes breakdown by system.

2. Click quickly on ">" (next system quickly) till reaching the last system and try to confirm

3. Click again on ">" (next system quickly) and try to skip the elections

4. Click on "next"

4. ???

5. Profit



Expected Behavior

The election should always be skiped when the user wants to skip it or next should work as intendend. Especially wwhen plyaing as dictaorship.



