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[1.0.5] Militarists overthrow government :-) -- Wrong faction becomes Leading Political Party

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8 years ago
May 27, 2017, 6:49:58 PM

Would have been fun if it was an actual event... But I don't think it is.

Summary / Title

Wrong faction becomes Leading Political Party.


Around turn 60 with Sophons / democracy -- just after the election ended (with scientists and pacifists tied at 9 reps and militarists third with 7 reps) militarists became the leading political party and promptly enacted their Jingoist Joy Bill.

Steps to Reproduce

The after-election-savegame shows the strange situation clearly, though.



Expected Behavior

SInce the election ended with two factions tied in the lead, the leading faction should have become one of those two. In all cases I had this situation before, one of the tied factions was the leading party from before the election and stayed leading party afterwards then -- that seems reasonable in this situation. (The system might be more complicated then I realize? -- majority vote, coalitions... then that should be explained better)





Savegame from just before and after the election (I hope).

AutoSave 146.zip

AutoSave 147.zip

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 27, 2017, 7:08:06 PM

Just replayed the election from turn 60 and could not reproduce the coup d'etat. That is probably as it should be, elections being a bit unpredictable.

Stashed the saves somewhere safe in case I didn't upload the right ones.

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