1. Picture of some heroes are not displayed (white bracket)
  2. Planetary Bombardment seems to damage invading troops from result and also from animation side
  3. Planetary Bombardment invoked against attacker even when AI does not have fleet in orbit
  4. Calculation time during diplomatic offers is above 5 seconds
  5. Calculation time for single vessels retreating from overwhelming force is above 3 seconds (Total War Attila runs on the machine with highest setting above 30fps- so must be a calculation engine thing)
  6. Diplomacy offers to Cravers if they would accept Alliance, but no actual offer is presented besides the text. Nothing to accept or explanation why the player cannot accept the offer
  7. Game bug when displaying tactical combat against a Riftborn carrier. Carrier animation for arriving from hyperspace was playing continuously, then most of the galaxy objects were gone after the battle
  8. Fleet commanders gain much less experience then planetary governors (seems around 1/3 long term)
  9. Academy Quest about revitalizing the planets by conducting the ceremony does not have a status report on progression, defender fleets do not change the status bars above the planets and the tool-tip displays: "no time for explanation" or something among these lines ;) Also says that new heroes cannot be recreated but got 3 new heroes since. The quest has been going on for some time now and don't know where the end is, or if it is able to end at this point
  10. Heroes are displayed always from the left hand side though new heroes are added to the right. Slide bar is thin and after around 7 heroes the GUI does not handle well. Suggest displaying the heroes on one page instead. Not a bug per say, but considering the amount of heroes, the game needs better sorting here (was not an issue in Endless Legend as did not buy that many, but they are generated automatically here and get piled up)
  11. Craver quest chain seems to have ended with attacking planets for the virtual endless (chose to serve instead of rebel). The quest did not have a progression status, was not clear what the end was, what the consequence is and if that was truly the end of the chain or if the next step did not trigger.  They are told to have become the swarm but this does not have any change on the game, and the implications are vague. Does this chain ends with Chapter 4?
  12. Bonuses for destroying ships or command points do not seem to apply to any of the modules, tactical cards or racial traits (like for the Cravers after completing the conquer 25 planets mission). The gained resources are not displayed after the battle though there is a window for that, and observing changes on available resources also show that they do not apply.
  13. Prime Craver skin sometimes disappears and returns after upgrading ships
  14. Heroes are generated every turn after around turn 190 with Cravers when owning around 50% of the Galaxy. The system of how they are generated does not seem solid as it seems to overly benefit wide empires. It would be better to have only a handful of heroes (max 7 on largest maps and 3 on smallest ones) per player, and concentrate on making them unique in every game. Even on the forum page they have their own names and story but in an average game, there is around 3 or 4 for each of the art assets.
  15. When offering Truce, the diplomatic message is followed up by a separate message when refused, which present the same offer just with the additional info of what happens when refused. Should this information not be integrated into the original diplomatic message? Two windows for the same action seems redundant
  16. Retreat mechanic problematic problematic even on medium maps as the AI tends to send research ships in large amounts all over the place. These never engage in combat, but can lay siege when they find a planet that is undefended and thus need to be "scared" away on sight